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    donned frases de exemplo


    1. She stood in the early morning sunlight, feeling the warmth of it touching her flesh though the sensible tunic and hosen she had quickly donned

    2. He quickly set down his pole, and donned his coat at least, not able to dress his bare feet in so short a time

    3. “You two pull on your rain gear and tie yourselves onto that rope, its going to get slippery here, very fast, and I don't want to have to chase down this canyon after either of you,” said White Feathers as he donned a poncho and demonstrated with his own length of cord

    4. respectfully, donned his cloak and strapped a sword to his

    5. Jameson donned the donkey's ears, put on his toque and went to the kitchen to make finger sandwiches to the amusement of all

    6. thanks, then watched in horror as he donned his apron

    7. Typically, one donned a phase shield if they planned on engaging in a brief, but bloody battle

    8. " This was brought, and she spread her mat in the courtyard, placed the food in order, donned the dress, and so made all preliminary arrangements

    9. I donned the

    10. They had donned their masks, stepping out from society in order to hunt and to kill

    11. It was late evening when I woke, thankfully not disturbed by any of the children then I heard the car come up the drive and as I dressed I saw Robin alight and run up the stairs, so I quickly donned my shoes and as fast as I was able then marched down that blasted staircase to the screams of excited children and Dulcie hugging her two sons

    12. The three of them had immediately donned their uniforms in order to help impart a measure of authority to what they were about to do

    13. Next to her, there was a pair of scraggly looking soldiers donned in breastplates and helms, one of which had to continuously stop fighting in order to adjust his falling visor

    14. Most were humans, two thousand of them donned in sparkling, polished full plate mail armor

    15. That no matter what he did to try to prove his worth, whether he donned armor or slashed a thousand dummies on horseback or on foot wielding two swords, he was not meant to be there

    16. In this case he removed his doctor's hat and donned that of a man under the influence of Cupid's arrows

    17. If a woman donned a long blouse over her bikini she was

    18. Gerrid donned the interface band

    19. Satisfied that everything was as it should be, Alex donned the marine VHF radio headset and contacted the Harbour Master, advising her where he was going and how long he expected to be

    20. I have no doubt that a number of famous athletes, past and present, comported themselves in a manner consistent with their own inestimable standards of proper conduct; that is to say, with ―class‖, while others oftentimes donned the mask of conventional behavior for propriety‘s sake

    21. Another day, she and a group of fellow tourists donned helmets and life vests to ride the wildly exciting white water rapids of Rio Reventazon she had seen from above

    22. George donned reading glasses and scanned the list

    23. He donned a raincoat, pulled the hood low over his face and left

    24. quickly, Thomas donned his own armor only asking that

    25. Kwonowski donned his overcoat and led Colling out into a fenced yard behind the shop

    26. Petunia quickly ran to the kitchen and donned a pair of

    27. tans that now donned their bodies, sort of a castaway George

    28. suspenders and rubber boots to the grocery store, who donned long johns in the summer,

    29. Thick of bone and muscle he was, and looked to weigh close to a hundred and thirty kilograms before he donned his armor, though he stood but a hundred and fifty-five centimeters tall

    30. Leora met them at the entrance and donned a robe since she was a Sage Priestess

    31. Thick of bone and muscle he was, and looked to weigh close to three hundred pounds before he donned his armor, though he stood but five feet and one inch tall

    32. And then it donned on him that she might be regretting this little heart-to-heart chat she'd initiated

    33. The nurse donned her own so they could begin

    34. donned the protective masks I’d found at the mall the

    35. She was down to her lace bikinis, and quickly donned her

    36. The Director of the Martial Academy donned a pair of wire-framed spectacles

    37. He beckoned for the ceremonial, red paint that he donned on his new recruits

    38. donned a robe and with purposeful slowness, ambled downstairs

    39. Anemone quickly strode to the stone giant and donned the glass ball and its chain necklace

    40. They were roused that evening by porters and donned their best clothes for the state dinner

    41. Raven conducted her ablutions and donned a fresh set of clothes

    42. The Sentinel donned a bright halo of light

    43. She had donned one of the robes

    44. And it was another hour before they had donned clothes and downed a few

    45. The two-man tent was erected, they stripped and sunbathed while Jack talked about the history of the area, then they donned climbing boots and clambered up a steep rocky escarpment for a view over the plains

    46. After a very quick briefing from a dispatch Senior Charge Hand that ran across to meet the crew, they donned their breathing apparatus and started into the factory, heading for the reaction vessel

    47. "That's Conan the northron, the most turbulent of all my rogues! I'd have hanged him long ago, were he not the best swordsman that ever donned hauberk—"

    48. I swear by the days when we were thieves together in the land of Zamora, before you donned hauberk!

    49. 'You are the Devi again,' he said, grinning fiercely at the gold-clasped gossamer robe she had donned over her hill-girl attire, and awed not at all by the imposing array of chivalry about him

    50. The prince had cleansed his hands, torso and beard of the blood that had splashed them; but he had not donned his robe, and his great dark-skinned hairless body and limbs renewed the impression of strength bestial in its nature

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