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    Use "door guard" em uma frase

    door guard frases de exemplo

    door guard

    1. He was a front door guard at Ivana Chofsky’s birthday party

    2. The door guard and his date were still at their table, and the Mafia members stayed put as we made our exit

    3. Seeing the grey sliding door guarded by two perfect soldiers made her smile

    4. Ever since Calvin and his mutineers had been locked away, everything had been calm and uneventful—aside from Miles’ several vain attempts to bribe his door guards with liquor

    5. I heard the movements of the men who stood outside my door guarding me against them, or possibly them against me

    6. One of the door guards poked his head in the room

    7. Using a door guarded by two armed Air Force policemen, the group entered a hangar in which four aircraft sat, with dozens of technicians and mechanics busy around them

    8. Margarita and Michael are standing over them worriedly watching Diane D’s physical body while Barry and Tonio stand right at the bedroom door guarding the door as they worriedly look towards Diane D

    9. “Derrick, bring in the accused,” Leonid said to the door guard

    10. She watched as he eyed the other door guard

    11. guards, threaten the door guards in the prison, and actually go into the

    12. Emily approached the front door guards as they crouched low and hissed

    13. door guard and moved slowly up the stairs to the foyer

    14. The door guard looked up nervously, “Nothing to report, Sir

    15. Could swim like a duck, paddled round the castle till he came to a little door guarded by two stout fellows, knocked their heads together till they cracked like a couple of nuts, then, by a trifling exertion of his prodigious strength, he smashed in the door, went up a pair of stone steps covered with dust a foot thick, toads as big as your fist, and spiders that would frighten you into hysterics, MIss March

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