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    down from frases de exemplo

    down from

    1. But then they remembered that they were the Fourth Wall, and they backed down from nobody

    2. towards the south, heading slowly down from the smothered heights of the city

    3. some confusion is inevitable: Could he be a playful, elf-like man who comes down from the canyon at dawn to sprinkle dew over the ground before others awaken? Or simply a wonderfully unobtrusive groundskeeper who literally fades into the landscape while dutifully taking care of the foliage? Actually

    4. doostEr was now down from the wagon and standing on the ground beside it watching, his hand idle on EndsWaving's flank

    5. down from the ceiling, thick fronds and razor sharp leaves cut and smothered his

    6. The sinful nature was passed down from fathers to children in

    7. He was wearing a wife-beater vest with Flash Harry pin-stripe pants and city trader suspenders hanging down from his waist

    8. On the way out of the room he glanced at the remote process that watched over the few signals still coming down from the dusty old starship hanging up there in front of the inner moon

    9. Vyinga came down from her nest, still wiping herself

    10. It was a long walk down from the mountain to his one-time home on the coast, a place that he barely remembered other than for the fantastic whiteness of the walls and the deep blue cupola of their little church

    11. He realised now why he could not die, not without climbing down from the mountain one last time

    12. As Son walked down from the mountain of sand he was greeted by

    13. He looked at the man standing in the doorway, whose head was illuminated by the slant of battle grey that steepled down from the high set window

    14. She ran a hand down from his chest and found he was already responding

    15. It is directly after the fire comes down from heaven to consume the armies of Gog and Magog as mentioned in Revelation 20 that we read of the Great White Throne

    16. When Moses came down from the mount, he found the Israelites dancing before the golden calf

    17. Unfortunately, Liesse Yare has had to stand down from the management – his health is deteriorating and, strictly between you and me, I should be surprised if he lasts the year

    18. cave where a small trickle of water came pouring down from the

    19. in the drift down from far scaled heights, climbed and conquered,

    20. " It was a picture looking down from the mountain at the cloud tops over the New Midlands

    21. He had just come down from the tower, it was already too late in the week to reach the Kassikan and there was nothing else he was interested in contacting at the time

    22. Near the chapel there is a wellspring that runs all the way down from the high plateaux

    23. Guidelines to live by that would be adopted around the world, and handed down from generation to generation

    24. “There’s a place over there, just down from the

    25. Leaping to his feet, Chas – more sober than any of the others – held his hand out to help her step down from the table

    26. "Exeter boys possibly or maybe someone down from Bristol

    27. He is directed to the first floor of the Ladywell building on the far side of the hospital, and taking the advice of the porter, Alex heads off in the direction of the link corridor on the ground floor, two floors down from the current level

    28. Billy is vaguely aware of someone approaching a table a few metres down from his and asking a question but he doesn't hear what is said

    29. “I’ve just come back down from her home town in the company of one of her old boyfriends

    30. Only two locks down from Seventh, it was out of the bustle of the major canals, close to neighborhoods she was familiar with

    31. was passed down from one generation to the next

    32. two doors down from her own

    33. " Was all she replied, while sliding down from the table? "I can't

    34. A small movement across the strings and green rivers of molten sound flowed down from the four pillars of the roof, while bass notes began rocking in red and green checkerboards on the floor

    35. Alan was just stepping down from the upper plaz, two rolls in one hand and a bottle in the other

    36. A sheet with un-kosher food laid upon it came down from heaven and God told Peter to eat

    37. Manna is the bread that came down from

    38. He is the bread that comes down from Heaven, and there is

    39. But he had never backed down from the impossible before, and now with the power he possessed was there anything he could not do?

    40. Now Alan lay perfectly still as the last shards still tinkled down from wherever they had teetered

    41. Uncle Todd had come down from the top pastures where he farmed so that with his horses and dray cart he could help take the equipment and staging back to Dorts council maintenance building Everything got stored there, even Mr

    42. Nobody of any substance took that path for it lay in desolate country and occasionally the wind would cease to blow and deep impenetrable mists would flow down from the mount

    43. Engines were shut down and a great swelling of celebration noise and shouts of glee could be heard as the breeze gently wafted down from high

    44. The tarmac which had rolled down from the Misty Plateau all those months ago had vanished

    45. "I was two days out on the Lhar before I came down from that logging party

    46. “ Of course not, you’ll be me, come on and have some soup you look frozen, and Nimblefax can come, did you bring the cart wheels with you? Rosecare slid down from the wall and peered inside the cart

    47. Just then Rosecare came down from a hill she had been scouting ahead

    48. down from Olympus… But now that you mention it, the next thing that my family suffered

    49. Then streaming down from the Moon came what I felt to be the Lunar Lords

    50. Mary Standard was a good woman who had been brought up with the normal set of values in her society that had been passed down from generation to generation

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