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    Use "draughty" em uma frase

    draughty frases de exemplo


    1. The Lammas Lord is left alone in the draughty corridor and more than unsettled by what has occurred

    2. Her studio, a disused warehouse beside the motorway, was unlined, draughty, noisy and cold

    3. It did take some of the villagers' corn, because that is what it ate, but it made up for it by removing all the little stones from the soil after the farmers had ploughed the fields (the little stones were perfect for filling in the draughty cracks and gaps in the monster's cave)

    4. Max was shocked when he realized they were all huddled in there, talking and occasionally laughing as though they were waiting for a rather late bus in a draughty bus shelter

    5. and from there down a maze of stairways and corridors into a dark and draughty room that had

    6. years old and we had old draughty sash

    7. Bob however was tired, and he found himself drifting in and out of slumber, whilst all around him the melodies of mobiles and the constant hum of chatter whistled through the draughty carriage

    8. desire to raise a child in this draughty castle

    9. The walls, the grime smeared windows and draughty corridors

    10. Even with the fire, the room was draughty and cold, the

    11. "No," he said; "tha'lt see as it's draughty for me

    12. After the child was in bed, Owen sat alone by the table in the draughty sitting-room, thinking

    13. `And suppose they were always ill, and suppose that the house was badly built, the walls so constructed that they drew and retained moisture, the roof broken and leaky, the drains defective, the doors and windows ill-fitting and the rooms badly shaped and draughty

    14. Of course it's rather draughty,

    15. But he had had a long day, with many events crowded into it; and sheets and blankets were very friendly and comforting things, after plain straw, and not too much of it, spread on the stone floor of a draughty cell; and his head had not been many seconds on his pillow before he was snoring happily

    16. "These old houses are so draughty," continued Angel, looking at the flames, and at the grease guttering down the sides

    17. (For tho’ Kate had been lockt in the Cellar during my great Mutiny ’gainst Coxtart, the other Wenches had related the Incident to her—nay, related it with as many Embellishments as a clever Comedian adds to the Words of the poor Poet who first penn’d his thund’ring Lines in a draughty Garret

    18. Meagre, within a draughty hut,

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    Sinônimos para "draughty"

    drafty draughty