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    Use "dreariness" em uma frase

    dreariness frases de exemplo


    1. Life stretched before him in intolerable dreariness

    2. Outside the world had a sharp edge but there in that old stable the dreariness fell away and somehow, in some magic way, we were all surrounded by affection and security

    3. As he stepped into the artificial light from the crystal chandelier sparkling in the grey afternoon dreariness, Feltus saw a man attired in black entering the lobby from the verandah and immediately recognized the signature white neckband of the religious profession

    4. The dreariness of their existence struck all of us on the TV crew

    5. They fill you with so great a dreariness that it amounts to pain

    6. How much rather would he have stayed there, have gone on reading Æschylus a little, have taken her with him for a brief space of serenity into that moist refuge from the harassed present, have forgotten at least for one morning the necessity, the dreariness of being forced to face things, to talk over, to decide

    7. A dreariness came over him

    8. As they held their silent way along the margin of the pond, again Heyward and the scout stole furtive glances at its appalling dreariness

    9. The shades of evening had come to increase the dreariness of the place, when the party entered the ruins of William Henry

    10. Moreover, she became aware of all the dreariness of the

    11. They walked on together and soon reached the farmhouse, which was almost sublime in its dreariness

    12. The world would have a new dreariness for her, as a wilderness that a magician's spells had turned for a little while into a garden

    13. What was he to do? He saw even more keenly than Rosamond did the dreariness of taking her into the small house in Bride Street, where she would have scanty furniture around her and discontent within: a life of privation and life with Rosamond were two images which had become more and more irreconcilable ever since the threat of privation had

    14. He had begun to have an alarmed foresight of her irrevocable loss of love for him, and the consequent dreariness of their life

    15. go home again; but dwelling on that prospect made it seem utter dreariness to her: a married woman gone back to live with her parents— life seemed to have no meaning for her in such a position: she could not contemplate herself in it

    16. The charm of life was gone; there was nothing but dreariness left

    17. From these he quoted in part: “Does the whole structure cause an ‘iciness, a sickening of the heart, a dreariness of thought’? The House, the lake, the land, Mr

    18. Reed: the same ridge, black and blasted after the flames are dead, would have represented as meetly my subsequent condition, when half-an-hour’s silence and reflection had shown me the madness of my conduct, and the dreariness of my hated and hating position

    19. I sat on the bed and stared into gray dreariness

    20. And then again : there is a great deal of dreariness

    21. Some have been through all the sciences, and are still depressed, and I fancy that the more intellect a man has, the greater his dreariness

    22. Moreover, she became aware of all the dreariness of the world of sorrow, of sick and dying people, in which she had been living

    23. That organ, those diners—oh, all the dreariness of it is stamped upon my soul, perhaps for the rest of my life 1 I won't describe the ideas that whirled in my head like a crowd of dry leaves in autumn after a hurricane ; it really was something like that, and I confess that I felt at times that my reason was beginning to desert me

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