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    dress shop frases de exemplo

    dress shop

    1. She found a small dress shop (women have built in

    2. She turned into the deeply recessed alcove of a dress shop that hadn’t yet opened for business and waited for Longleaf to join her

    3. Mandy, "We meet in the dress shop this afternoon

    4. She was working in a dress shop, but enough gossip passed through every day to make the long hours more than worth her while

    5. By the time she located Pat’s dress shop, her leg was raw from the rubbing of leather and metal, and the tears of pain in her eyes were real

    6. Tess was beside herself with excitement when I told her I was going to the dance after all, she even set up a time and date for dress shopping

    7. states may punish shoplifting under their general larceny or theft statutes, many states have enacted statutes to specifically address shoplifting

    8. Perhaps I should do some dress shopping with Megan to update my wardrobe a bit

    9. "I was so happy when you asked me to go dress shopping

    10. When we finished with our food, Megan insisted on paying the bill before we went dress shopping

    11. My conversation with Megan during our dress shopping was somehow came back to my memory when Aidan told me he had to attend a formal event in which his company has a stock share with other company and that company would open their new office

    12. She wasn’t a schoolgirl let loose in a dress shop

    13. The guys headed for one of the mall’s nicer men’s stores, and the women headed for one of the trendier dress shops

    14. Early the following morning, Tony called the dress shop and got the name of their advertising agency

    15. After Adam and Toney had reported to Chief Atkins and Mac, they left to visit dress shops

    16. Louis police and fire listings there were forty-one shops that were specifically dress shops and quite a few more general store and emporium style shops

    17. I’d dropped her off earlier at the dress shop before checking in at the Grand Imperial

    18. The possibilities of what could have gone wrong were starting to plague me, when she abruptly appeared coming from the dress shop

    19. Attractive young women emerged from time to time from the Red Rooster or Gracie’s Model Rooms and stepped across the street to buy something at Blanche’s Dress Shop or to stop in at La James Beauty Shop for a perm

    20. Miss Sawyer was about eighteen and had an Aberdeen terrier on a lead; she worked in the dress shop in the afternoons

    21. " He showed me the figures for the ice- cream parlour, the beauty parlour, the swimming- pool, the cinema, the laundry, and the dress shop

    22. Next was the greengrocer's shop, which sold seeds and garden implements as well as fruit and vegetables, and after that the dress shop

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