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    Use "duvet" em uma frase

    duvet frases de exemplo


    1. Janet gently helps me undress and tucks me under the duvet before quietly letting herself out of the house

    2. Lifting the duvet with a care

    3. He’d never had so much fun in public before and by the time that dawn’s hopeful head rose above the far horizon of the duvet he was thoroughly and utterly shagged out

    4. It took all of the young man’s guile and persuasion to coax and persuade his new paramour to keep her head above the duvet cover and to accept that it was, indeed, a very beautiful morning

    5. What on earth can be the matter? In a bolt of realisation it comes to me – Sam! I’m just about to throw off the duvet when the door opens again and Simon comes back in

    6. The worst bit is fighting with the duvet cover … those things were really designed badly

    7. I’ve tried all sorts of tactics … turning it inside out and grabbing hold of the corners of the duvet through the cover and trying to get the wretched thing to turn itself back the right way; winding the cover back over my arms and then grabbing the duvet and shaking hard … nothing seems to work

    8. I always end up virtually buried inside the cover trying to straighten out the duvet so that it isn’t all clumped up in one corner

    9. It doesn’t help that the blasted thing is bigger than I am … so I’m on a loser for starters! It would seem that the world is divided into those people who can put on duvet covers without any trouble and those who cannot

    10. dawn’s hopeful head rose above the far horizon of the duvet he was

    11. I try to concentrate on the article on the page in front of me but it doesn't work and, after twenty minutes or so, I shove the paper down to the foot of the bed and snuggle down under the duvet

    12. She yanked the duvet cover back up over head and started to

    13. persuade his new paramour to keep her head above the duvet cover

    14. The duvet wraps around her

    15. Alex sits on the bed, but before he settles he takes out the hand gun and puts it on the duvet

    16. They sit quietly, contemplating the night ahead, a night that will see Maggie twisting the duvet around her legs in her bed and Jock dozing uncomfortably in an armchair

    17. The window to the room that Carol and Dave are staying in is shut, causing Carol to lie on top of the duvet

    18. He too has kicked off the duvet and cannot sleep

    19. He props himself up and swings his feet out from under the duvet so that he is sitting

    20. A hand appears from under a duvet and reaches for a glass of water

    21. There are no curtains at the window of the downstairs room in the old farmhouse and the duvet is pulled up to the headboard

    22. Light sneaks in under the heavy duvet, in through a gap made by her arm, and Helen's eyes open

    23. It’s lovely and warm here under the duvet and I drift off into sleep, my face buried in the pillow which still carries his scent

    24. Sheets, a blanket, single thin pillow and a duvet

    25. A basic metal-framed bed was beside her, its duvet cover crumpled up at one end

    26. Janetta leapt out of bed, the duvet flung off with her

    27. All Nathan wanted to do was to dive under the duvet and emerge in a year’s time when all of this may have blown over

    28. Finished, Dawn slid the diary into her backpack and crawled into bed, pulling the top sheet up to her chin, pushing the duvet down to her feet because she hated being hot when she was sleeping

    29. Dawn heard the satellite phone ringing and jumped out of bed, hurrying downstairs, pulling the duvet around her as she rushed into the study

    30. Placing the handset back on the cradle Dawn stood up, shucking the duvet around her shoulders and taking a deep breath

    31. Pulling a mousetrap from beneath her duvet, she placed it on the bedside cabinet, then patted the edge of the bed, moving over so that I could sit down

    32. The phone call caught Karla by surprise and she answered in a half-daze, stretching out her arm from under the warm duvet with a groan

    33. He was lying with the duvet pulled up to his waist, one hand under his head, a big smile on his face, holding his other hand out to her

    34. She knelt on the bed and sat back, one hand resting on Frank’s leg, massaging it softly through the thickness of the duvet

    35. She sat staring at the duvet, the contents of her cup dangerously close to spilling

    36. So he went to the bedroom grabbed a duvet and covered it over him

    37. Tony pulled his duvet over his head

    38. The water formed around her like a soft, warm duvet and immediately she was very, very tired

    39. Tired and strangely exhausted she swung her legs over the side of the bed only to pull the duvet up around her immediately when she found out that she was only wearing her underwear

    40. Russell snuggled the duvet under his chin and took three deep breaths

    41. She slammed the door to her room and as soon as she had the duvet covering her, she slept again

    42. She tiptoed over the floor that was icy cold against her naked feet, gathered her nightgown around her and quickly crawled under the duvet next to Elior

    43. He pulled the yellow duvet to the side, and

    44. from his hands onto the soft duvet as he lay defeated

    45. duvet up over the three of them

    46. heads on the pillow, duvet tucked under their chins

    47. There stood his daughter, Jo, with only a duvet cover wrapped round her naked body

    48. I eased myself from under the covers and sat up, the duvet wrapped around my waist

    49. The bedroom was just as bleak as the lounge, single bed, blankets rather than a duvet, and one pillow, but immaculately made up with the blankets tucked tightly under the mattress

    50. He slipped under his duvet and fell into a tranquil sleep – convinced the only

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