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egoism frases de exemplo
1. Consider: Moses and Jesus hinge on Aries—Moses as Entry into egoism from the idolized possessions of the 47
2. that love for ourselves is egoism
3. The fundamental premise of egoism is
4. So, egoism forms the context for altruism, and altruism forms the context for
5. "Ring? Ring?" Thoth had underestimated the man's utter egoism
6. are, not just through the haze of intoxicated egoism or partying individuality
7. The wise cut asunder the knot of egoism by the sharp sword of constant meditation
8. You should free yourself from lust, anger, greed, jealousy, hatred, egoism, vanity, attachment, delusion, etc
9. Of course, it was a new feeling! When this powerful blow shook the huge underwater rock of ignorance and egoism, suddenly a long-forgotten, deep feeling emerged in me
10. A person who hesitates is very much stuck in the material world, in the logic and egoism of his thoughts, his mind… if he possesses one at all
11. egoism should go with it
12. Instead of killing the egoism and the
13. “Hopeless” or “no-win” situations in Life are not initially planned, — you are simply often very much attached to some values devised by you (ambition, egoism, ignorance) and cannot sacrifice them in difficult circumstances (apologize, fall on your knees, forgive a grievance, give a smile, say kind words, positively motivate someone’s unworthy behavior and so on) in order to create a much higher-qualitative situation
14. These systems represent a realizational mechanism only for the VVU-Configurations of specific low-qualitative Spheres of the joint Creativity of the Formo-Creators of the SYNTHETIC and RESOSCONTIONAL Branches of the development of Collective Cosmic Intelligences, which I would define as aggressive egocentrism, primitive egoism and primeval altruism
15. Don’t be surprised, but self-sacrificing love (attachment) of a mother to her child is a manifestation of egoism
16. The second Levels of these Centers also represent various Spheres of realization of egoism, however, not haughty, cynical and uncurbed, but more civilized and intellectually “smoothed-out”, when there is dominance not of “personal” and narrowly collective interests, but more global ones — national or racial (this is very demonstrably shown by examples of voting in UNO or in EU, when representatives of some countries defend their narrow national interests and prevent a realization of some projects that are beneficial for all nations)
17. That is why they, but not the NUU-VVU-Configuration focused by You, perceive themselves in much more favorable (trouble-free) situations for your creativity, while you have to reap the fruits of your own, yet insuperable, egoism, weak character and ignorance
18. Nevertheless, some of you has a more developed intuition of “the intestinal brain”, and such person can assess the qualitative state of various SFUURMM-Forms only from the point of view of his own profit, survival, temporization and egoism, which means that a lot of truer Knowledge will be rejected by such person only because it will bring into challenge the inviolability of the value of his aspiration for “the physical” survival
19. The main reasons of all problems and conflicts that have extremely separated the present “humankind” are the false and, in essence, still primitive and uncivilized conceptions of the overwhelming majority of “people” that realize themselves in egoism concerning themselves, the outer world and their relations with it
20. They are full of all the civilized vices of selfishness, greed, hate, egoism, pride, and revenge, and hate
21. You cannot have antagonism without egoism
22. Humans who have power, and wealth; who only understand the confidence of egoism, and killing and power destroy themselves by their own arrogance
23. What is the difference between selective indifference, selective egoism, selective selfishness, selective self-rationalization, selective self-gratification and selective projection? Nothing
24. What are the dynamics of selective hate and selective fear, and selective cowardice, and selective dishonesty? How does selective hate, selective fear, selective cowardice, selective dishonesty, selective self-delusion, selective self-rationalization, selective self-gratification, selective egoism and selective indifference work?
25. By not training and teaching our children hardship and self-sacrifice, by only teaching them the ethic of self-gratification: modern consumer culture has doomed billions to shallow, unhappy lives; poisoned by greed, selfishness, egoism, arrogance, smugness, cowardice, dishonesty, and all the other vices that modern civilization nurtures and promotes
26. If they are publicly, and personally, and universally shunned and scorned: then just maybe they might find out that egoism does not pay
27. Because it was clearly egoism that threw me into that depression
28. This way family pride, national pride, and status, and national arrogance, personal arrogance, national military might, egoism, war-culture, the pride in being able to kill, is enhanced by a false token of bravery which is so hypocritical yet so sacrosanct that Americans cannot afford to laugh at it in public
29. The consumer mentality and culture of self-gratification and egoism has its own perfect defense against its own insanity: middle-class upwardly mobile consumers will never develop a mass awareness of their own sickness: they will never come together as a single class
31. There were not lacking, however, evidences of what we may call the intelligent egoism of a youth who is charmed with the indolent, careless life of an only son, and who lives as it were in a gilded cage
32. Decoud, incorrigible in his scepticism, reflected, not cynically, but with general satisfaction, that this man was made incorruptible by his enormous vanity, that finest form of egoism which can take on the aspect of every virtue
33. Perhaps you will say that it’s egoism, but what a legitimate and noble egoism
34. There is a sort of jealousy which needs very little fire: it is hardly a passion, but a blight bred in the cloudy, damp despondency of uneasy egoism
35. The scratches are events, and the candle is the egoism of any person now absent—of Miss Vincy, for example
36. He was at present too ill acquainted with disaster to enter into the pathos of a lot where everything is below the level of tragedy except the passionate egoism of the sufferer
37. It was not wonderful that, in spite of her small instruction, her judgment in this matter was truer than his: for she looked with unbiassed comparison and healthy sense at probabilities on which he had risked all his egoism
38. She was oppressed by ennui, and by that dissatisfaction which in women's minds is continually turning into a trivial jealousy, referring to no real claims, springing from no deeper passion than the vague exactingness of egoism, and yet capable of impelling action as well as speech
39. And I don't criticize it: there is neither the vulgarity of egoism nor the insolence of culture in this ; there is perhaps more genuine goodness to be found in these simple hearts than in heroines of the loftiest demeanour, but the long habit of humiliation, the instinct of self-preservation, the years of timid anxiety and oppression, leave their mark at last
40. do you understand ? But in spite of that, I made up my mind to send it, and I've only not done so because an hour after the challenge I received another letter from him in which he apologizes for having troubled me, asks me to forget the challenge, and adds that he regrets his * momentary outburst of cowardice and egoism '—his own words
41. Though he did, it is true, speak of his o^vti cowardice and egoism, yet on the Avhole the note was suggestive of a sort of disdain
42. Egoism has replaced the old consolidating principle and the whole system has been shattered on the rock of personal freedom
43. " So you were deceiving me even then ! It was not my stupidity, Liza, it was my egoism, more than stupidity, the egoism of my heart and
44. " I hotly opposed him, laying stress on the egoism of these people, who had abandoned the world and all the services they might have rendered mankind, simply with the egoistic idea of their own salvation
45. I must own I was intensely indignant at the sight of such egoism in the German and the cold-heartedness of his dishevelled Mutter; at the same time Elena Ivanovna's reiterated shriek of "Flay him! flay him!" troubled me even more and absorbed at last my whole attention, positively alarming me
46. But though Rakitin was very sensitive about everything that concerned himself, he was very obtuse as regards the feelings and sensations of others—partly from his youth and inexperience, partly from his intense egoism
47. Oh, now I'm thinking of that generous, humane woman, so long-suffering with my contemptible failings—not that she's been altogether long-suffering, but what have I been with my horrid, worthless character! I'm a capricious child, with all the egoism of a child and none of the innocence
48. But Serézha, with characteristic egoism of youth, interested in what was said about him, entered into the conversation and affirmed that he was really old, that his arrival in Moscow and the new life, which was opening before him, did not gladden him in the least, and that he calmly reflected on the future and looked forward toward it
49. He knew what that common cause was, and at the time took no interest in it whatever, but from a feeling of fellowship and egoism gave the money, that it might not be thought that he was afraid