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emblematical frases de exemplo
1. And as that famous great tierce is mystically carved in front, so the whale's vast plaited forehead forms innumerable strange devices for the emblematical adornment of his wondrous tun
2. Sir: On the subject of the resolution of the honorable the House of Representatives, of the 16th instant, I have the honor to state, that, in pursuance of the resolution of Congress of the 3d March, 1805, a gold medal, emblematical of the attacks on the town, batteries and naval force, of Tripoli, by the squadron under Commodore Preble's command, was presented to Commodore Preble, in the manner stated in the enclosed letter, dated May 17, 1806: That one month's pay was allowed, "exclusive of the common allowance, to all the petty officers, seamen, and marines, of the squadron, who so gloriously supported the honor of the American flag, under the orders of their gallant commander, in the several attacks:" That no sword has been presented to either of the commissioned officers or midshipmen, who distinguished themselves in the several attacks: And that it is not known to this Department that there ever was made by Congress a specific appropriation of $20,000 for the purpose of carrying into effect the resolution referred to
3. Sir: In pursuance of the resolution of Congress of the 3d March, 1805, requesting the President of the United States to cause a gold medal to be struck, emblematical of the attacks on the town, batteries, and naval force, of Tripoli, by the squadron under your command, and to present it to you in such manner as in his opinion would be most honorable to you, the medal, which will herewith be delivered to you by Lieutenant Jones, has been struck