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    emergency service frases de exemplo

    emergency service

    1. Someone, other than the emergency services, had been seen dumping people in the library foyer

    2. Head wounds are much more deadly according to statistics and if you couple this with the failing emergency services and hospitals, your chances for survival become even less! You may well die before the ambulance arrives a day later

    3. It is said that our once proud emergency services have all but collapsed since freedom

    4. Frank froze, all thoughts of calling the emergency services gone when he felt the gun pressed against his cheek

    5. Although George was a bit of a loner, he did his bit to protect his patch of land from wildfires by yearly burn offs, and was a member of the volunteer State Emergency Service

    6. The State Emergency Services had provided George with a surveillance camera aimed at the trouble spot

    7. His catering company had donated food and resources to help the State Emergency Services feed the hundreds of volunteers helping to rescue survivors and clean up after the devastating wildfires

    8. This would keep State Emergency Services on alert for extreme weather conditions to come

    9. Rocky would become isolated, with only volunteer State Emergency Services and police personnel continuing to evacuate locals to higher ground as the river peaked

    10. Panic would set in, as police and emergency services try to restore order

    11. Neither of us mentioned the police, fire brigade or State Emergency Services

    12. Either they had a highly efficient emergency service unit or we were close to one for the spot where the car had flipped was surrounded in five minutes by a parade of men and machines

    13. For her part, Lou worked part-time in the evenings as an emergency services responder

    14. The Combined Emergency Services Response Exercise, CESRE, had been the brainchild of the head of MI5

    15. It was meant to test the capability of all emergency services’ response teams

    16. Rarely was the local authority, or its emergency services management teams made aware of when, or in what form the exercise would take place

    17. Shortly after, a call was made to the emergency services giving the location of the wounded man

    18. To drop the Combined Emergency Services Response Exercise on him in the middle of a complex multiple murder investigation that could involve terrorists was Sir James’ nightmare scenario

    19. “Let’s call the emergency services,” I said, gesturing towards the civilians who were still not back to their senses

    20. He can call emergency services but other than that loses the use of his phone

    21. The CESRE scoped the provision of emergency services to rescue the stranded, hospital casualties, flood damage costs, all that sort of thing

    22. Special Branch is instigating a simulated terrorist attack tomorrow morning to test the reaction of emergency services in that region

    23. The emergency services had to establish from this information what exactly were their injuries and how they should be prioritised and treated in the first instance

    24. According to the instructions issued by Special Branch this signified that the explosion had just occurred and the emergency service’s response would be measured from this point onwards

    25. and there had been no injuries but the emergency services

    26. It was late afternoon when the emergency services gathered and planned a sea search

    27. Rudolph explained that he was to do nothing and the emergency services and the police would control the entire situation

    28. I retrieved the mobile phone from my bag and dialled the emergency services

    29. He’d seen it on a familiarization course run by one of the emergency services organizations

    30. Immediately Angie phoned the emergency services explaining that there had been some mysterious explosion at Westfield, Angie showed another side to her personality of vulnerability

    31. Ben had tried to reach emergency services off and on all day but he either got a busy tone or nothing

    32. She had no tears left anymore, she had cried from the moment Jake called her on the radio to give her the tragic news, until the emergency service had brought his body down from the mountain and she had said good-bye to her husband of thirty years

    33. Soon the emergency services were on sight

    34. The emergency services personnel discussed how best to clear the bodies and the wreckage and the traffic police commented on the fact that the two men in the Opel were armed; one had an automatic pistol with silencer, the other a small calibre revolver

    35. Named the Government Hospital for the Insane, it became known as Saint Elizabeths during the Civil War, when the facility was called into emergency service to treat wounded soldiers who flooded hospitals in Washington by the thousands

    36. Oden’s was an emergency service which took in children and young people whose parents could not cope

    37. “They said on the radio that you had called the emergency services before any shots were fired

    38. Although the information provided by the codes is valuable to the officers of the emergency services, they do not know the proportions in which spilt chemicals are concentrated, or whether combinations of chemicals could produce results quite unlike those expected

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