Use "empathize" em uma frase
empathize frases de exemplo
1. Empathize With Them
2. It's vital that we empathize with others, to put ourselves in someone else's place
3. empathize with them and see where they are coming from, how it
4. But finding the way to empathize with myself in the first place
5. five years ago, so not only are we all still alive, we can empathize
6. Unable to empathize with the pain of their victims, having only contempt for others’
7. You did give me the power to empathize with them as they
8. You did give me the power to empathize with them as they grow
9. And now Zia was starting to empathize with the old god, even trying to
10. we can empathize with others in their hardships
11. when you both find ways to empathize with the other's point of view
12. Another advantage is that the English reader is able to empathize
13. same fears as he had in his life, and I really empathize with him
14. are able to empathize with the coachee,
15. In contrast, people who embrace themselves have greater ability to empathize with the selves of others who may, someday, suffer consequences from irresponsible actions of the present
16. As I have grown in my ability to empathize and
17. The ability to empathize with others will have a profound effect on your self esteem levels
18. I empathize with the pig
19. empathize with her condition, having been through what she is going through
20. It was that ability to deeply empathize that fueled the
21. Most important is the ability to empathize with this
22. Unfortunately I also empathize with the one who committed suicide
23. I am hoping that they get some grief counseling in the form of others who can empathize with them, or from someone who has an extra helping of faith they can share with these Americans that could use a shoulder to cry on
24. Empathize with those whose mothers and brothers did have to leave this world in that manner
25. look into their heart and empathize,
26. “But you can't empathize with what you do not see
27. When you empathize with prisoners on a hunger strike, you are being called by love to care for those whom your culture has taught you are not only the sanctioned hate group, but also the required one
28. We need to empathize with them and feel their pain as keenly
29. Try to empathize with
30. The letter should make them feel that you empathize with the reader and
31. you can make the prospect feel that you really empathize with him and
32. Kate had suggested that the best way to help his cousin was to listen and empathize with her
33. Duval lacked the capacity to empathize with any living creature; compassion fit in neither with his disposition nor his agenda
34. If people did not have egos, if they did not have a need to feel that they were better than others, if they could empathize with other people’s misfortune instead of jeering and laughing at it… how much of this kind of one-sided humor would still be considered funny? Humor is only healthy when it is balanced, or helps balance imbalanced human conditions
35. employees use humor to empathize with each other, and to share each other’s
36. job description, but that you can empathize with their daily concerns and anxieties
37. empathize with their daily concerns and anxieties
38. tune into them and empathize with them
39. One thing is for certain; the trainer who was once unfit truly knows what an ordeal it is to lose weight and will therefore empathize with clients going through the same thing
40. He was passionate about his independence – something she could empathize with, for she felt the same way
41. People at least understand that and can empathize