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    Use "emphasised" em uma frase

    emphasised frases de exemplo


    1. Even if they did, camp managers handed out rations but emphasised that

    2. Mr Blake will be taking early retirement from the practice as a result of his injuries but he emphasised that he would be continuing to act for the charities which are so close to his heart - including the Danvers House Foundation and various schools in the area

    3. appearance was emphasised by the application of considerable

    4. a view emphasised by the burns and scars on his face and hands

    5. travellers arrival, she smiled in a friendly way which emphasised her

    6. repeatedly emphasised her desire to welcome him once again as a

    7. fact emphasised by his height

    8. In there,’ he emphasised, pointing to the lake

    9. Can one then adopt an interpretation that God actually meant only the people and animals in the region where Noah lived? Would this be a true reflection of the meaning that is clearly emphasised through various passages? If God repented that he had made man, beast and birds, would he then only destroy 10% of them and leave the other 90% alive, when he said that he would “destroy all flesh” and destroy “everything that is in the earth”? Would he accomplish anything by destroying only a certain percentage as would be the case with a localised flood? Genesis 9 specifically refers to this Flood as a “flood to destroy the earth”

    10. ” That struck a chord with Adem, and suddenly he felt rage welling up inside himself as he asked, “Are you saying I will have no place in Heaven?” He emphasised the capital as Heaven was a place and therefore not a common noun

    11. Adem admitted he saw great flaws in the plan though he emphasised his desire to preserve his soul

    12. ’ Gerrid hoped the way he had put it emphasised the contempt in his voice

    13. Marcia removed the cork with a squeak that emphasised the quietness in the room, then poured them both a drink

    14. But he emphasised that he was doing an especially fine piece of research, and quality takes time

    15. We live in times when differences in race and creed are emphasised but actually there are far more

    16. monotonous tone emphasised by his refusal to look up from the

    17. Christianity, Islam and Judaism) faith is emphasised in the face of conflicting information which nullifies ‘useful’ information

    18. Long brown fingers resting lightly on lean belly emphasised the least movement; outrageously sexual but never lewd

    19. mascara, subtle colours emphasised the shape of her face and her lips were

    20. it will be repeated and emphasised

    21. The Dreambook should probably have emphasised the impor-

    22. emphasised that whatever it was in that chamber must be

    23. The British Prime Minister emphasised the drawbacks of a premature landing in Europe with inadequate strength; pointing out the risks of being overwhelmed, without bringing any appreciable relief to the Russians

    24. Many could see no other course open to them as effective Nazi propaganda emphasised what the horrors of life would be under occupation

    25. The coffin was bathed in soft, blue light which emphasised the shadow of the room, and single ornate candelabra burned at each corner, the flames adding cool warmth to the occasion of death

    26. Wolf snapped the catches closed on the cases and emphasised his satisfaction with the contents with a smug double tap on the casing of one

    27. also emphasised in the Ten Commandments,

    28. Just as I emphasised in the previous chapter

    29. Captain Gorrie and emphasised that he, as the Senior Captain in the convoy,

    30. Newell emphasised that, since he was already under considerable stress, Barclay knew nothing about the fact that he was to be watched over by S

    31. The fullness of his face gave him a certain glow, emphasised by the redness of his cheeks

    32. transparent pal or of her skin, a pal or that emphasised the

    33. She was starkers!” Bob emphasised the word, as if it was far more important that she was naked than the fact she was hysterical and hell bent on killing herself

    34. It must be emphasised that cruelty to animals is against the law in Greece

    35. “Thank you for coming Mrs Simpson” Derrick emphasised the 'Mrs Simpson' to see if there would be any reaction

    36. “Mister Twford” the man emphasised the word ‘Mister’

    37. The Solicitors' last letter spoke in terms of a final four million pounds, but they emphasised things would change

    38. Furthermore, it must be emphasised that when scientists talk about atoms being in essence, energy, they are defining and measuring energy in electrical voltage (eV)

    39. This new law of Mystical Relational Love is described, emphasised and confirmed, in ‘The Letter to Romans’, which reads:

    40. To this end it should be emphasised that the word ‘prostitute’ is a derogative ‘label’ and ‘stigma loaded’ word, that has for centuries carried with it a particular meaning that signifies a certain value judgement towards particular people and their particular behaviour

    41. I emphasised that there wasn’t anything seriously wrong but he finds it hard to believe this

    42. I encouraged them both to continue and emphasised that the effort they put in now would be rewarded in the long-term

    43. He was dressed in blue jeans and a golf shirt which emphasised his stocky build

    44. The expression is still further emphasised by the hard square forms of the steps, and particularly by the strong horizontal line of the first step so insisted on, at right angles to the vertical stand of the figure; and also the upright lines of the doorway above

    45. And whereas the expression of Death is supported and emphasised by the hard, square forms and texture of the stone steps, the expression of Love is supported and emphasised by the rounded forms and soft texture of the clustering roses

    46. Ladies who have the instinct for choosing a hat or doing their hair to suit their face instinctively know something of this; know that certain things in their face are emphasised by certain forms in their hats or hair, and the care that has to be taken to see that the things thus drawn attention to are their best and not their worst points

    47. „That's it,' he emphasised, „it's all about one's power

    48. it is obviously of extreme importance that this matter should be emphasised

    49. fate, and there is none sadder,' he emphasised, „is that some souls aren't even aware they

    50. also emphasised that I eye ball the driver and the occupants and think of them as being

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    Sinônimos para "emphasised"

    emphasised emphasized emphatic