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    Use "endearment" em uma frase

    endearment frases de exemplo


    1. that it was meant as a term of innocent endearment

    2. ” she often used the term of endearment with him, but seldom did so with his older brother

    3. embarrassing endearment towards him but by the time Jack had

    4. The South Africans though can be identified by their rugby shirts and the local children sometimes shout “Boertjie” at them as a term of endearment

    5. I grabbed it with one hand, still looking at Falconi whose eyes had met with mine only a flick earlier, exchanging gazes like messages of hate and defiance, curses, and the odd term of endearment like ‘you little fuck’

    6. Breast: See also Mother and Breastplate: Endearment; armor; life sustaining substance; loyalty and devotion between the Comforter and His

    7. From that moment on, I wanted to be Isabelle's object of endearment

    8. Not that he suddenly developed an endearment towards his arch nemesis but just that he didn’t want him going back to his Meenu

    9. Rochelle noticed he called her honey, an endearment on the

    10. Bart picked him up and carried him to the bedroom, where cuddles, strokes and whispered endearment eventually calmed the hysteria

    11. Whether it was aroused by curiosity about their new surroundings or endearment, Matthew could never fathom out

    12. The girl murmured an endearment to the unconscious man, and there was no hypocrisy in her attitude

    13. The term of endearment had a visible effect on mother, and before she could speak I said

    14. each other’s necks, mumbling words of endearment – both, for the moment, were overcome

    15. 4The Sanskrit equivalent used here is ‘‘tatah,’’ which is a term of love and endearment

    16. ‘Darling’ was a wonderful term of endearment that he could repeat in half a dozen languages

    17. ” Grandnonny hugged Unitito close, and though Unitito registered it as intimate endearment, she did not feel it

    18. was quickly taken over by a grin at this new term of endearment

    19. Brad was whispering words of endearment in her ear

    20. endearment and she found that she liked it

    21. Not one word of endearment was exchanged

    22. comforting to be called that term of endearment again, even in this moment of confusion

    23. Blushing with pleasure at the endearment, Kat nodded

    24. I turned my head to whisper an endearment into his neck, but to my surprise he was nonresponsive

    25. endearment; Promiscuous ladies of the night are mothers in the

    26. He muttered detached words also; the only one I could catch was the name of Catherine, coupled with some wild term of endearment or suffering; and spoken as one would speak to a person present: low and earnest, and wrung from the depth of his soul

    27. And ever and again, when her wandering glance reverted to the frail atom of humanity nestling by her side, her brows contracted and her eyes filled with bitter tears, as she weakly reached out her trembling hand to adjust its coverings, faintly murmuring, with quivering lips and a bursting heart, some words of endearment and pity

    28. you excuse me—dear?” The endearment came hard but having said it once, he “I’ll go now and find your father,” he said, smiling all over his face

    29. I felt as if there were two Odds in the same skin—the fry cook who had written poetry for the girl he loved and wept at movies like Terms of Endearment, but also the ruthless killer who could shoot men in the back

    30. No one in the world could say that foolish word of endearment as caressingly as “What’s the matter, honey?”

    31. Living in such close relations, to meet meant to fall into endearment; flesh and blood could not resist it; and, having arrived at no conclusion as to the issue of such a tendency, he decided to hold aloof for the present from occupations in which they would be mutually engaged

    32. The words of endearment, withheld so severely in his waking hours, were inexpressibly sweet to her forlorn and hungry heart

    33. It’s a term of endearment he calls me only when we’re alone

    34. " Baba hardly ever used the term of endearment jan when he addressed me

    35. He liked to talk and he talked well, adorning his speech with terms of endearment and with folk sayings which Pierre thought he invented himself, but the chief charm of his talk lay in the fact that the commonest events- sometimes just such as Pierre had witnessed without taking notice of them- assumed in Karataev’s a character of solemn fitness

    36. He muttered detached words also; the only one I could catch was the name of Catherine, coupled with some wild term of endearment or suffering; and spoken as one would speak to a person present; low and earnest, and wrung from the depth of his soul

    37. to him, this would never grieve me; but can I let him complete his calculations—coolly put into practice his plans—go through the wedding ceremony? Can I receive from him the bridal ring, endure all the forms of love (which I doubt not he would scrupulously observe) and know that the spirit was quite absent? Can I bear the consciousness that every endearment he bestows is a sacrifice made on principle? No: such a martyrdom would be monstrous

    38. Are you in any way fitted for such a role? How could you play it? To whom should I write letters? To whom should I send these missives? Whom should I call “my darling”? To whom should I apply that name of endearment? Where, too, could I find you?

    39. At length the old lady became desperate, for the second Pole, when dismissed, imitated his predecessor by declining to go away; with the result that one Pole remained standing on the right of the victim, and the other on her left; from which vantage points the pair quarrelled, abused each other concerning the stakes and rounds, and exchanged the epithet "laidak" [Rascal] and other Polish terms of endearment

    40. He liked to talk and he talked well, adorning his speech with terms of endearment and with folk sayings which Pierre thought he invented himself, but the chief charm of his talk lay in the fact that the commonest events—sometimes just such as Pierre had witnessed without taking notice of them—assumed in Karatáev’s a character of solemn fitness

    41. They could not allow one who bore their name to suffer want; and it seemed as if each member of the family had united to heap affection and endearment on the orphan girl, and thus prevented her from feeling herself a stranger among them

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    Sinônimos para "endearment"

    endearment affection love