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enrollment frases de exemplo
1. Around the village the very next day, the topic of most urgent conversation was the soon to be established Tahoe City School and the mandatory enrollment of all children six to thirteen years of age
2. Truancy shall be cause for severe punishment, specifics of which to be determined by the newly elected School Committee whose plenary powers in these matters may be redressed only by petition, whose subscribers must number over half the current enrollment of the School at the time of submission
3. Again time to send money to my younger brother for the second semester enrollment on last week of October, 1982 I need to send 3, 500 pesos in all next week
4. These differences must necessarily circumscribe or limit, whether influenced by natural designs, circumstance or purposeful intent, the decisions that (we) make or don‘t make, or are unable to make, for that matter; for example, a below-average student seeking enrollment at an Ivy League College or a modest wage earner looking to buy a home in a pricey neighborhood
5. As you'll see on the enclosed Enrollment Form your investment is substantially less
6. at the Center as enrollment numbers increase
7. With its surging enrollment and new facil-
8. It could hardly be otherwise, for the number of languages taught at LACC doubled from 8 to 16 under his direction and enjoyed an almost equal increase in class enrollment to more than 2500 students
9. Back in 1993 when I turned 50 one day before the cutoff date, I lost enrollment in the Executive Medical Plan which had been given me at time of hiring because I did not have the required 20 years’ service (only 14)
10. I had paid Mike’s enrollment and tuition for Ohio University’s college program for the incarcerated
11. Between a rock and a hard place, Jeannie gratefully packed up and reported to the Raleigh campus, where again, Rudy saw to her safe arrival and enrollment
12. While the average enrollment of women in EMBA Programs is 24
13. He explained to them that it was just a standard contract that all parents had to sign and made the Carrot-Tops believe it was just for enrollment
14. But with declining enrollment, teachers were bumped to other schools, with low seniority like hers determining who left in those days
15. Every October, when enrollment was reconsidered, schools lost teachers and had to reorganize classes; the teachers, like her, either had to substitute or were sent to some hellhole where they couldn’t keep teachers from quitting
16. In Cravenswood, Sierra sought refuge at home, with an enrollment as a freshman in the local community college for computer programming
17. will be risking is the price of your enrollment
18. The enrollment fee is very low, less than price of lunch for a week
19. enrollment fee is very low, just to cover the company costs for your initial
20. Use Promo Code Ron on enrollment form to save an additional 10% should you decide to use this valuable proactive identity theft service to protect your good name
21. Enrollment in Home Business Bootcamp Training both the online training levels and LIVE
22. school attendance expanded, and enrollment in secondary education skyrocketed; and the gap between rich and poor has mushroomed, common courtesy is in the tank, debt and trade deficits have exploded, and the American economy is teetering on the brink of catastrophe
23. federal budget cuts, it stil had to limit its enrollment goals
24. Enrollment in the public schools declined dramatically for the fall term
25. I’d have deferred enrollment and been right there with you, while I had my mother pulling every contact she had to get your mom in to see the best cancer specialists in the country, instead of just stopping with a few phone calls
26. My enrollment wasn’t complete, but I couldn’t stop
27. time since that’s what appeared on his enrollment records
28. "Enrollment starts on the fifteenth
29. Your contribution is based on your ability to subsidize payment for a specific plan you have subscribed to upon enrollment and how long you have contributed for the said plan
30. It was ascertained that he actively participated as a defensive tackle on the school’s football team and that he has not, since his enrollment on September 1st, been absent from class or otherwise away from school
31. States should increase enrollment of the criminal justice population into Medicaid or private insurance to maximize health coverage, including mental health and substance use coverage, for this population and should not terminate individuals from Medicaid when they are incarcerated
32. In the morning he had to be back in the jet, off to a meeting of the Illinois Senate Health Care Committee, which he already knew had been swayed into looking the other way while he dropped the poorest individual accounts and highest risks from his enrollment
33. In 1806 the old prince was made one of the eight commanders in chief then appointed to supervise the enrollment decreed throughout Russia
34. The assembled nobles all took off their uniforms and settled down again in their homes and clubs, and not without some groans gave orders to their stewards about the enrollment, feeling amazed themselves at what they had done
35. One of the visitors, usually spoken of as ‘a man of great merit,’ having described how he had that day seen Kutuzov, the newly chosen chief of the Petersburg militia, presiding over the enrollment of recruits at the Treasury, cautiously ventured to suggest that Kutuzov would be the man to satisfy all requirements
36. One of the visitors, usually spoken of as “a man of great merit,” having described how he had that day seen Kutúzov, the newly chosen chief of the Petersburg militia, presiding over the enrollment of recruits at the Treasury, cautiously ventured to suggest that Kutúzov would be the man to satisfy all requirements
37. Crawford, from the Joint Committee for Enrolled Bills, reported that the committee had examined the said bill, and had found the same to be truly enrolled; when the Speaker signed the said bill, and the Committee of Enrollment were ordered to take it to the Senate, for the signature of their President