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    Use "enthused" em uma frase

    enthused frases de exemplo


    1. ‘Wasn’t she helpful?’ Liz enthused, relief making her slightly over the top

    2. It is a new building and, several times, Nick has enthused at me about its many virtues

    3. ‘Oh, it is …’ she enthused, suddenly recalling the merry she and Joris had attended in Abery last summer

    4. I gave him full attention because he seemed the sort who, when enthused, would not tolerate interruption, 'On 15th August, it is the birthday of our Goddess Athene

    5. As the great politician tried out different tones of voice and different facial expressions, as he opened his stance and practised his smile, the two doctors of spin encouraged and enthused; "Oh, sublime, Sir

    6. I can't wait to see it,' enthused Alessandra

    7. First, you could be less enthused doing those repetitive movements

    8. and afterward, in the parking lot, our four girls are enthused about improving their own basketball skills

    9. The lower-ranking man paled, obviously not enthused about disturbing Hollowcrest

    10. “Maybe it is the tunnels Leland spoke of!” enthused Kay

    11. "Fiji! Imagine sailing into a South Pacific harbour, you and I!" he enthused

    12. She was not enthused about an academic life, but had given in and gone to Middlebury, in accordance with their wishes

    13. Colling was not enthused with the prospect of the long walk back into Kracow, but realized that it would be necessary to gather their belongings, and that to do otherwise might arouse unwanted interest on the part of their landlady and others

    14. “I’m in!” Sven enthused without a second thought

    15. “And we’re off!” Jeremiah enthused at the helm

    16. "I don't know about the great programming part, but I am enthused about taking the course, as I told you yesterday

    17. ” She asks, enthused by her prospective suitor

    18. “This is great!” he enthused as he whirled her along over the moss, and everyone gave them a round of applause before joining in the dance

    19. “It was amazing!” Dilimon enthused, and put a hand over his heart

    20. “Oh that was fine!” Mark enthused when she was done

    21. “This is really great!” Talia enthused, smiling with her eyes closed

    22. “On hiz zecond cazting! Firzt, he lit a candle, and then that!” Kragorram enthused, almost bouncing in his excitement

    23. “Wow! That’s really good thinking!” Mark enthused

    24. “The winners never took a scratch in all that!” Nemia enthused

    25. Turning to Youssaf as the men quickly departed, Moshe enthused, “Youssaf, that was great! But how did you come to know all that?”

    26. “I’m sure glad to see you in one piece!” Yigal enthused as he reached toward the horse to pat Caleb on the leg

    27. “Now that,” enthused Korah, “is a fantastic idea! And as you say, under these circumstances,

    28. Turning to Youssaf as the men quickly departed, Moshe enthused, “Youssaf, that was great!

    29. hand on his thigh, he enthused, “Would you believe it? He has only this afternoon learned to

    30. “I'm sure glad to see you in one piece!” Yigal enthused as he reached toward the horse to pat

    31. Liza enthused over them, but George suspected they were a bit biased

    32. “Didn't I tell you he was special?!” enthused the professor

    33. “Just terrific, Stephanie and George,” he enthused

    34. Lydia and his hostess enthused over the excellence of the

    35. ” enthused the young scientist

    36. "Wow!" Charly enthused, "it'll cook us out of here—I'll open my register

    37. I felt enthused, elated and excited, but when I glanced

    38. ‘And then we’ll continue building more and more Oases until we’ve covered the planet in Vassal states,’ Peteru enthused with barely a hint of irony

    39. ‘We had a wonderful time,’ Monique enthused

    40. employees use up when they are enthused

    41. 2 This mighty shout enthused Peter and those of the apostles who still retained the hope of seeing Jesus assert his right to rule

    42. He maintained that Peter had enthused them into thinking they had seen the Master

    43. They were too much enthused over the new doctrine that "God is the Father of the Lord Jesus" to be concerned with the old message that "God is the loving Father of all men," even of every single individual

    44. I felt enthused as if I could make a

    45. listened whilst his mother enthused about herself with

    46. Siri was enthused by the spectacle and joined up with Hatch’s Cavaliers but there remained a couple of obstacles

    47. coach is there to keep the coachee on track, enthused and

    48. exactly the right thing,” enthused the Professor

    49. Enthused Jo pushed, hard and the

    50. What is it about schools that takes young children who are enthused

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