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    enviable frases de exemplo


    1. Conclusion: From now on Themis is not only uninterested in me but he also ignores me completely! A week later I will repeat the magic ritual -in vain; I could as well say the situation is getting worse and worse: Now Themis is courting all women in our class except me, especially when I am present! He is flirting everyone but me! He even arranges outings or day trips with them in such an ostentatious manner that I -as well as the whole gym- can hear everything; needless to say, I am never given the chance to be a member of that enviable party

    2. The proximity of the two buildings also put the new cafe in the enviable position as a retreat for theater goers before and after performances and during intermissions

    3. Meanwhile, future (employment) opportunities continue to look grim for the American Worker as companies are presently finding themselves in the enviable position of being able to secure their labor requirements from an expanding (global) pool of labor including such (potential) resources who are routinely flaunting our nation‘s borders

    4. Democrats, to their enviable credit, know how to play up to their core base, including independents straddling the fence

    5. After the war he presided over an enormously benevolent occupation of Japan, transforming a fascist state into an officially pacifist liberal democracy, one with an enviable progressive record of environmentalism, feminism, labor rights, and economic prosperity and technological development

    6. Richard Nixon, far from the claim of supporters that he “suffered,” lived an extremely well off and enviable life since being forced out of office in disgrace, even getting paid $7 million for the David Frost interviews

    7. During the family gatherings at her sister Virgie’s warm house he observed and admired an enviable closeness and love that they enjoyed with each other

    8. You understand that this leaves The Principality of Hilia in a very enviable financial position indeed

    9. wil be lastng, and that you wil be able to build an enviable and high value business,

    10. Brian put his arm round my shoulders, it passed, and the conversation moved on until Der, with enviable gravity and several cautious disclaimers, announced the results of our experiment

    11. Patricia Gragg is one of those writers who has achieved the enviable status of having a book on the Amazon bestseller list

    12. The Cretans of that time did not enjoy an enviable reputation among the surrounding peoples

    13. would always be in the enviable position of comparing blessings about to come

    14. � You have quite an enviable reputation, Brigadier Laplante

    15. He was charged by the King to fight the Viking invaders in Neustria and has an enviable reputation as a fearless warrior and defender of the kingdom

    16. south of Ireland from the west coast of the Highlands, an enviable

    17. He may yet find himself in the enviable position of Europe's arbitrator, NATO's most weighty member, a bridge between Central Asia, the Caucasus, North Korea and China - and the USA

    18. Robin explained the political difficulty faced by a large American corporation making payments to mathematicians who came from a country that, until very recently, had been seen as a great threat and potential enemy, and how they were seeking anonymity and security, both areas where Swiss banking had an enviable, even unique, reputation

    19. Like Balasaheb, Raj enjoyed the good things of life—beer, cigars and an enviable DVD library of old movies; he also had an impressively large collection of aftershaves

    20. at the time as a stain on South Africa’s enviable judicial standing in the

    21. What a most enviable life; but that did not happened and instead

    22. At six feet four inches, huge and handsome, he commands an enviable personality that gladdens my heart anytime I rest my eyes on him, especially as he steps out of his car, stands at full length and lifts me up to kiss me, even as we walk into our house

    23. Then it says that to lie at Baabe embedded in soft dry sand, allowing one's glance to rove about the broad sea with its foam-crested waves, and the rest of one to rejoice in the strong air, is an enviable thing to do

    24. "Fritzi," cried Priscilla with more passion than she had ever put into speech before, "life's too much for me--I tell you life's too much for me!" And with a gesture of her arms as though she would sweep it all back, keep it from surging over her, from choking her, she ran out into the street to get into her own room and be alone, pulling the door to behind her for fear he should follow and want to explain and comfort, leaving him with his Æschylus in which, happening to glance sighing, he, enviable man, at once became again absorbed, and running blindly, headlong, as he runs who is surrounded and accompanied by a swarm of deadly insects which he vainly tries to out-distance, she ran straight into somebody coming from the opposite direction, ran full tilt, was almost knocked off her feet, and looking up with the impatient anguish of him who is asked to endure his last straw her lips fell apart in an utter and boundless amazement; for the person she had run against was that Prince--the last of the series, distinguished from the rest by his having quenched the Grand Duke's irrelevant effervescence by the simple expedient of saying Bosh--who had so earnestly desired to marry her

    25. It was not an enviable situation to be in

    26. It was not an enviable position to be in especially as they had no way of knowing where their would-be rescuers were, or indeed if there were any searchers still out looking for them

    27. Their track record in that respect was hardly enviable

    28. They unselfishly shared their exceptional knowledge with me, and also activated their enviable network of connections to smooth my travels

    29. It was a lot quieter than usual, but he still had to be there – his group had, and wanted to keep, an enviable service record - and he dragged through the week, heavy with disappointment, picking his way hour by hour through his own dashed hopes

    30. Both Andy and Basil developed an enviable facility of initiating light-hearted, amusing conversations with girls that interested them wherever they found them

    31. He received huge professional fees and he had enviable gifts from around the world

    32. The worst days of the past seemed enviable to her

    33. But even in that enviable situation, he was affable, and distinguished as much for his attention to the forms of courtesy, as for that chivalrous courage which, only two short years afterward, induced him to throw away his life on the plains of Abraham

    34. His glance was keen but showed cunning rather than intelligence; his lips were straight, and so thin that, as they closed, they were drawn in over the teeth; his cheek-bones were broad and projecting, a never-failing proof of audacity and craftiness; while the flatness of his forehead, and the enlargement of the back of his skull, which rose much higher than his large and coarsely shaped ears, combined to form a physiognomy anything but prepossessing, save in the eyes of such as considered that the owner of so splendid an equipage must needs be all that was admirable and enviable, more especially when they gazed on the enormous diamond that glittered in his shirt, and the red ribbon that depended from his button-hole

    35. It was another of Nostromo's triumphs, the greatest, the most enviable, the most sinister of all

    36. She was carrying an armful of Bibles for her class, and such was her view of life that events which produced heartache in others wrought beatific smiles upon her—an enviable result, although, in the opinion of Angel, it was obtained by a curiously unnatural sacrifice of humanity to mysticism

    37. had towered over Mercer like some more enviable species

    38. She’d explained this phenomenon a couple of weeks ago to Lydia, who’d told her it was an enviable skill to have as an actor

    39. Alice didn’t quite understand the distinction, but she loved Lydia for seeing her handicap as an enviable skill

    40. approached her with a distinguishing smile, she had a delicious sense that she was the object of enviable homage

    41. "You are an enviable dog," said the Vicar, "to have such a prospect— Rosamond, calmness and freedom, all to your share

    42. His acquaintances thought him enviable to have so charming a wife, and nothing happened to shake their opinion

    43. Among her first acts she had settled an annuity of twelve hundred francs on Nanon, who, already possessed of six hundred more, became a rich and enviable match

    44. His face actually relaxed as he told us about the day Kath found a large and enviable diamond “ten carats in the rough

    45. To me, this is an enviable position to be in, and it’s a big part of what I Will Teach You to Be Rich is about: automatically enabling yourself to save, invest, and spend—enjoying it, not feeling guilty about those new jeans, because you’re spending only what you have

    46. One of the things that the gamin is fondest of saying is: "I am fine and strong, come now!" To be left-handed renders you very enviable

    47. Concerning all this, it is much to be deplored that the mast-heads of a southern whale ship are unprovided with those enviable little tents or pulpits, called CROW'S-NESTS, in which the look-outs of a Greenland whaler are protected from the inclement weather of the frozen seas

    48. The situation in which the French army found itself within the walls of Moscow was not by any means an enviable one

    49. And if it happen that such a one is in absolute command of a jail, and if he happen to have a grudge against one of the prisoners, the lot of such a one will be indeed very far from enviable

    50. This bill will not give the United States this high and enviable condition

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