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    Use "every so often" em uma frase

    every so often frases de exemplo

    every so often

    1. We chatted every so often, him grinning at me, sometimes even sitting next to me on the camp bed and putting his arm around my shoulder

    2. Every so often, she would come and talk with me in the swing, but not when she was in her time as she called it

    3. “Every so often, certain of the women of our lineage have for generations developed within themselves the necessary strength of spirit which allows them to conquer the silencing power of death and carry their wisdom forward for the benefit of themselves and for following generations

    4. They traded off every so often until the girls were pacified

    5. Every so often a room door opens and shuts

    6. His head nods every so often

    7. They sat there, not saying a word, scanning the cafeteria every so often,

    8. They began their commercial expedition and every so often Chloe would roam amongst the shelves of some emporium and glance, unnoticed, over to her companions idly waiting for her quest's success

    9. “Should we check on him every so often?”

    10. satin sheets that had vine branches interwoven every so often with red roses

    11. Every so often I would return with brown crusts in my pocket and always I would sit on the same bench and both the swans the female in the lead would come across the river from their island home and sit with me whilst I fed them

    12. The dusty snows swirled in the winds and every so often, she could swear she heard another pair of footsteps crunching behind her

    13. He hadn’t left Alex’s room since Glen had arrived, other than to bring Glen some food every so often

    14. Every so often the cold caresses on her nose

    15. It was frightening being out in front of the trench and we were shitting our pants so scared were we every so often we would stop and listen for German activity

    16. As we walked though them every so often we would pass under plank bridges that spanned the trench we would also have to turn right angle corners were the blast walls where

    17. Steadily and slowly I crawled back to our lines stopping every so often to listen eventually I was close to the parapet and I gave the password before any trigger happy sentry opened fire and ignited the whole front again

    18. Every so often we heard a few choice words about it early in the morning as a wayward constable forgot this lesson in physics

    19. In view of the fact that vehicular congestion on our major highways, especially during commuter rush ―hour,‖ understood as falling between the hours of three and eight at night, has become a common, everyday event that seldom seems to vary, why not simply pre-record radio (traffic) advisory updates, revising them every so often whenever some unlikely event should happen to occur such as the miraculous absence of traffic!

    20. The Motion Picture industry has enjoyed a long running fetish with strong, physically intimidating women routinely beating up on or otherwise skillfully out-maneuvering the obnoxious designs of pretentious, self-centered males filled with a heightened sense of their (own) self-importance; convenient foils portrayed as anachronistic, insensitive, chauvinistic types deserving an occasional thrashing every so often from women scorned or in response to inopportune or unsolicited (sexual) banterings or harmless wisecracks intended to make a definitive statement about strong women coming of age

    21. He was resting with his eyes shut, opening them every so often to check on his sleeping son

    22. Brubaker never would have guessed it, but he had some teaching abilities, and every so often the urge to pass something on came over him

    23. Aside from having to send troops to the colonies every so often to restore the peace, such (colonial) uprisings never quite hit home

    24. Every so often a plane would land, and taxi back in, and then figures assisted the man out

    25. For one thing, a good hot cup of tea would be nice every so often

    26. He kept his eyes fixed on the priest’s hut and noticed the movement of a shadow now and then, a flicker of flame every so often

    27. Russell recounted his adventures in a dreamy voice, and Trevor nodded as he listened; he smiled, he shook his head, he clenched his fists and every so often he asked a question

    28. there every so often

    29. This reminds me, I was working with a staunch Christian many years ago and we were discussing the bible every so often, but every time I told the person what the bible says and that it opposes what he believes, he did not accept it

    30. It was every so often that they seen each other

    31. Every so often, the group had been forced to seek shelter in the

    32. He remained firmly clamped on my shoulder, and muttered vaguely in Otomi every so often

    33. Every so often a Guard would shout orders at them to continue

    34. metres along they could see the unmistakable cone like pipe of the volcano that was hissing and bubbling, every so often emitting

    35. Every so often, he whispered something to me about the class or some related subjects

    36. Every so often, an insect lands on the water's surface—and if it is lucky, it avoids becoming lunch for one of the voracious little fish patrolling underneath

    37. every so often the car slid around swingin its rear end in an attempt

    38. She would touch her tongue to her upper lip every so often as if to taste of some hidden and exotic flavor

    39. Tress knelt in front of the dome for several minutes with her eyes shut chanting her words in a low unknown tone, every so often she would wave her hands in the air

    40. TR was a class three star and, after reviewing the information your sensors picked up about its collapse, it's not unlike other star collapses that happen every so often

    41. I stopped every so often and bent to touch the ground

    42. He withdrew it every so often and let the water clean it and warm it up

    43. Charlie came up for a pat every so often and Amanda was happy to provide that service

    44. Every so often, he stopped to

    45. This happens every so often and Dra-oo can readily see it from his tribe’s forest home

    46. The Scientist crawled, scraping his belly across the cold mud and grass, slowly approaching his prey, wincing every so often from the pain radiating from his bandaged thigh

    47. Every so often Chris would look up to find Steve studying Ruth or Ruth studying Steve

    48. Every so often he looked at his chest to check if the burn was still there

    49. Every so often Steve or Mary would check on Ruth, floating submerged in the

    50. Every so often they would stop and watch the

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    Sinônimos para "every so often"

    once in a while sometimes frequently