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    1. ” It is the law that is exemplified in the life of Christ

    2. and dark exemplified by a partner or partners: on the external

    3. This is exemplified by the many rags-to-riches stories in our human history

    4. Those of the Agogeia students who were energetic, athletic students, and showed exceptional stamina and strength; those who exemplified martial prowess both with blade and bare hands, those who were blessed with possessing a sharp and decisive mind, those having proven their faith to be unfailing with a stone-hard dedication to the Pantheon, those were in the end chosen as fit for service in the Army

    5. ” Shri Maharaj further exemplified the seven

    6. Something that exemplified Naaman's strength and prowess

    7. His outlook on life was exemplified by the conclusion of his speech to the graduating seniors

    8. The NLUS has given its annual award to a litany of military luminaries who have exemplified “the highest standards of the United States and the Navy League

    9. The vulnerability of coastal port cities to terrorist attacks was exemplified by the diligence shown since 9/11 in monitoring and responding to perceived threats

    10. Joshua exemplified self-control and it would hardly be consistent with his personality and character to lose his temper

    11. exemplified then the OpenCourseWare project at

    12. constant martyrdom of love and witnessing by giving, as exemplified by al the saints

    13. obligatory rules and regulations, nor is it exemplified by a liturgical guide to be scrupulously memorized

    14. He exemplified a new and original plan of life

    15. At some stage, nature itself might have come to grips with its own waywardness, exemplified by the regulation of the seasons

    16. Such a purely selfish and lustful interpretation would be well exemplified by the supposition of your question

    17. There are two faculties humans have that exalt them above the animal kingdom: their rational faculty (expressed in the signs of Gemini and Aquarius) and their aesthetic faculty, exemplified by Libra

    18. This sort of partitioned sense of self is also exemplified by the "thin within" approach to weight loss

    19. could not be better exemplified: the me and the "not-me" had changed places

    20. His conduct at this time exemplified the patient submission of the human nature coupled with the majestic silence and solemn dignity of the divine nature

    21. The whole idea of ransom and atonement is incompatible with the concept of God as it was taught and exemplified by Jesus of Nazareth

    22. Jesus revealed and exemplified a religion of love: security in the Father's love, with joy and satisfaction consequent upon sharing this love in the service of the human brotherhood

    23. This is exemplified by the continuation of good and bad in the world

    24. This greater essence can be exemplified in a musical group, where each person’s instrumental part may sound beautiful by itself; but when put together with the rest of the musicians, a musical entity is created that is much more capable than just all the musicians playing solo

    25. When a perpetrator tries to cover up a crime, he may be leaving more clues because of his efforts, as exemplified by eighteen minutes of blank tape in the 1970s

    26. However, fresh spices and vegetables can create a heavenly sauce too, as exemplified by the summer spaghetti in the last chapter

    27. There is so much stupidity in the land – exemplified by our Nation’s Capitol – that I am already collecting material for a third book on temporary brain deficiencies

    28. The latter are the individuals who go to school forever – not to be equated with the good habit of learning, exemplified by a person continually in quest of knowledge, asking questions – but none of them dumb

    29. even into my yearning soul, eternally exemplified in the most

    30. In a sense, his experiments were the epitome of the maxim “try, try, again,” exemplified in this quote by Buckminster Fuller: “Whatever humans have learned had to be learned as a consequence only of trial and error experience

    31. By widespread use it exemplified the idea of an operating system that was conceptually the same across various hardware platforms

    32. The second strategy would be exemplified by a

    33. , but the concept is best exemplified in the

    34. shares would not have worked as exemplified in Spreadsheet # 3

    35. classroom and into the wider world, exemplified the empress

    36. manipulation takes on a bullying tone, as exemplified by his

    37. 7 It could also be entered into as a spiritual service to another soul, such as in a "God Contract" as exemplified in that energy connection between children and their parents

    38. 7 It could also be entered into as a spiritual service to another soul, such as in a "God Contract" as exemplified in that Psychic Energy Connection between children and their parents

    39. This is exemplified by "Turning the other cheek" the ability to forgive the blows of people and life immediately

    40. seems only fitting that their hard work is exemplified in a challenging piece like the one I’ve chosen

    41. She was jailed, her party split, she was written off, and yet, quite remarkably, she made a comeback in three years, her fighting spirit best exemplified by the enduring image of her on an elephant striding across the floodwaters of Belchi in Bihar to meet marooned Dalit villagers who had been brutally attacked

    42. That nothing is permanent in politics is best exemplified by the left’s pitiable condition

    43. exemplified himself in France, Romania and Italy as part of the

    44. “If that cousin of mine exemplified the falsity of perception, the one who used to ingratiate himself with her spouse was the personification of falsity itself,” he began the remarkable recap of his life

    45. After centuries of Papal oppression exemplified by the dogma of sexual sin, the Christian West broke loose from its puritanical shackles, as though with a vengeance

    46. On this score, can it not be said that Islam, exhibiting its lack of concern for the female well-being, is inimical to the development of half of its believers? And yet, some hypocritical apologists of the burkha would have it that what the Muslim women are hiding from the public view is not their persona but their poverty exemplified by the rags they wear!

    47. Thus, in terms of reach and approach, the straight but narrow paths of Judaism, the Christianity, not to speak of Islam, appear like by-lanes of bigotry compared to the Highway of Hindu Spirituality, exemplified by the dictum of vasudhaika kutumbam – the world is but one family

    48. Maybe the karma siddhanta that exemplified the Brahmanical concept of linking the fate of men to the deeds of their past births could have even encouraged the have-nots to strive for bettering their lot in the birth to follow that is through good deeds in the life on hand

    49. Maybe, the accursed Hindu disunity, exemplified by myriad kingdoms, would have frustrated Maryam Jameelah’s Islamic cause even during Aurangzeb’s formidable Mughal rule

    50. But it was the Western educationists, who had injected contemporariness into the thought process of the Hindus that inexorably energized their latent intellectualism exemplified by the Ramans, the Boses and the Ramanujans

    1. that exemplifies the exceptional experience

    2. cannot, beyond random chance, identify an object or proposition that exemplifies either of these

    3. This ponderous person exemplifies the peculiar tendency of the black jailer uniform to elevate the ego of the weak minded

    4. His life association with us exemplifies the ideal of human friendship; only a divine being could possibly be such a human friend

    5. Jesus' death on the cross exemplifies a love which is sufficiently strong and divine to forgive sin and swallow up all evil-doing

    6. Cats may not all have nine lives, but they do have a sixth sense, and Oscar exemplifies that by his concern for the residents

    7. Perhaps the person who best exemplifies the hermit for me is a man

    8. Senior journalist Coomi Kapoor relates a delightful story which perhaps exemplifies the widening gap between Rahul and the party

    9. The current financial crisis in one of the EU’s outposts, Cyprus, clearly exemplifies and demonstrates some undeniable negotiating truths

    10. The ignorance of the US of All's glorification of War's sacred icon exemplifies the irony of Monergy's propaganda: ownership equals democracy equals equality

    11. There is a famous poem about two Scandinavian square heads coming to the New World in search of gold which exemplifies this unspoken religion:

    12. It merely exemplifies a rule that is applicable to all kinds of merchandise, viz

    13. Tangerine exemplifies the concept of keeping it simple yet effective – which is what this book is about – but the ~0

    1. and will exemplify the character of Jesus, especially His divine

    2. exemplify the idea only by several reasons in order to

    3. Working in pairs, with proper, ‘combat separation,’ they exemplify mutual support and co-ordination

    4. Taking her hands, she said, “Jesse, you exemplify love and mercy

    5. Doesn't seeking death against a 64 year-old exemplify the arbitrariness of the death penalty?

    6. If not, why should the feeling of contentment insulate man from being ambitious? After all, isn’t the sense of contentment all about the realization of materialistic insignificance? Why, it signifies the irrelevance of the self itself? On the contrary, won’t ambition exemplify man’s craving for his social relevance through every conceivable means? Given the collective irrelevance of man in the universality of being, what is the individual significance existentialism advocates?

    7. Some of the things which I am about to say to you may seem hard, but you have elected to represent me in the world even as I now represent the Father; and as my agents on earth you will be obligated to abide by those teachings and practices which are reflective of my ideals of mortal living on the worlds of space, and which I exemplify in my earth life of revealing the Father who is in heaven

    8. 4 Thus did Jesus exemplify in his life what he taught in his religion: the growth of the spiritual nature by the technique of living progress

    9. those who exemplify the fruit of the Spirit and are

    10. An anecdote to exemplify, the folly of political

    11. those customs exemplify the preservation and fostering of oneness

    12. Whales are worshipped by civilized living humans because they exemplify the reversal of good life energy being reversed into pure evil

    13. � They offered half-hearted (although students tended to exemplify this with another part of the body) efforts that generally satisfied no one

    14. The following accounts exemplify the danger:

    15. Other men will often be jealous of the finer elements of which you are made of and revile you for your restraint, but in time like your father they will respect you above all others, because you exemplify strength and are a leader by example

    16. Shall we vindicate our independence at the expense of our social or moral obligations? I exemplify my idea in this way

    1. exemplifying and resurrecting the glory of the past!

    2. God is omniscient, then, not in virtue of instantiating or exemplifying omniscience—which would imply a real

    3. a common center: we’re reaching to the task of exemplifying a new

    4. The Rainbow is an amazing reality exemplifying the wonderful and complex creations in the universe

    5. We should instead strive to live humbly, exemplifying the character of the Creator and by His strength we should strive to lift as many people as you can onto your shoulders and help carry and enable them to reach the same eternal fate of being forever in the presence of our Creator

    6. Brooke in arranging "documents" about hanging sheep-stealers, was exemplifying the power our minds have of riding several horses at once by inwardly arranging measures towards getting a lodging for himself in Middlemarch and cutting short his constant residence at the Grange; while there flitted through all these steadier images a tickling vision of a sheep-stealing epic written with Homeric particularity

    7. The tape does tell the story, but charting one or two stocks is like recording the actions of one individual as exemplifying the actions of a very large family

    8. As exemplifying the effects of climatical changes on distribution, I have attempted to show how important a part the last Glacial period has played, which affected even the equatorial regions, and which, during the alternations of the cold in the north and the south, allowed the productions of opposite hemispheres to mingle, and left some of them stranded on the mountain-summits in all parts of the world

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