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    expected value frases de exemplo

    expected value

    1. Although some sceptics of this phenomenon have found similar patterns in secular books, their results were within statistically expected values

    2. So your Expected Value is 1,5 per trade

    3. is equal to the expected value of the return on the market

    4. the expected value of any security divided by its beta is equal to the expected value of

    5. If the random walk describes the price path, then over a large set of trades, you will discover that your win ratio is a little over 9 percent, leaving an expected value of zero

    6. If you try some other strategy—taking smaller profits, for instance—your win ratio will increase, but now the reward/risk ratio will also shift, again resulting in an expected value of zero

    7. But skilled traders find that they are compensated for these risks by quick profits and a good expected value over a large set of these trades

    8. When the probability of the loss is considered, a very tight stop often is a much larger loss in terms of expected value than a farther stop

    9. On average, we end up with $149,259, which is close to the theoretical $150,000 from the expected value equation

    10. So what conclusions can we draw from this? Well, first of all, math works—the theoretical expected value calculation gave a number very close to the mean of the terminal values, and the difference is easily explained by normal variation

    11. However, this concept of expected value fails to capture the degree of variation possible within a positive expectancy framework

    12. Do not be misled by the sheer size of the winners, because, as you know by now, the extremely low probabilities associated with those outcomes moderate the expected value

    13. Mathematically, risk is part of the expected value function, and can be defined as:

    14. We can redefine the expected value equation like this:

    15. The job of a trader seeking to take consistent money out of the market can be simplified to making the E in this equation bigger than zero, or, more formally, to achieving a positive expected value over a large set of trades

    16. Any combination of the two that results in a positive expected value will make money in the absence of transaction costs

    17. The market’s reinforcement is not truly random; over a large number of trades, results do tend to trend toward the expected value, but it certainly can seem random to the struggling trader

    18. However, traders who would focus exclusively on fading moves need to deal with an important issue: with-trend trades are usually easier and offer better expected value than countertrend setups

    19. Note also that it is not necessary to calculate expected value in this analysis, as the trade means are equivalent to the expected values for each class of trade

    20. expectancy or expected value Mathematically, the expected payout of a scenario that has several possible outcomes is the sum of the probability of each outcome occurring times their payoffs

    21. Second, there is no innate bias to high reward/risk trades; this ratio must be understood in the context of expected value

    22. As the option approaches its maturity date, an option contract’s expected value becomes more certain with each day

    23. 2: If X and Y are two independent discrete random variables, show that the expected value of X + Y is equal to the sum of the expected values of X and Y

    24. To find the mean or expected value of this binomial distribution, let us first note that the computation of the arithmetic mean can be simplified when there are a large number of ties by multiplying each distinct number k in a sample by the frequency fk with which it occurs;

    25. To find the expected value of our distribution using R, type

    26. 11: Show without using algebra that the sum of a Poisson with the expected value λ1 and a second independent Poisson with the expected value λ2 is also a Poisson with the expected value λ1 + λ2

    27. 13: Show that if Pr{X = k} = λke–λ/k! for k = 0, 1,2, … that is, if X is a Poisson variable, then the expected value of X = ΣkkPr{X = k} = λ

    28. Then we would want to make use of an estimate that minimizes the mean squared error, that is, an estimate that minimizes the expected value of (h – θ)2, which is equal to the variance of the statistic h plus (Eh − θ)2, where Eh denotes the expected value of the estimate when averaged over a large number of samples

    29. Compare with the empirical cumulative distribution functions of (1) a sample of 512 normally distributed observations with expected value 3

    30. Recall that if X and Y are independent, E(XY) = (EX)(EY), so that the expected value of the covariance and hence the correlation of X and Y is zero

    31. “The expected value of Y is not larger than the expected value of X,” against a one-sided alternative, “The expected value of Y is larger than the expected value of X

    32. Now suppose, we’d stated our hypothesis in the form, “The expected values of Y and X are equal,” and the alternative in the form, “The expected values of Y and X are not equal

    33. If the means of the I populations are approximately the same, then changing the labels on the various observations will not make any difference as to the expected value of F2 or F1, as all the sample means will still have more or less the same magnitude

    34. 6: We saw in the preceding exercise that if the expected value of the first population was much larger than the expected values of the other populations, we would have a high probability of detecting the differences

    35. We saw in the preceding exercises that we can detect differences among several populations if the expected value of one population is much larger than the others or if the mean of one of the populations is higher and the mean of a second population is lower than the grand mean

    36. Suppose we represent the expectations of the various populations as follows: EXi = μ + δi where μ (pronounced mu) is the grand mean of all the popula­tions and δi (pronounced delta sub i) represents the deviation of the expected value of the ith population from this grand mean

    37. We will sometimes represent the individual observations in the form Xij = μ + δi + zij, where zij is a random deviation with expected value 0 at each level of i

    38. In the balance of the chapter, we shall consider three primary modeling methods: decision trees, which may be used both for classification and prediction, linear regression, whose objective is to predict the expected value of a given dependent variable, and quantile regression, whose objective is to predict one or more quantiles of the dependent variable’s distribution

    39. where Y is known as the dependent or response variable, X is known as the independent variable or predictor, f[X] is a function of known form, μ and β are unknown parameters, and Z is a random variable whose expected value is zero

    40. Suppose we have determined that the response variable Y whose value we wish to predict is related to the value of a predictor variable X, in that its expected value EY is equal to a + bX

    41. The objective of the method is to determine the parameter values that will minimize the sum of squares Σ(yi − EY)2, where the expected value of the dependent variable, EY, is modeled by the right-hand side of our regression equation

    42. The term intercept stands for “intercept with the Y-axis,” since when f[X] and g[W] are both zero, the expected value of Y will be μ

    43. Linear regression techniques are designed to help us predict expected values, as in EY = μnn + βX

    44. What is the expected value for this proposition? There are 38 slots on the roulette wheel, each with equal probability, but only one slot will return $36 to the player

    45. The 5-cent difference between the $1 price of the bet and the 95-cent expected value represents the profit potential, or edge, to the casino

    46. Alternatively, the player would like to find a casino where he could purchase the bet for less than its expected value of 95 cents, perhaps 88 cents

    47. Thus far, the only factor we have considered in determining the value of a proposition is the expected value

    48. The player may now purchase the roulette bet for its expected value of 95 cents, and as before, if he loses, the casino will immediately collect his 95 cents

    49. The theoretical value of the bet is really the present value of its expected value, the 95 cents expected value discounted by interest

    50. How might we adapt the concepts of expected value and theoretical value to the pricing of options? Consider an underlying contract that at expiration can take on one of five different prices: $80, $90, $100, $110, or $120

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