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    experiential frases de exemplo


    1. He tried to remember some film or info-sense experiential that might have somehow subliminally insinuated itself into his head

    2. This time he didn’t really get the experiential feeling of being in space; just a projected view into his retinas

    3. In fact, there was nothing in his experiential lexicon to relate this sensation

    4. So, admittedly, she was glad to only be connected through a proxy experiential control

    5. Meditation can lead to an intuitive experiential under-standing, which facilitates a shift in perception

    6. Experiential knowledge of what the Lord has done in, and through, and with

    7. survey respondents had experienced an OBE, with experiential data highly dependent on the age

    8. You are a real, unique, and experiential individual

    9. experiential evaluation conflicts with the constraints of infant theory, the difference between

    10. betrayal or surprise couples to the experiential content of the illusionary perception while the real

    11. of old ways, for once a theory can no longer be maintained, once experiential forces stretch a

    12. new experiential judgments fit into old theoretical spaces, then the theory is judged to be

    13. experiential blocks together, we begin to acquire a picture of the unified volume as it is relative

    14. photograph, we should believe in the existence of the experiential field more so than the patterns

    15. experiential marker whose meaning purports to lead to a goal, but when followed does not, we

    16. An experiential subject either lives up to one’s expectations or it does

    17. and only after a denial of experiential expectation

    18. about the world, and subjects the tentative statement to the experiential, logical, and consistency

    19. gravitation we have, more humbly, theories concerned with particular collections of experiential

    20. Joseph's simple experiential interpretation was the same as

    21. in having an experiential knowledge of these ideas, as well as an intellectual one,

    22. 3:18-19 that God’s love fills ALL directions, meaning that for God His idea of infinity and eternity goes every direction and way possible!!! Wow!! He’s so AMAZING! There are infinite infinities, and infinite eternities worth of experiential knowledge in God, because the attributes of God’s love cause infinities to go in every single direction and way possible! Now this is incomprehensible to the natural mind, so don’t try to figure it all out at once

    23. It creates an experiential source of knowledge of oneself that never runs

    24. level, but on an experiential one (which means that one can truly touch each

    25. Now we simply need to believe and receive the experiential manifestation of that victory into our lives! Hallelujah!

    26. His experiential love is the answer!

    27. By now I hope that every person has received a greater revelation, impartation, and experiential manifestation of the love of God! This has been quite a journey, and I’m so grateful to have shared it with you! Realistically though, this is just a small beginning

    28. These two approaches — one theoretic and the other experiential has been used by scientists and mystics, respectively

    29. The mystic’s knowledge is experiential; scientific knowledge is analytical

    30. In trying to communicate with the 1d observer and trying to relate to the latter’s theories, the mystic often tries to interpret his 3d experiential knowledge in the context of 1d analytic knowledge, after getting acquainted with the latest 1d theories and then extending them to fit his observations

    31. In doing so, he has to tether his higher dimensional consciousness now to a lower dimensional consciousness in order to relate his 3d (experiential) knowledge to the existing 1d (analytical) knowledge

    32. Secondly, his 1d knowledge would be so extensive and intensive that the mystic would have a hard time trying to relate his 3d experiential knowledge to this vast 1d analytic knowledge of the scientist

    33. They are experiential traditions

    34. One limitation of experiential mystical knowledge is its increased subjectivity, since, most of this knowledge is axiomatic

    35. Knowledge would become totally axiomatic and experiential

    36. Furthermore, the difference between holistic experiential knowledge and ‘analytical knowledge by parts’ is the difference between knowing 12 edges or lines and their relationships and seeing a cube

    37. There is also a movement towards experience (and experiential knowledge) and greater subjectivity (a movement from theorems to axioms)

    38. The subjectivity of 3d experiential knowledge means that the mystic cannot share his experiences with linear analysts in a direct way

    39. even if for only a short time, will sit higher on the scale of experiential mastership

    40. Education in its highest form would be experiential

    41. By accepting all of reality as experiential, one can learn from all things, without ever asking a controversial question: are they real or fake

    42. When awareness knows itself as the miracle underneath all life, there is an experiential knowing of what unconditional love is

    43. What is the day of rest? It is an experiential day of Being, of hopefully residing in the true self

    44. He addresses the issue of going beyond intellectual knowing into not-knowing which is an experiential knowing of infinite reality

    45. Sensations - the sole source of experiential truth and reality

    46. ) This is definitely true when the whole of your experiential information consists of little more than 5 or 6 basic directions

    47. Jesus exhorted his followers to exercise experiential faith

    48. Living truth is dynamic and can enjoy only an experiential existence in the human mind

    49. “The apparent question that arises next is - have we always existed in the same form as we exist today? Has humanity existed without any measurable change in its existence all along through the course of time? How can we know the answer to this? Is there any experiential evidence to support either conclusion? Again, our brief individual existence prevents us from seeing a bigger picture that is obscured by our need to believe, not based on knowing, but on the need to have something to hold on to; whether this manifests itself in believing in God, in whatever form we can imagine, or believing in the idea of Evolution as an ongoing continuum of change over the course of time

    50. Rich educational and experiential information has the signature of the conscious mind sharing inspiration

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