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extinguishing frases de exemplo
1. but, given the inevitable extinguishing
2. Nerissa had Miklos and Eugenia run around extinguishing the fires with water from the buckets, while she and Homer pulled the oars so hard, steam rose up from their handles
3. Half an hour later just less than 100 people were being evacuated from the area and a further four vehicles were extinguishing the fire and preparing to make the area safe once more
4. As a boy growing up in the suffocating and extinguishing climate of poverty, I
5. Buonarroti foresaw “the establishment of that sublime worship, which, by blending the laws of the country with the precepts of the divinity, doubled, as it were, the force of the legislator, and armed him with the means of extinguishing
6. Before they had time to rejoice, a huge wave of air sprang from Bellack’s hands extinguishing the flames around him and continuing up the hill side to blow the men from their feet
7. The pins fell one by one, extinguishing the flame as they hit the ground
8. He shuns the light, he fights against it, rages against it and dedicates his life to extinguishing it; yet in all this fury, beneath the grime of his iniquity, he himself becomes an albino – as white as snow, as white as starlight
9. It was a fiendish game, but she would take pleasure in fueling his passion then quickly extinguishing his fire
10. The candles flickered as if a breeze were gently stroking their flames with the wicked intention of extinguishing their life light, and the room that had been quite stuffy and humid suddenly seemed cooler and more comfortable as if the temperature had dropped quickly by ten or twenty degrees
11. free Tibetan press, there is instead a near extinguishing of
12. The Islamic argument behind a mutilated clitoris is simply to be part of the same religious matter and also to give women more morals by extinguishing her sexual desire and comfort
13. This transformation is not seed falling to the ground from burnt cones and blazed pines pyried to the sky hallucinating the hue to oceans not suspended ‘tween clouds – no quench of thirst, extinguishing of flames
14. “Where am I?” in time with the thunder extinguishing the cloud, he cried out from the screen while crying to it
15. “That should be perfect,” Killian said, extinguishing the fire with a gesture of his hand
16. With the creation of nu narratives, nu archetypes for nu ways of thinking, conceiving, and experiencing the reality we project and interpret, we can be conditioned to find happiness in extreme and senseless sacrifice, as well as life extinguishing indulgences of wastefulness
17. When heroes engage prophets, martyrs, or messiahs, heroes win by adapting to, then smothering and finally extinguishing the field that is trying to emerge or withstand it
18. So, I ask you again, what is more pornographic, your thirteen year old Cuntry Club daughter texting her breasts to her gender ambiguous gym coach, or the child labor of missing limbs and lost lives in every product, the villages and nations ruined to a migration of extinction by the land grabs, research labs, and corporate conquests extinguishing all that stands between it and profit, the occupation of your boredom, and the preoccupation of your meritorious privilege? You tell me which is more pornographic?” EvEx concluded and hir images faded
19. • In case of major burns, after extinguishing the fire, remove all smoldering clothes
20. It was darker in the slum area and not only because the clouds had thickened, extinguishing what little sunshine had managed to seep through the smog
21. 2) For the succession in the Protestant line, that a blessing may attend it, that the entail of the crown may prove a successful expedient for the establishing of peace and truth in our days, the securing of them to posterity, and the extinguishing the hopes of our popish adversaries, and all their aiders and abettors
22. The history of civilization has been the growing imbalance of this relatively recent, new form of human existence slowly extinguishing a much older one through the dynamic of accumulation… Settled civilizations expanded, occupied, and took over all the major habitable landmasses of the earth; thus extinguishing nearly all nomadic existence: and thereby creating a more imbalanced condition of human existence and sedentary life styles
23. The result is: the fetus in the archduke’s wife’s belly, his wife and the archduke: all three died so quickly nobody could save them… Extinguishing three lives with two 22 calibre bullets, which is unheard of
24. But who can describe the thousand means of extinguishing the moccoletto?—the gigantic bellows, the monstrous extinguishers, the superhuman fans
25. The facchino follows the prince, the Transteverin the citizen, every one blowing, extinguishing, relighting
26. When K’Vruck kills, it is the ultimate death, extinguishing life so completely it’s forever erased from the karmic cycle
27. Then they had to protect themselves against the glow of a sort of underground forge, which the men were extinguishing, and at which Raoul recognized the demons whom Christine had seen at the time of her first captivity
28. Chief among them: Even though I was rebounding more quickly, were my self-recriminations over my job performance a sign that I was somehow a JV meditator? Should mindfulness be more effective at extinguishing this kind of thing?
29. Clearly, Public Service was easily reorganizable, whether EBIT was $100 million, $200 million, or something in between, because a company can easily reorganize on the basis of existing earnings without extinguishing any security holders’ ownership (existing holders of common stock would have had their percentage ownership reduced from 100 percent to around 2 to 5 percent of the reorganized entity)
30. The goal of selling a calendar spread is to have all the time value come out of both options so that the longer-dated option can be repurchased very cheaply, thereby extinguishing that risk
31. Since any ratio spread is short more options than it is long, there will be a tendency to want to close the position prior to expiration, thereby extinguishing that risk
32. I heaved them up, deluged the bed and its occupant, flew back to my own room, brought my own water-jug, baptized the couch afresh, and, by God’s aid, succeeded in extinguishing the flames which were devouring it
33. For the last time I repeat it," he said, in a sad voice, seating himself and rising again; lighting and then extinguishing his cigarette
34. And all that we can do—is to help each other on the road to carry this light; but we hold back, pushing each other down, extinguishing our light and that of the others
35. That divinity is like the day, like the sun, and shines without extinguishing other lights