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    fa frases de exemplo


    1. Brentford beating Arsenal in the FA Cup, maybe? No

    2. The resultant stretch and rumple brought FA and LA into contact with the those other lonely forces so that through the progress of a now diatonic ascension and descension of any octave, having its existence among other octaves of similar nature, the forces could at last realize the imperative of their separation, i

    3. He gauged fairly accurately and now had: Re 216, Mi 240, Fa 256, Sol 288, La 320, and Ti 360

    4. Fa Lee had arrived at work at 23:00 yesterday

    5. Fa Lee was the chief officer on duty and as such had control of the radar group

    6. So by the time you get there you are!! From Chao Fa Road West, climbers find a serene spot

    7. ① Edited according to the recorded materials on Li Hongzhi teaching the Fa ② Li Hongzhi,

    8. Dafa is the Fa of the cosmos and has created living environments for all

    9. "Buddhism cannot represent the entire Buddha Fa

    10. "This Fa is immense, but even so, you're still mixing things into it

    11. I discussed that before when I was teaching the Fa

    12. Li Hongzhi announces that all interfering with the study of Fa are

    13. mous hospitals; on the other hand, the treatment measures for cultivators were used: to send Forth Righteous Thoughts, to listen to Fa, to recite

    14. with the study of Fa are demons, including their parents, some even kill

    15. so as to better cultivate the Fa during the last stage of Fa-rectification practice

    16. Some senior practitioners didn't do anything about it under the excuse that Fa shall not be

    17. "What do they (some children) come for? To obtain the Fa

    18. knew that the old Fa had degenerated, and they came to temper them-

    19. angry that he criticized me: "The kid is so ill and how can you still study Fa and practice it, are you the mother of this girl?" At these words, I argued confidently: "A practitioner will benefit the entire family, our girl will be just fine!" Ever since, our quarrels have never stopped and my husband proposed divorce several times out of anger

    20. At the beginning, I just practiced it on the playground and read the books sometimes; by and by, I began to ex-change views with the elder practitioners and did more study on the Fa

    21. I was not satisfied with just "studying the Fa" and "practicing Gong," so I started to "spread the Fa" and "report the situations

    22. was puzzled about these questions, the "scriptures" from Li Hongzhi came out one by one, asking the Falun Gong disciples to go out "to rectify and protect the Fa

    23. ƒ A is of total duration 84h and this can fit into the free capacity in production department FA as follows: 34h (week 36) + 40h (week 37) + 10h (week 38 )

    24. F causes the tension reactive forces Fa and Fb in the strings

    25. ” FA said with pain and packed away their meal

    26. “And what possessed it?” FA asked the diseased elderberries that struggled to fruit with so few bees to pollinate them

    27. ” FA said hopefully

    28. ” FA said as she passed the trio standing at the trail's entrance

    29. Ted hadn’t defeated Ned in a fa ir shoot-out, and so, even though Tom had easily defeated Ted, this meant nothing about him deserving to cash in on Ned’s body

    30. Here, let me attend the FA Cup final for you

    31. It is difficult to explain what is wrong with an academic drawing, and what is the difference between it and fa fine drawing

    32. Ea ch tim e he found him se lf looking on the le ve l, inste a d of downwa rd, into a Delta 's fa ce, he felt hum ilia ted

    33. Inde e d, a fa int hypnopæ dic pre judice in fa vour of size wa s unive rsa l

    34. It wa s a night a lm ost without clouds, m oonle ss a nd sta rry; but of this on the whole de pre ssing fa ct Le nina a nd Henry were fortuna tely una wa re

    35. Eye s shone , che e ks we re flushe d, the inne r light of unive rsa l be ne vole nce broke out on e ve ry fa ce in ha ppy, frie ndly sm ile s

    36. The m e lting ha dn't gone fa r e nough

    37. "I drink to the im m ine nce of His Com ing," he re pe a te d, with a since re a tte m pt to fe e l tha t the com ing wa s im m ine nt; but the e ye brow continue d to ha unt him , a nd the Com ing, so fa r a s he wa s conce rne d, wa s horribly re m ote

    38. "It'll be a fa ilure a ga in," he sa id to him se lf

    39. He looke d a t he r in sile nce , his fa ce unre sponsive a nd ve ry gra ve –looke d a t he r inte ntly

    40. "For the Ne w Me xica n Re se rva tion?" he sa id, a nd his tone , the fa ce he lifte d to

    41. Whe n the Wa rde n sta rte d boom ing, she ha d inconspicuously swa llowe d ha lf a gra m m e of som a, with the result tha t she could now sit, se re ne ly not liste ning, thinking of nothing a t a ll, but with he r la rge blue e ye s fixe d on the Wa rde n's fa ce in a n e xpre ssion of ra pt a tte ntion

    42. A m inute la te r the squa re wa s e m pty, only the boy re m a ine d, prone whe re he ha d fa lle n, quite still

    43. Le nina did not m ove , but sa t with he r fa ce in he r ha nds, unse e ing, a pa rt

    44. He ha d se e n, for the first tim e in his life , the fa ce of a girl whose che e ks we re not the colour of chocola te or dogskin, whose ha ir wa s a uburn a nd pe rm a ne ntly wa ve d, a nd whose e xpre ssion (a m a zing nove lty!) wa s one of be ne vole nt inte re st

    45. The blood rushe d up into the young m a n's fa ce ; he droppe d his e ye s, ra ise d the m a ga in for a m om e nt only to find he r still sm iling a t him , a nd wa s so m uch ove rcom e tha t he ha d to turn a wa y a nd pre te nd to be looking ve ry ha rd a t som e thing on the othe r side of the squa re

    46. a ll the line s in he r fa ce , the fla bbine ss, the wrinkle s

    47. How should I know?" It wa s difficult to he a r wha t she sa id, be ca use she wa s lying on he r stom a ch a nd he r fa ce wa s in the pillow

    48. But the ha nd only took him unde r the chin a nd turne d his fa ce , so tha t he ha d to look a ga in into Popé 's e ye s

    49. Blithe wa s the singing of the young girls ove r the ir te st-tube s, the Pre de stina tors whistle d a s the y worke d, a nd in the De ca nting Room wha t glorious joke s we re cra cke d a bove the e m pty bottle s! But the Director's fa ce, a s he entered the Fertilizing Room with Henry Foster, wa s gra ve, wooden with severity

    50. For this re a son I propose to dism iss him , to dism iss him with ignom iny from the post he ha s he ld in this Ce ntre ; I propose forthwith to a pply for his tra nsference to a Subcentre of the lowest order a nd, tha t his punishm e nt m a y se rve the be st inte re st of Socie ty, a s fa r a s possible re m ove d from a ny im porta nt Ce ntre of popula tion

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