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fetus frases de exemplo
1. As a result, the fetus may get a
2. was created by the fetus itself, but whether the emotion
3. was generated by the fetus or by the mother’s body
4. The soul then enters the mother’s womb and bonds with the fetus or baby
5. Once a woman conceives a child, however, self-rationalization that seeks its (own) moral comfort level is (necessarily) nullified inasmuch as another human life (fetus) is equally entitled to the same legal rights and privileges that that woman claims for herself
6. I see myself as an old spirit and a good giant, taking the little fetus into my care
7. I start connecting virtual conduits between me and the fetus, pumping into him a flow of leadership, unconditional love, safety, security, guidance, and a lot of validation too
8. Often the fetus measures smaller than the gestational age, as was the case in our situation
9. The main function of the uterus is to sustain a developing fetus
10. Then there is the artistic apogee of a pregnant woman, her womb ripped open to display the fetus
11. wall affecting the fetus until it was too late
12. He’s a fetus on a couch: drinking coffee,
13. During our time, no matter how advanced the loving care of the fetus can be on the
14. If this process is successful, the fetus
15. “The fetus in the maternal womb is looking for a father; it looks for
16. a child, or killing a fetus, or having done other grave damage, just as they did
17. pregnant she cannot truly give her body to welcome a fetus, and she cannot
18. relationship between the mother and her fetus
19. but she does not respond actively to the needs of the fetus
20. life and the first canvas, the placenta, that surrounds the fetus within
21. uterus means that both the mother and the fetus would be destroyed
22. fetus has to be assisted by the etheric double in its formation
23. We ended up operating on her and found a ruptured uterus with the dead fetus in its amniotic sac partially extruded
24. Predictably, for example, if the fetus is active and moving a great deal, it is believed to be a male (Lewis 1972)
25. A fetus is the most delectable meal a monster like me could ever have
26. Elliott Hinder administered a growth hormone to the fetus
27. The fetus grew rapidly and became unstable
28. It is not the fault of the sperm or the egg, nor even is it necessarily what the mother or father engaged in during gestation, though the acts towards the fetus carry weight and energy and these too follow the same cause and effect pattern of the rest of the universe
29. Well aware of the potential hazards of weightlessness to a fetus, Isaac had ordered both Kim and Wren to the surface where they took over air traffic control duties and moved from one surviving airport to another marshaling the flow of the med ships to the Queen Elizabeth
30. Little by little she was shrinking, turning into a fetus, becoming mummified in life to the point that in her last months she was a cherry raisin lost inside of her nightgown, and the arm that she always kept raised looked like the paw of a marimonda monkey
31. ‘’According to the level of development of her fetus, Miriam should give birth around mid October of Year 2 of the Common Era
32. years ago, when her newly created spirit had inhabited for the first time a human fetus, that of a girl to be named Nataï
33. Indeed, the majority of people are opposed to abortion, which deprives birth to a fetus
34. Each Human alive has a soul that is actually a part of The One, a part that he sends to inhabit the fetus before birth
35. Miriam of Magdala and her fetus could not stay in Palestine, it is that simple
36. Further to this, we have two established facts to consider: one, the chromosomal tests of Miriam’s fetus done as part of her medical examination shows that she will have a healthy boy; and two, the DNA of that boy contains some very unusual sequences that, we believe, indicate genes modified to boost mental abilities
37. “Well, at the moment there appears to be no halting of the regenerative process, so it may reduce him to a child or even a fetus eventually
38. I lived a total of 71 past lives before my spirit came to the fetus that became this body
39. If the mother should carry a pregnancy to the point where the developing fetus is aware of pain,
40. Wasserman, however, as it was crucial she begin therapy to prevent transmitting the virus to her fetus
41. transfer the fetus to one of the artificial wombs on the New Constitution, but the original 64
42. Kelly gave me instructions to remove the fetus growing within her,” Jurak
43. Lal looked at the fetus
44. you to consider removing the fetus and placing it in an artificial womb and sending her own her way
45. that had said Garcia hadn’t killed the fetus
46. All other supplements or dose alterations may pose a threat to the developing fetus and there is generally insufficient evidence at this time to determine an absolute level of safety for most dietary supplements other than a prenatal supplement
47. During pregnancy and lactation, the only supplements that are considered safe include standard prenatal vitamin and mineral supplements All other supplements or dose alterations may pose a threat to the developing fetus and there is generally insufficient evidence at this time to determine an absolute level of safety for most dietary supplements other than a prenatal supplement Any supplementation practices beyond a prenatal supplement should involve the cooperation of the attending physician (e
48. Without them, Jade and Locke would have looked at extinction in a year’s time due to the penalties for a fetus conceived during un-mandated sex
49. If his girlcomrade had the fetus, he’d experience the same consequences
50. Granted, the female couldn’t know the fetus was conceived with non-sex credit sex, but that didn’t matter