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fiasco frases de exemplo
1. It proved to be a fiasco: as usual, the guru monopolized all conversations, emphasizing that he is in total control of our lives now and that he knows exactly what we are doing every moment
2. In spite of the above fiasco, I agreed to visit Louise in her office once again this morning, for the same purpose
3. After the mall fiasco, I wanted to make Ish happy
4. “I told you at the beginning of this fiasco that you were coming with me or
5. excesses of that day, but I can tell you that this fiasco
6. And low and behold, it took the Obama administration only a few days to attempt some damage control over this fiasco
7. And of course, 1961 was less than a good year for JFK: Being pummeled by Khrushchev at the Vienna Summit, and then the fiasco of the Bay of Pigs, when he refused immediately available air support to the rebels
8. Now note please that I am not saying the Afrikaner Judges acted outside of the law, but you only have to read about the fiasco surrounding the Coloured vote in the early 1950s (Harris case) to realise how the Nationalists changed the laws to suit themselves with the purpose obtaining absolute power
9. We seem to forget because of the Iraq fiasco when it could not be found or never existed to start with that the threat did not diminish one iota though the ability to attack reduced as we explained before
10. The fiasco with the detector and the metal plate in your head
11. The one time the city attempted it on an experimental basis, ridership was so low, it was a fiasco
12. I was working away in our brand new study, built with the insurance money collected after the fiasco with the chimney, connecting the multi-core cables into their various sockets
13. The fiasco of the arrest in Boston had cost her a small fortune and cash was needed on all sides in a hurry: her idea of using a horse needed immediate testing
14. That wasn’t the case, as he knew only too well from the fiasco at the airport
15. Not only that, but the whole fiasco had driven this guy Walston to murder and come dangerously near exposing the entire operation
16. Despite the airport fiasco and orders that he not harass Mike, his friends were a different matter: their suitcases had been checked upon departure and arrival, and yielded up nothing more than swimsuits, sunscreen and clothing
17. The Centralians must have flooded the space lanes with cops and military after that little fiasco
18. There was a mixture of politics and decrees, and the fiasco of the journey to Bethlehem
19. ” And the scientists who cottoned up to the global warming fiasco may find as much egg on their faces and Bjorn Lomborg had pie on his
20. Figuring that I was already deep enough in shit for my airport fiasco, and not yet being married to Dixie, when the course ended, I said, “What the hell, why go straight back to Phoenix?” Monday was going to be a “bear” when I had to face Mack
21. She did the same thing again when the Jenkins fiasco played itself out on February 29, 1972, a leap year Saturday when his federal jury returned convictions on two of the four felony counts with which he was charged
22. A more benign explanation for this fiasco would be that I did not do sufficient “due diligence” about working for Ingalls after having been on the other side of the table from 21-25 years prior
23. A more benign explanation for this fiasco would be that I did not
24. A few months after the above fiasco, the scientists involved
25. She looked to Dilimon, who smiled and nodded to support Mark’s gambit, whatever that was, and silently pleaded with the cosmos to not let this become a fiasco
26. This whole fiasco will not have helped his cause and he might be out to vent some frustration
27. has there been another fiasco at the Ivory Leaf,”
28. handled the heat fiasco with a surprising amount of grace and now
29. After the fiasco of Exo Oil, with the government having to pay out a record 60 million to investors, they changed the law
30. She believes whole CN bribe fiasco was trumped up by their management to get him off their back
31. As forecast, the whole “Korean Satellite” fiasco was smoothed over and did not rate a line in even the local rags anymore…life went on
32. I began to think that maybe I should take what money I had earned and excuse myself from this fiasco
33. They had to clean up their own mess and subsequent connection to the Dominex fiasco, regardless of whether or not they continued doing business with them
34. I just came up through the service entrance without any problem, and that furniture delivery thing today was a fiasco
35. “Your study was a fiasco
36. When we have the time, and privacy, I will discuss with you my true feelings on this fiasco
37. Thanks to that little fiasco with the police he suspected he was at least ten minutes late from the drop point
38. That whole consideration of trying to save two digits for dates by using only two positions for the year instead of four is what caused the Y2K fiasco
39. If anyone got me before I got all this on paper, what good was all the time I spent on this fiasco? A sense of urgency had developed
40. But we have to make certain we don’t become the antagonists in this fiasco
41. I suggested a few possibilities of fun things to do in the previous chapter, and here’s something we should all try, especially after you read my February 1, 2008 fiasco with that wonderful carrier
42. related this fiasco in This Page Intentionally Left Blank, so I won’t repeat it here
43. does checking in the same vein as the aforementioned flea market fiasco, but without the cash-craving citizens
44. Somehow, I survived that fiasco and in
45. Disposable diapers are not regulated by the FDA, and a chemical implicated in the Toxic Shock Syndrome fiasco thirty years ago, which is no longer used in women’s products, is still used in disposables
46. Scooter Libby was fined and sent to jail, but the real higher-ups behind the fiasco managed to escape any fines or prison time
47. The Foley fiasco of late 2006 might indicate that the Republicans don’t want your contribution
48. Huge sums of money were thrown at the problem, and many who shouldn’t have, profited from this fiasco
49. Many people reaped the benefits of this fiasco, whether they were management of companies or consulting firms or the consultants themselves
50. He couldn’t really blame the poor Captain Tremont about today’s fiasco