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    Use "filly" em uma frase

    filly frases de exemplo


    1. “I suppose a guy should be careful whose filly he’s trying to shoo into his stable - especially when she’s still wearing another man’s halter

    2. “Any filly would be skittish about going into a stable where the ghost of another lingered

    3. Another filly has caught my eye

    4. “That filly left the stable long time ago

    5. She had this pretty little filly with her, and I didn’t have the heart to separate them

    6. She held one hand out and the filly nickered, stretching her nose out to touch the hand cautiously

    7. He muttered to himself: “Master Rick certainly picked himself a game filly - and about time, as well

    8. There were logs to jump at intervals along the path and Felicity’s young and athletic grey filly popped over them with the greatest of ease

    9. Matthew and Lorna were able to get around the logs without having to jump, and followed the flicking white tail of the filly disappearing in the gloom

    10. Lorna watched the lovely movement of the grey filly in front of her

    11. He gave a whinny of pain, leapt over the filly, landed at the bottom of the slope and bolted wildly down the bridle-path

    12. Not knowing what had happened or why the filly had fallen, Lorna tried to control the powerful animal but only managed to turn him off the path, where he galloped straight for the sniper’s hideout, completely out of his mind with pain and the smell of the filly’s blood that had squirted onto him as he jumped over her

    13. Rick came upon Johnny and his team as they were again standing around the dead filly, undecided as to which direction to take next

    14. The bullet that killed the filly was most probably meant for Felicity

    15. filly in the whole world,” Mabel said disdainfully with a smirking

    16. Greg wondered if the chestnut brown filly he had dropped off what seemed forever ago would remember him

    17. rapturous as a filly brought out into a lush meadow at the birth of spring

    18. The filly whinnied then did fly,

    19. As the silly filly bolted

    20. But the filly rose to clear it

    21. Neighing in likeness of a filly foal;

    22. She won in a thunderstorm, Rothschild's filly, with wadding in her ears

    23. And a game filly she is

    24. She is not the filly that she was

    25. Bass's bay filly Sceptre on a 2 1/2 mile course

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