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    fingerprint frases de exemplo





    1. "Introduce carbon dioxide to the cabin and have a fingerprint, those are the most sophisticated biometrics

    2. The two letters are on the table and the fingerprint man tells me that they have clear prints, so the matter should be easily resolved

    3. or a stray fingerprint on a doorknob

    4. Jocko said he’d be back later, along with a fingerprint and blood lab crew

    5. the fingerprint results when they come in

    6. the Lieutenant had found through the fingerprint results and other work he may have

    7. Michael wasn’t Michael! Edgar drove to OIJ headquarters like a runaway locomotive for the file and fingerprint card it contained

    8. That and fingerprint identification of him as Shannon Henderson were his only hopes

    9. In the event that his questioning was unsuccessful, there were still the charges against Shannon in Boston to incriminate him, but the fingerprint results wouldn’t confirm the identity until after he had been run through the ringer and fired

    10. This is how it’s going to be: you sign a simple confession right now, we’ll seal it in an envelope together with your fingerprint card and I’ll keep it in my pocket

    11. He would be redeemed with the bosses, particularly when the fingerprint ID came in confirming his identity as a wanted murderer but undoubtedly, Edgar would be shuffled back to obscurity, listening to scum inform on scum, while being locked out of even those inglorious arrests

    12. “A gun, a fingerprint, an idea

    13. only would it be tamper proof, it would eventually allow workers to be identified by a fingerprint in less than half a second

    14. The petals fingerprint will never be duplicated

    15. conduct a fingerprint search in and around the Dome,”

    16. makes the fingerprint cells grow and heal exactly where they were before?

    17. The best thing about these screen protectors is that they are meant for touch screen devices which mean that they are fingerprint resistant

    18. “By the way, I received the results of the fingerprint check you asked me to perform the other day

    19. Fingerprint powder, the police had been thorough in their investigation

    20. There were a few smudges of what appeared to be fingerprint dusting powder on the edges of the mirror

    21. “The DNA, blood and fingerprint suggest this person,” he said and pointed to an identity form, with a name address date of birth, occupation and next of kin

    22. DS Burrows took out his mobile phone and rang one of his subordinates and instructed him to check the internal records for Dennis Twinn, and match any name that dropped out against the fingerprint and other information the West Wales police had sent through

    23. latent fingerprint lab in Washington and they got a match

    24. The lockers were equipped with fingerprint recognition pads activated in turn by each successive user, thus ensuring that nobody would steal her clothes while she was in the operation room

    25. “But, I thought that those time scooters could be operated only by certified members of the Time Patrol, via a system of fingerprint recognition

    26. Because every print is unique, a detective might stare at some fingerprint and that of another person from another country and come up with a relationship

    27. It mentioned a doctor in California who was arrested because his fingerprint matched that of one found on the scene of the 2004 terrorist attack in Spain

    28. The test was also negative for a pistol (nitrates on both hands is inconclusive and likely the result of other contaminants) He documents the false trail of finger print evidence that the FBI fingerprint supervisor, with 32 years of experience, refuted when Lt Day of the Dallas Police shows up with a latent print 4 days later (when the expert saw none the day after the killing on the same weapon)

    29. The shell containing his fingerprint was indisputable proof that he was in the area of his wife’s demise yesterday during the hunt and that he had fired a shot from his hunting rifle; whether that shot killed, wounded, missed her, or was intended for another target, perhaps wild game, remained to be seen, but it also proved that Terence had lied about discharging a shot on the hunt

    30. His narrative of exactly how he had linked Terence to the scene of the murder with the rifle shell containing the fingerprint seemed to have little effect upon the other witnesses whose expressions of interest remained fixed with no indication of their sentiments towards the subtlety of his investigative skills

    31. It was close to six o’clock and Mr Crow suggested they go to a pub for a meal, to Murray’s surprise Mr Hawk agreed, Murray refused saying that he was going to watch a bit of telly and have an early night, when they left he phoned Shirl and brought her up to speed, then he turned the telly on, next he went through the rubbish bin looking for the coke bottle Mr Crow had taken from his car before he sank it, there were two nice clear prints on the bottle so he wrapped it and put it with his other insurance, identities and money and stuffed the lot inside the drivers door of the truck, he still didn’t know who Mr Crow was but he was sure with all the resources the casino had at their disposal they would soon trace a fingerprint, one way or another Mr Crows career was about to go pear shaped along with a certain Melbourne ex-bookie, he got a beer from the fridge and began to watch a quiz show on the telly, a young quiz host, who was completely up himself, was being very condescending in his humiliation of an elderly couple who’s greed for the over-priced second rate prizes had stripped them of their pride, feeling upset for them he turned the telly off, he then had a whimsical thought that went like this, to get top ratings all that had to be done was for the TV company to set up one of the aged contestant to punch that pretentious little pricks lights out in front of a national audience, he reckoned the ratings would go through the roof, and with any luck it might also start a trend, he knew it was far-fetched but he was quite happy with his whimsical thought, maybe one day you never know

    32. Murray drove to Carnarvon and bought a state of the art electronic home security kit which was fingerprint activated, fifteen micro-size surveillance camera’s with proximity switches, an assortment of other switches and what seemed like kilometres of armoured underground electrical wire, with his past experience in defeating security devices, Murray knew the weaknesses and strength’s of the different systems, Murray was determined to build a wall around Shirl that a mouse would find difficult to penetrate undetected, his security curtain would be both deadly and controllable, satisfied with his first day’s purchases he drove back to Dream Bay and unloaded everything in the workshop

    33. the walkway and the earth itself very quickly; it had been nearly impossible to find any piece of glass large enough from which to lift a fingerprint, assuming the clever and cautious murderer had been careless enough to commit the crime without having worn gloves

    34. Carla used both sets of fingerprint gloves coated with cocaine dust, to transfer prints to parts of the Lexus, in a natural manner

    35. The floor was covered with footprints from all the coming and going, and there were fingerprint powder marks all over

    36. The fingerprint specialist arrived shortly before mid-day with his little case of equipment,

    37. They are a little wake-up call for our souls, a fingerprint, as it were, left from a previous incarnation—a different time

    38. Max also gave him a lot of equipment, like an electronic lock pick, also a few custom made gadgets like a PDA with the ability to lock on to all the electronic security devices and shut them down, miniature bombs, fingerprint scanner disguised as a flashlight, an air microphone and recorder hidden inside of a button on his jacket and a headset that had a retractable visor that went around the left eye and a microphone it also came with a miniature keyboard

    39. Jack then noticed another electronic keypad; he then pulled out the fingerprint scanner and scanned the keypad

    40. We’ve also got DNA and fingerprint evidence

    41. The undead, using the CIA as one of their main instruments of evil, are trying to steer the whole world into accepting a bio-metric ‘national identity card’ which will include your DNA information, tax information, fingerprint data, credit and criminal history, social profiling and medical history all linked to a central database

    42. Webber opened up his case and took out his fingerprint equipment

    43. Finally, he pressed some clear tape over the fingerprint on the rubber tape and put it in an evidence bag

    44. He handed Brian the evidence bag with the fingerprint in it

    45. There was fingerprint powder everywhere; empty beer cans covered the floor and his entire CD collection was spread across the living room floor


    47. “There was never a fingerprint on the weapon

    48. To the Zamperinis, this was the fingerprint, the detail that the Japanese could not have known

    49. He searched the quarters where Mesic had stayed, but a cleaning team had come in to get it ready for the next occupant, so Puller couldn’t even find a usable fingerprint

    50. After literally thousands of fires, Orr’s fingerprint was lifted from one of his time-delay devices, and that’s how he was convicted and imprisoned for life plus twenty

    1. Most of the staff quite enjoy the thrill of being fingerprinted but a couple of the older women are antagonistic, making a fuss about what people would think of them having their fingerprints taken but, in the end, because everyone is doing it, they deign to have it done

    2. In the company of the cousin, they traveled, late one night, to the New Brunswick, New Jersey, Coroner’s Office, where, in a truly chilling experience, they were fingerprinted and officially photographed as corpses, laying on a cold slab with talcum-dusted faces, blue lipstick and with their jaws held slack

    3. The patrol car stopped at Whittier Police Department, where she was searched, relieved of all personal possessions, photographed, and electronically fingerprinted

    4. As far as I can recall, I’ve only been fingerprinted once, when I was being interviewed for a software contract a few years ago

    5. need to locate the original arresting officers, or be fingerprinted to prove their

    6. Lyons had asked them to come to the station and get fingerprinted, so she went down after her shift

    7. In less than thirty minutes, I was booked, fingerprinted and put in a holding cell

    8. After twenty minutes, a new cop takes me out to be fingerprinted, which is some bad shit

    9. "The Bertillion expert, who fingerprinted Constance toenail to elbow to knees

    1. They could then be used to establish a fingerprinting database for (hopefully) dead terrorists

    2. Both could be used to establish a fingerprinting database of (hopefully) dead terrorists

    3. It didn’t matter if it was true or not about him being fired, soon enough they’d have the results of his fingerprinting and someone was bound to look through his files

    4. The crime was reported and the police arrived and began looking over the boutique and fingerprinting the safe and area

    5. research they’re doing on ballistic fingerprinting, as they called it

    6. in this ballistic fingerprinting and who’d spent a good deal of time in

    7. “I will have to keep you at the station, in temporary custody but without fingerprinting or photographing

    8. Locke learned about DNA and fingerprinting, techniques unfamiliar to Homicide due to cost

    9. The flesh of his fingertips was gone, rendering fingerprinting useless

    10. state gun permit within 30 days but would require fingerprinting

    11. Wasp did carefully write down the names and details of the systems administrators which they had managed to obtain, and she did ask for help with the so-called fingerprinting: the mapping of the server platform and operating system

    12. The sky, the land, the people, the flushed pink bricks here, scrolled electric-blue ironwork balconies there, a mandolin ripe as a fruit in some man’s thousand fingerprinting hands, billboard tatters blowing like confetti in night winds—how much was Picasso, how much George Smith staring round the world with wild Picasso eyes? He despaired of answering

    1. ‘Of course … though it’s entirely possible that my fingerprints might be on it … I used it in the play

    2. ‘Your fingerprints match the ones on the gun, Mrs Wynell

    3. Fingerprints on the mirror emerge

    4. Most of the staff quite enjoy the thrill of being fingerprinted but a couple of the older women are antagonistic, making a fuss about what people would think of them having their fingerprints taken but, in the end, because everyone is doing it, they deign to have it done

    5. She saw the parallels with the founders of the Kassikan and wondered if she saw Alan’s fingerprints here once again

    6. There's no point in being a criminal mastermind if the Bizzies can run forensics and trace a bullet to a magazine or the particular scratches on the inside of a gun barrel with his fingerprints plastered all over it

    7. They had his fingerprints, DNA, and

    8. “No footprints or fingerprints, the guards don’t see anything, and the head is

    9. fingerprints were on her car, but nothing showed on the steering wheel

    10. “OK, here it is… The fingerprints we lifted from other parts of the car match the ones the city has on file for you, no surprise there

    11. The officer took me to a small room, took the mug shots, redid my fingerprints and was about to give me some state issue clothing, when he was interrupted by a phone call

    12. appears that someone cleaned all of the fingerprints off of them

    13. I replaced it where I found it, careful to wipe my fingerprints off of it

    14. Beans began his investigation by picking up the burned out canister of the smoke grenade with a pencil and said he was going to get fingerprints and would know who did this trick

    15. There is a lot of fingerprints and (today) DNA on the bomb

    16. We also cross trained in the taking of fingerprints and plaster foot prints which started an interest in forensic law for me

    17. You see how close we are to the fridge, can you see the fingerprints around the door handle? Can you see that scratch? That is how close I was to William!”

    18. His fingerprints are located in various areas of the apartment and he admits to having an argument with her at the time

    19. boys for fingerprints

    20. �What if we issue a warrant for his arrest and charge him with his wife's murder, stating that we have discovered his fingerprints in the car and plane rentals

    21. You left your fingerprints in the rental car and on the rented Cessna

    22. The search for fingerprints had probably already started

    23. Time was running out: soon Michael would be transported downtown and, once there, a reply would not yet be in regarding his fingerprints: no three days in jail, no confession and no blockbuster case! In fact, he might find himself without a job

    24. He needed only to survive in his job until then, and Michael’s fingerprints would soon accomplish that task

    25. No sense adding my fingerprints to what I suspected was the murder weapon that had killed Langdon

    26. Using my T-shirt – I was trying to be careful about fingerprints - I very carefully picked up Terry Bullock"s hunting knife and added it to my pillowcase stash

    27. I wondered if the lab guys had collected any useful fingerprints

    28. Any little kid knows all about fingerprints by just watching television

    29. Just be careful to only touch the pages by their edges so you don’t destroy fingerprints

    30. “What’s the matter with you? I am not part of this! How many times do I have to tell you? But don’t you see what that notebook means? Just like Beth said, those fingerprints will convict the one that had the Uzi and Edgar’s entries will certainly initiate an investigation in the affairs of Edward

    31. In an unexpected turnabout, police had found the daily logbook of slain police lieutenant Edgar Vargas in Mike Henderson’s bedroom closet with his bloody fingerprints on it, as well as other incriminating evidence, including the weapon used to murder George Dearling

    32. This functions as the people’s single document and it also utilizes the Algarismo LEAK® with the use of the biometry that identifies the equipment and its user for the fingerprints, iris or the shapes of the face

    33. She rubs her throat, which is bright red with Tobias’s fingerprints

    34. It’s marked all over with my fingerprints, and warm from my constant touch

    35. After registration and leave fingerprints, tommy

    36. We also wiped our fingerprints of f the steering wheel and door handles as best we could

    37. “We wiped our fingerprints off the van when we left it, so I suppose we probably wiped his off too

    38. I opened a one hundred year old scripture only to find it covered in greasy fingerprints

    39. There were thousands of hits, a chance road rage attack, the culprits were never found and no fingerprints in the car

    40. Ken leaned back in his chair and studied the fingerprints in the condensed water on the outside of his glass

    41. Her fingerprints are all over such Clinton appointees as Robert Reich, Madeleine Albright, and Ruth Bader-Ginsburg

    42. “Get all fingerprints including that on the gift wrap

    43. He chose Fingerprints of the Gods and asked, “Does it have pictures? I want to look at them

    44. Searchers would have come across it but thankfully he had been wearing gloves at all times during his vigil, therefore no fingerprints which could point to him would have been found on the rifle, or on anything else that might have been left behind

    45. There was no fingerprints at any of those

    46. Bots don't have fingerprints

    47. Calvin stared at the results of his database search, regarding the fingerprints the Roscos had given him—belonging to Jacobi and those who'd attacked him on Aleator

    48. And his fingerprints match those of an ex-CERKO operative and so do the fingerprints of all my attackers

    49. There was no physical evidence that could directly connect Michael Toney to the bombing: None of the State's evidence (which consisted mainly of bomb fragments and debris) presented at the trial had Michael Toney's fingerprints or trace DNA

    50. It contained Wayne's fingerprints all over

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