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    Use "first choice" em uma frase

    first choice frases de exemplo

    first choice

    1. roach infestations, the first choice is to move

    2. You were my first choice, but she will get someone

    3. “It is not my first choice for the origin of those signals

    4. Waking him wouldn't have been her first choice for security, but he was the only one around

    5. This school wasn't her first choice, but as she spent more time there she came to think the school was greatly underrated because of its emphasis on practical instruction rather than research or investment

    6. The first choice of action for dealing with these tainted souls was death

    7. He had to admit it to himself: the first choice seemed the most appealing

    8. Experienced guys were the first choice unless they were police women recruited to answer the 10111 (emergency like 911) phones, but have you ever heard of a woman who would do anything and keep quiet while doing it? Hell, even I could tell the generals that they were not going to stay on the phones, and that they would want to be in on the action! Gave me grey hair at 21 they did with their constant demands for squad cars and the right to become fatherly, (perhaps motherly) with wayward criminals and terrorists

    9. The Mercedes S class also has bullet proof windows and is an alternative and my first choice

    10. Florida in the late summer and fall would not be my first choice as a place to be if you want to avoid thunder and lightning storms - to say nothing of the crazy hurricanes

    11. He was realizing a profit of only two to three dollars on each item sold, but the fact that he had ready money to buy meant that he had first choice of anything that was offered

    12. “Well, it’s not my first choice either

    13. I had first choice of wonderful books that crossed my desk and read voraciously

    14. It is recommended that your first choice of treatment is by changing your diet,

    15. Charlie called me several days after I returned to work at the AG’s office and apologized profusely saying he never expected such a turn of events or he would never have permitted it because I was his clear first choice

    16. Though the most tenured of Park’s financial staff, it was obvious that he would not be first choice as chief financial officer (CFO), because he would dispute inaccurate data and statements

    17. Nevertheless, I was poorly prepared for the emotional challenge of trying to tolerate his first choice

    18. My relationship with him was strained over the years because we were simply different, and my walk was not his first choice for an experience

    19. to their first choice, and there were times during those promising

    20. It hadn't been her first choice

    21. It was during that time I imagined him to be my first choice of a husband

    22. Tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy usually is the first choice for children,

    23. would have been my first choice of a confidante, but I had doubts that even she would

    24. "Thalia would not have been my first choice to go on this quest

    25. First choice would make him rich, ruin the family business of his employer and create animosity within the family

    26. “When the first choice was eliminated, when all life on their homeworld was destroyed – your homeworld

    27. My first choice was V as I considered him the guy I could trust most

    28. Usually, the lion has first choice after a kill

    29. First day he arrived at the academy, he went to his room, when you were first you always had the first choice and what was there but this guy sitting in front of his computer, on the window side of the room, and that had always been his side

    30. numbers, 2 for the first choice and 1 for the second

    31. gyros, for my first choice of the moment, sloppy Joes

    32. If health food is always the first choice, then we

    33. driver would not be his first choice, as he preferred a seasoned,

    34. find the right path on their first choice

    35. they wouldn’t have been his first choice, he decided they were worthy of

    36. The client opened a store in his preferred location as well as that from Indicus’s analytics driven first choice

    37. Cutting down each side of the spine was Max’s first choice, but instead he decided to slice through parallel with the ribs and each rib slice was quartered

    38. Fortunately, I was not his first choice

    39. His first choice was the small hatch where the pilot’s emergency escape rope lay coiled, which had a small hole for the pilot to pull it open quickly should he want to abandon the plane from his window

    40. My first choice wouldn't be painting but then again, there are times when painting is a viable option

    41. His first choice would have been Deanna Troi

    42. (That wasn’t his first choice porn, by the

    43. wasn’t their first choice, but it would have to do

    44. My first choice for you was 'Woody'

    45. His first choice was Modi, but Modi wanted to focus on the 2012 Gujarat elections

    46. Genocide, the charge based on intention, was not her first choice and was not easy to prove like treason

    47. Those unfortunates, who did not quite make the grades that allow their first choice, now need to take a step back, recalibrate and revise their objectives to make the very best of the change in circumstance

    48. Fuel oil demand has reduced by 70 per cent since 1990, due to the move towards gas being the fuel of first choice for use in electricity generation and by industry

    49. didn"t match with his or her first choice, the twos were matched

    50. To do this will mean preparing a comparison list to other localities in the region, and making sure we are the first choice in all regards

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