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    Use "flavorful" em uma frase

    flavorful frases de exemplo


    1. Karga are the most flavorful and tenderest, but cannot be run alone because they are selective eaters and may take as long as an oak tree to grow to marketable size

    2. So flavorful, they must have been newly picked that morning

    3. proven to have numerous health benefits, and with these delicious, flavorful

    4. This recipe is a simple way to make a flavorful dinner with plenty of leftovers that you can reinvent into other lunches or dinners during the week!

    5. The ingredients of this comforting dish are fresh and flavorful, but the real reward is spending time with my family preparing it

    6. Ramen noodles take a sophisticated turn in this flavorful salad

    7. puter systems more flavorful, was quickly becoming the main

    8. Chicken is so naturally flavorful that you can bake it without salt or any other seasoning

    9. One of the most flavorful and delicious meals I have ever had from an Indian restaurant was take-out

    10. It should be fine served the next day, as well, but the cold sauce on day thirty is most flavorful the same day

    11. dinner of smoked turkey, stuffing, and mashed potatoes with a heavy, flavorful gravy

    12. The olive oil is better for your heart but not as flavorful

    13. Using fresh berries for a garnish on your decorated cake are a colorful, and flavorful addition

    14. The after effects of the strong, flavorful coffee on her empty stomach was began to kick in to her exhausted brain and all of a sudden she felt like a Christmas tree with all the lights turned on

    15. High scores in publications and from reviewers mean money rather than flavorful experiences and memories

    16. ATP, scientists say, has a special sweet taste, and it is that little extra element that makes the fish especially flavorful

    17. You could say that it is like a hotchpotch where all of the details create the flavorful whole

    18. The skin of the fish contains many amino acids that are flavorful

    19. The flour is stone-ground with the wheat ash content maintained, which makes the natural wheat flavor deeper and more flavorful

    20. “We know that the deer season starts with the hunt in August, but it is not until after the rut that the meat is free of all the hormone and urine substances and becomes flavorful

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    Sinônimos para "flavorful"

    flavorful flavorous flavorsome flavourful flavourous flavoursome sapid saporous