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    for a short time frases de exemplo

    for a short time

    1. We would stay for a short time on different worlds and then move on

    2. I can’t just abandon her here … even if it is only for a short time … I’m under no illusions about Sam’s state and it would be cruel to leave her now

    3. or am I being fanciful? I know I’m only on my own for a short time, that Dave will be back in a couple of days and, with a bit of luck, we might build something lasting

    4. and she’d been pregnant once, for a short time … she'd known a relationship, a passionate one by all accounts, how could she bear deliberately turning away from that sort of personal contact? I visualise the young woman I'd seen in one of the photos

    5. that mitt on for a short time

    6. For a short time, his apprentice was his nephew

    7. And it likewise always had the ability to calm her nerves, if even for a short time

    8. So I stayed at the Intack for a short time and enjoyed myself talking to Anne and watching the misery on Mr Tillman’s face every time a free drink was ordered for me

    9. Grant visited with Rex for a short time, then they left

    10. change from life on the high seas, even for a short time

    11. Well, maybe for a short time

    12. ” We kept up a withering fire and eventually the Huns gave up but we knew it would only be for a short time as they retreated to their trench licking their wounds

    13. In his cool, calm professional manner Chief medical officer Cleetor explained to Captain Zolla that Jimmy would have suffered only for a short time before slipping below the subconscious REM state; perhaps for no longer than a minute

    14. For a short time Darkburst fought the almost overpowering feeling of tiredness, but all too quickly he gave in, and the small chamber was filled with the sounds of gentle snoring

    15. Contrary to stereotype, most people on welfare are white, were once middle class, only use welfare for a short time, and are helped by it

    16. For a short time, reality and home were far away

    17. All parties agreed that she was dead for a short time before she had been dumped there

    18. She had only glimpsed the youth’s dad for a short time in a soupy morning light, but the two were undoubtedly father and son

    19. I watched the writhing mass for a short time

    20. Thebes, another city-state ascended for a short time and subdued Sparta, due to some innovative changes in military tactics

    21. One of them told us to wait and opened one of the doors and went in for a short time

    22. However I am not sure what happened during the meal, or how much I drank, but I found myself agreeing to take this drug on my next visit to the club, although I was assured it would only be the smallest amount – enough to allow me to lose my inhibitions for a short time

    23. When Theodore got to me, I reminded him that I had only served with him for a short time and should not be paid by him

    24. to withstand the pressure for a short time, it eventually gives way to

    25. We soon came upon the Oos and followed it upstream along a parallel path for a short time and before long could just see a castle on the east bank of the Oos

    26. A positive attitude removes the barriers of the ego for a short time

    27. It has happened that such males in the past have spilled their seed upon the bed, and it was later stolen, for it is still potent for a short time if left there, and for a longer time if magically preserved

    28. Does he that is eloquent think himself to be just? 5 Does he who is born of woman and lives but for a short time think himself to be blessed? Be not abundant in speech

    29. [Author’s Note to the Reader: A pump shot gun can, for a short time, out shoot a machine

    30. we checked in to a luxury hotel in the capitol for a short time before driving the 500 miles to

    31. to cause her to think for a short time she is in outer space

    32. Since I was only here for a short time, I thought he would flirt with me, a lot, and I would return his flirts, but nothing would happen and I would go home

    33. "I can hide it from your father for a short time but he is not going to be happy

    34. Their relationship lasted for a short time after that until Matthew told her with honesty, that he did not want to waste any more of her time

    35. For a short time candles were the order of the day

    36. 7 After the apostles had talked among themselves for a short time, Jesus went on to say: "Always must you recognize the two viewpoints of all mortal conduct -- the human and the divine; the ways of the flesh and the way of the spirit; the estimate of time and the viewpoint of eternity

    37. 15 The evangelists and apostles went apart by themselves for a short time

    38. Beck was on the ‘Most wanted list’ for a short time but downgraded after the Nuremberg Trials because he evaded capture

    39. What this tells me is that for a short time anyway, they wanted him away from us non cookie cutters

    40. 12 Jesus now began the contacts of the morontia level, being introduced, as a creature, to the requirements of the life he had chosen to live for a short time on Urantia

    41. home to Boston for a short time, and he won't be out to Halifax until late March,

    42. for a short time and moved on to other women

    43. The subsonic transducers mounted on the rock walls of the mountains, intended to take advantage of the ability of certain sub sonic frequencies to induce unreasoning fear worked, but only for a short time

    44. Tim’s dad watched for a short time longer and then went back into the house

    45. She watched him for a short time then went to the refrigerator to start supper

    46. Tim stayed with Limpy for a short time

    47. His arms tenderly encompassed her and he traced the lines of her body with his hands and, for a short time, they slept

    48. Then there seemed there will be a brake in the action for a short time

    49. Tim milled around for a short time, than he got an idea

    50. company he worked with for a short time did a job for the defence

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