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    for what reason

    1. “And this was worthy of disturbing me for what reason precisely?”

    2. conspicuously absent whenever Westerners are mistreated? For what reason our obsessive concern over Saddam Hussein receiving three square meals and proper medical attention or that Afghan detainees at Guantanamo Bay should be issued copies of the Koran and provided legal counsel although nary a peep over the public executions of (American/European) soldiers/civilians that have become common throughout the Middle East and other parts of the world? This consistent pattern of cuddling up to our nation‘s enemies by liberal activists has been well chronicled over the years following the Vietnam War when tears were seldom shed for the many brave young men and women who courageously served their nation in the cause of Freedom

    3. I just now had the feeling, as I touched the tent flap, that we should make ready to go! For what reason, is beyond me at this point

    4. 11 And a woman which had a flow of blood for twelve years had suffered much of many physicians and spent all that she had and was not benefited at all but her trouble increased further; And when she heard of Jesus she came in the thronging of the crowd behind him and touched a his garments; and she thought within herself If I could reach to touch his garments I should live; And immediately the fountain of her blood was dried; and she felt in her body that she was healed of her plague; And Jesus straightway knew within himself that power had gone out of him; and he turned to the crowd and said Who approached to my garmentse And on their denying all of them Simon Cephas and those with him said to him Our Master the multitudes throng you and press you and say you Who approached to me? And he said Some one approached to me; and I knew that power went out from me; And that woman when she saw that she was not hid from him came fearing and agitated (for she knew what had happened to her) and fell down and worshipped him and told in the presence of all the people for what reason she touched him and how she was healed immediately; And Jesus said to her Be of good courage daughter; your faith has made you alive; depart in peace and be whole from your plague

    5. their heads: For what reason would they have been told an

    6. The question that emerges out of this affirmation is: for whom? Considering the fact that incentives do not pour down from the sky and that somebody has to invent them, a question immediately appears: for what reason? We are all educated according to the logic of incentives and its opposite, from a very early age

    7. He did not tax his brain with futile speculation as to who the wretch had been and for what reason he had been doomed, but he wondered at the shattered condition of the bones

    8. Tears began to form in my eyes, and I tried to wipe them with my semi-hairy arms (I hadn’t shaved in hours), and I stared at this doctor who cared, for what reason I couldn’t tell

    9. I ask, “For what reason?” Save a few dollars on promotions, get rid of those cards and the result will be more contented people in the store and more business, which is the bottom line

    10. For what reason?”

    11. Clegg was my master criminal and has spoiled it all by coming up dead; but for what reason? Everyone he spoke to reckoned Clegg was a good bloke and it seemed likely that somewhere along the line someone was going to be either surprised or disappointed

    12. It was of the utmost importance, but for what reason, he couldn't recollect

    13. For what reason, he had no idea

    14. "For what reason ? Slavery has been illegal for Centuries

    15. For what reasons, we are unclear of

    16. For what reason we have wrinkles on a normally smooth face? We have to learn by ourselves of what God has deposited in us

    17. “To feel the other's emotion for what reason, if not to love?” as the wounds of his history were reopened, he became the child of his memory's first scar

    18. When the ethic of love creates a world of love, what language will they speak then, what family of metaphors will frame their pursuits, what name will they give to the games they will play? How will they play them, for what reasons, to what ends?

    19. “For what reason am I being arrested?”

    20. "For what reason?” asked the astonished Horan

    21. But, she wonders, for what reason? Is She, the Sky Above, Blind because she has been Blinded—because She, by all respects, has been stabbed with a Trident—and if so, what is it that They have to hide? The Ones who Blinded Her surely are not the things that rule this World—the Ones whom, by all respects, have Secrets to keep away, for if they were why would they let a little girl through who could save this world? Why, she wonders, make passage for those from the Other Side, from the Planet that is called Earth in the system that is known as the Milky Way? Is it because they demand Those to Honor Them, to bring forth from the Other Side the things of which they Do Not Have, or is it because they are evil, lewd and vile—things whom, slowly but surely, will eat the Innocent and the Ones that Run? It is quite possible, considering that, along the way, Mary has found in this world called Wraethworld messages surely meant to ward the weary away, but if that is the case, then why are there not portals or entryways leaving this world? Do they just not exist, or are they just hidden—placed, firmly, in solid ground that cannot be cracked not even with the mightiest Hammer?

    22. Wherefore: Why? For what reason? For what cause?

    23. For what reason had they traveled across the galaxy to experience the torture of this place?

    24. This house, in past years, did ours a great service, and has, I know not for what reason, always denied having rendered us this service

    25. I was still unable to divine for what reason M

    26. For what reason did he meditate on schemes so difficult of realisation?

    27. What kind of trap? For what reason? Soneji obsessed on his crimes

    28. Jim’s appeal to Ana, though, does demonstrate how desperate he was to find a way to save his marriage—but for what reason? “He truly did not want to sign the divorce papers,” says his friend Martin Evans, “but it had gone beyond love

    29. I could never understand how James Rothschild could consent to become a Baron! Why, for what reason, when he was already more exalted than anyone in the world

    30. Besides, what wrong has she done you 1 Explain to me, too, by the way, my dear fellow : for what reason and with what object did you spread abroad that you were illegitimate, at your boarding school and at the grammar school, and everywhere you have been, to every casual stranger, as I hear you have ? I hear that you did this with a peculiar relish

    31. A year before he had been serving in one of the smartest cavalry regiments, but had been forced to give up his commission, and everyone knew for what reason

    32. “And for what reason can this have happened,” some of the monks said, at first with a show of regret; “he had a small frame and his flesh was dried up on his bones, what was there to decay?”

    33. The error was with the authorities who had sent him to us, without specifying for what reason it was thought necessary to have him come into the hospital—which was unpardonable negligence

    34. One of the last to take leave of her departed mistress was a peasant woman who was holding by the hand a pretty little girl of five whom she had brought with her, God knows for what reason

    35. One often marvels why, for what reason a lady of the world or an artist, who, it would seem, is interested neither in social, nor in military questions, condemns labour strikes and preaches war, and always definitely attacks one side and defends the other?

    36. For what reason, then, should you now demand the third part of everything? It would be unjust to Ivan and his sister

    37. For what reason are we to subject even our coasters to plunder and abuse? To save money! Why, sir, if we do it we shall be plundered to an amount sufficient to fit out a little navy

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    Sinônimos para "for what reason"

    wherefore for what purpose