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    fraught frases de exemplo


    1. ’ I said, keen to move the conversation into less emotionally fraught channels

    2. The great Buddha has surmised that life as a human being is fraught with suffering

    3. The case for forceful abduction fraught with moral ambiguity

    4. Those with a poor self-image act badly, have fraught relationships and are non-productive

    5. To get in their way was fraught with peril

    6. “Sir Ikebod said the passages might be compromised, fraught with procrastinators

    7. We cannot begin to predict where people at even a small cocktail party will be located in five minutes, or who Dave will be hitting on! The existing models of social science, and I’m talking mostly about economics which is nearest to a ‘real science’ in terms of our methodology and approach, are very simplistic and fraught with large error terms

    8. Oh! John, John! Brothers at last! Has the recent past for me and future for you always been so fraught with dimly perceived shadows?

    9. Fraught with difficulty as their relationship has been, those ties never really break

    10. Mexico’s own history has been fraught with rifts and convulsions

    11. 4, is fraught with

    12. Finally Buzun said that while it was a bold plan and if it worked could bring us great success at minimal cost, it was fraught with danger

    13. Even though allowing Hartstongue and Tregannon to meet is an act fraught with danger, Gelahn understands he has no other choice

    14. He found it strange that he clung to the image of such vast waters when his one journey across the sea, with Johan, had been fraught with difficulty

    15. This was not the first attempt at recreating the city she had witnessed since rising one hour-cycle ago, but it was the one most fraught with difficulty

    16. For in proportion to the pleasure with which these words are fraught to those who shall follow them in that proportion is the condemnation with which they are fraught to those who shall refuse to hear

    17. be fraught with failures

    18. From a queer perspective, heterosexual relationships seem fraught with difficulty

    19. None the less the relationship between them still seemed fraught at times

    20. She told me to be careful, I had a long way to go and it was fraught with danger, dark dragon clouds she called them

    21. It was a time of war, with hardship fraught,

    22. The prayers of time, when indited by the spirit and expressed in faith, are often so vast and all-encompassing that they can be answered only in eternity; the finite petition is sometimes so fraught with the grasp of the Infinite that the answer must long be postponed to await the creation of adequate capacity for receptivity; the prayer of faith may be so all-embracing that the answer can be received only on Paradise

    23. The silence of the palace became suddenly sinister, fraught with crawling menace

    24. We are moving forwards at a very fast pace so be ready and get yourselves in the right mind set as the journey to the top will not be smooth and easy, it will be tough and fraught with danger

    25. ” The commander finished his briefing and saluted all of the men who were setting out on a mission which could be fraught with danger

    26. Although their relationship was fraught with tension, Richard

    27. individuals who have committed fraud would be fraught with a host of practical

    28. Dickens could have written about Samuel Sidney McClure, whose life was fraught with poverty and challenges

    29. We have to be concerned and do our part since being in a hospital is fraught with results that no one wants

    30. with more potential but fraught with problems that only lengthened the workday for the employees?

    31. Progress is fraught with sacrifice; many have died building bridges, tunnels, and skyscrapers

    32. “Mister Ringelblum, the subject of Palestine is fraught with long term political consequences of a gravity you could not know about

    33. Even if you work behind the wheel of heavy machinery, whether it is equipment for the farm, building of a new condo or moving huge logs, your life will be fraught with danger

    34. There are many other jobs fraught with danger that I have not mentioned and the same applies to them as well

    35. It was fraught with the potential that due to the pain and the blame he'd held within himself had never been tapped, never been realized

    36. After guiding her carefully between the graves so as not to desecrate the hallowed ground and sharply kicking the stump to ensure that it would support her weight, he sat her down and stood at his full height while he wiped his brow with his handkerchief and studied the old woman fraught with uncontrollable visions that appeared at will and possessed her body for the duration of the incident

    37. challenges were many, and fraught with danger

    38. It was deep and fraught with danger

    39. marketing business is fraught with frustrations, like those listed below:

    40. Scrambling down the rock fall into the channel, in the dim light, was fraught with danger but time was not on their side

    41. was an institution fraught with trouble and addiction

    42. when this understanding is achieved is the time to improve our ways and not be fraught

    43. “I ask where were these ZSCIA and ZSFBI stalwarts that talk tall and boost of their power and where was their mighty army generals when we were being attacked…? Believe me Muslim history is fraught with incidents that when they united and move with one object for a single cause, no power on earth could stop them from doing what they intended to do

    44. many generations, the location of the Well was fraught with the

    45. The atmosphere changed from elation to fraught tension

    46. physical combat sessions between the two became very fraught indeed with

    47. stripping and cleaning, an operation fraught with danger to those who were

    48. You can be critical of an opponent in politics, but being disrespectful and socially contemptuous is fraught with danger

    49. to create new business have been fraught with corruption, smothered

    50. There you are in the middle of a fraught negotiation getting roundly abused and shouted at; your parentage is being called into question and all kinds of dire threats are coming your way

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