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    1. thing: I borrowed a chunk of limestone frieze from the nearby Brooklyn

    2. The ceiling was lofty, but it was not domed, and was of plain white marble, as were the walls and floor, the former with a narrow gold frieze running about them

    3. There was a space of several feet between the broad back of the idol and the marble wall with its frieze of gold leaves

    4. the walls were decorated with a frieze depicting various

    5. ante-chamber with the frieze, they followed the corridor that

    6. an ebony cast, a mahogany frieze of what was

    7. Although the beauty is sufficiently humane to weaken us, to stir the deep deposit of mud--memories, abandonments, regrets, sentimental devotions--the Parthenon is separate from all that; and if you consider how it has stood out all night, for centuries, you begin to connect the blaze (at midday the glare is dazzling and the frieze almost invisible) with the idea that perhaps it is beauty alone that is immortal

    8. 'They make as good bread here as in France,' and 'by night all cats are grey,' and 'a hard case enough his, who hasn't broken his fast at two in the afternoon,' and 'there's no stomach a hand's breadth bigger than another,' and the same can be filled 'with straw or hay,' as the saying is, and 'the little birds of the field have God for their purveyor and caterer,' and 'four yards of Cuenca frieze keep one warmer than four of Segovia broad-cloth,' and 'when we quit this world and are put

    9. A man who is a born artist would rather paint a frieze or a picture or carve a statue than he would do plain work, or take charge of and direct the labour of others

    10. Mrs Breen in man's frieze overcoat with loose bellows pockets, stands in the causeway, her roguish eyes wideopen, smiling in all her herbivorous buckteeth

    11. Holmes bent over this grotesque frieze for some minutes, and then suddenly sprang to his feet with an exclamation of surprise and dismay

    12. Soldiers were continually rushing backwards and forwards near it, and he saw two of them and a man in a frieze coat dragging burning beams into another yard across the street, while

    13. The man in the frieze coat raised his arms and shouted:

    14. frieze coat who held a

    15. The man in the frieze coat was reading the broadsheet of August 31 When the crowd collected round him he seemed confused, but at the demand of the tall lad who had pushed his way up to him, he began in a rather tremulous voice to read the sheet from the beginning

    16. ’ replied the shopman in the frieze coat, ‘your honor, in accord with the proclamation of his highest excellency the count, they desire to serve, not sparing their lives, and it is not any kind of riot, but as his highest excellence said

    17. He wore a woman’s loose gown of frieze, blue trousers, and large torn Hessian boots

    18. He started at the beginning of the fantastic frieze of satyrs and fauns and wine-dipped maidens and prancing unicorns and piping youths and he walked slowly along the shore

    19. Soldiers were continually rushing backwards and forwards near it, and he saw two of them and a man in a frieze coat dragging burning beams into another yard across the street, while others carried bundles of hay

    20. By the wall of China-Town a smaller group of people were gathered round a man in a frieze coat who held a paper in his hand

    21. The man in the frieze coat was reading the broadsheet of August 31

    22. ” replied the shopman in the frieze coat, “your honor, in accord with the proclamation of his highest excellency the count, they desire to serve, not sparing their lives, and it is not any kind of riot, but as his highest excellence said

    23. The other in the frieze gown stopped in front of the beautiful Armenian girl and with his hands in his pockets stood staring at her, motionless and silent

    24. But we have attempted to include every Greek temple known to have had pediment-figures or sculptured metopes or frieze, and have thus, for the sake of completeness, registered some examples which are valueless for the main question

    25. The frieze from Priene representing a gigantomachy was not a part of the temple there (Wolters, Jahrbuch des deutschen arch

    26. ) The Poseidon and Amphitrite frieze in Munich (Brunn, Beschreibung der Glyptothek, No

    27. The others are Doric, and, in the ease of these, "Sculptures of the Exterior Frieze" refers, of course, to sculptured metopes

    28. , sculpture of the principal pediment, or, in the absence of pediment-sculpture, the frieze in the most important situation) included the figure of the temple divinity, generally in central position, in the following numbers: A 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 16, 18, 19, 26

    29. |Ionic frieze over pronaos

    30. |Ionic frieze over opisthodomos,

    31. Additional pieces of the frieze have recently been found in the course of excavations conducted by the German Archæological Institute

    32. The group is very similar also to a scene in the Assos frieze, with regard to which I quote from Friedrichs-Wolters; 64 "It corresponds to the oldest Greek vase-paintings, in which we find beast fights borrowed from Oriental art, united with Greek myths and represented after the Greek manner

    33. " This frieze is ascribed to the sixth century B


    35. Confining our attention to the sculptures of the frieze, we will examine certain inaccuracies of detail which have hitherto prevailed in the treatment of this important landmark in the history of decorative reliefs of the fourth century

    36. The frieze, carved in low relief upon a single block of marble, runs continuously around the entire circumference of the structure

    37. 80 Vernon (1676), who regarded the monument as a temple of Hercules, sees his labors depicted in the sculptures of the frieze

    38. In our frieze, however, the myth is represented in an entirely different manner

    39. Reisch, however, has suggested 90 that this frieze illustrates the dithyrambus which won the prize on this occasion, and that the variations in the details of the story are due to this

    40. More particularly, the harmony and symmetry, which the composition exhibits, have been noticed by most of the later writers who have had occasion to describe the frieze

    41. If we turn to the reproductions of the Lysikrates frieze in the common manuals of Greek sculpture, we find that the group (V¹) has exchanged places with the next group to the right (VI¹) while the corresponding groups on the left side (V, VI) retain their proper position

    42. Nevertheless correct reproductions of the frieze, derived from other sources, have not been wholly lacking

    43. Although Stuart's arrangement violates the symmetry maintained between the other groups of the frieze, yet Overbeck 104 especially commends the symmetry shown in the composition of these portions of the relief

    44. Though I would not imply that the composition of this frieze was in any way governed by the laws which rule similar compositions in pediments, it is interesting and instructive to note that the general principles of distribution of subject which have been followed, are somewhat similar to those which we can trace in the best-known pediments extant; thus, as the god in his more elevated position would occupy the centre of the pediment, so the low-lying seashore and the scenes which are being enacted upon it correspond to the wings at either side

    45. It is thus apparent that the correspondence of the figures in this frieze is by no means rigid and schematic or devoid of life, but that, on the contrary, the same principles of symmetry obtain which have been pointed out by many authorities as prevalent in Greek art

    46. These monuments may prove to be of importance in solving the problem of the authorship of the celebrated Pistoian frieze

    47. Among the casts are those of a long frieze (perron) which decorated the stairway of the main hall or "apadâna," erected by Xerxes; it represents a procession of figures presenting to the king the reports of his governors and the offerings of his subjects

    48. of the sculptured frieze complete, and has repaired the road to the coast ready for its shipment

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