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    Use "frigate" em uma frase

    frigate frases de exemplo


    1. The ship was a naval frigate, the captain told us, out pirate hunting, and it was due in port in Philadelphia

    2. School, he was ordered to the frigate Independence, the flagship of the Mediterranean Squadron, under the command of

    3. Shenandoah since it was reported in April that the British frigate, HMS Ruryalus, had seen what was thought to be the

    4. “But we’re not a frigate, Commander

    5. terrain like a hungry frigate bird

    6. He would allow the frigate to track the yacht for the next couple of weeks under the cover of standard maneuvers

    7. usual to see a Navy Frigate or submarine passing by the restaurant on its way to

    8. ‘’MSS KOSTROMA, this is the Terran Customs Navy frigate TIBERIUS

    9. Bridge of Terran frigate TCNS ALGIERS

    10. However, from their radar return strength, these are definitely ships of appreciable size, at least as big as our frigate

    11. Tension was now high aboard the frigate, with the sudden and still unexplained destruction of seven warships above Callisto only eleven days earlier on everybody’s mind

    12. The problem was that his frigate could fire no more than two laser beams at a time, beams of limited durations due to heat dissipation constraints and of a maximum power of forty megawatts per beam

    13. However, the powers that be had decided decades ago that the firepower of present frigate designs were quote perfectly adequate for their roles unquote

    14. He however had the satisfaction of seeing two of his missiles explode against the lead intruder ship before his poor frigate got blasted by four powerful explosions

    15. Undoing her harness at Marston’s request, she followed him and the technician towards the emergency access hatch of the bridge, opening it and floating in the central axis communications tube of the frigate, where the elevator shafts and staircase were

    16. When empty of cargo, the KOSTROMA can boost away at accelerations of over ten Gs, more than our fastest frigate

    17. A second frigate blew up, victim of the utter lack of armoring around its missile magazines

    18. and I want to be in there when it happens, sir, when she becomes a stone frigate and we train the

    19. A while before, the ‘defence’ company Mark and Murphy spent their working day lounging around in reading cycle mags, had been selling off a frigate and the three of us had entrepreneurialy formed a syndicate to buy it

    20. newest Cosmos Class frigate Meteor the most powerful and sophisticated ship

    21. again, his frigate Vega had been heavily armed and his second vessel had

    22. Originally a 2,200-ton frigate in the Canadian Navy,

    23. The men stood with chests puffed out just like the Frigate bird they had seen the other day

    24. On one of them was painted by some very poor hand the Rape of Helen, when the bold guest carried her off from Menelaus, and on the other was the story of Dido and AEneas, she on a high tower, as though she were making signals with a half sheet to her fugitive guest who was out at sea flying in a frigate or brigantine

    25. Our frigate drew nearer to the cetacean

    26. This chase dragged on for about three–quarters of an hour without the frigate gaining two fathoms on the cetacean

    27. For the next hour our frigate kept up this pace without gaining a fathom! This was humiliating for one of the fastest racers in the American navy

    28. And even at our maximum speed, it took the liberty of thumbing its nose at the frigate by running a full circle around us! A howl of fury burst from every throat!

    29. At 10:50 in the evening, that electric light reappeared three miles to windward of the frigate, just as clear and intense as the night before

    30. It was the frigate

    31. "What about the frigate?" I asked

    32. "The frigate?" Conseil replied, rolling over on his back

    33. The cetacean had rammed our frigate at about eleven o'clock in the evening

    34. "Till the moment," Ned Land answered, "when some frigate that's faster or smarter than the Abraham Lincoln captures this den of buccaneers, then hangs all of us by the neck from the tip of a mainmast yardarm!"

    35. I now know that sheer chance has placed in my presence Professor Pierre Aronnax, specialist in natural history at the Paris Museum and entrusted with a scientific mission abroad, his manservant Conseil, and Ned Land, a harpooner of Canadian origin aboard the Abraham Lincoln, a frigate in the national navy of the United States of America

    36. "Was it unintentionally that the Abraham Lincoln hunted me on every sea? Was it unintentionally that you traveled aboard that frigate? Was it unintentionally that your shells bounced off my ship's hull? Was it unintentionally that Mr

    37. "Professor Aronnax," he replied, "do you dare claim that your frigate wouldn't have chased and cannonaded an underwater boat as readily as a monster?"

    38. "Professor, that troubled me, because it's one of the best ships in the gallant American navy, but they attacked me and I had to defend myself! All the same, I was content simply to put the frigate in a condition where it could do me no harm; it won't have any difficulty getting repairs at the nearest port

    39. I don't imagine you're worried that these gentlemen will stave in walls that shells from your frigate couldn't breach?"

    40. It was here too that Lieutenant Parker, aboard the American frigate Congress, was unable to reach the underwater soil at 15,149 meters

    41. Is it monster or moving reef? Something else? Any page now, Aronnax will plunge over the rail of the frigate; not long afterward, he and the Canadian harpooner Ned Land will find themselves on Captain Nemo’s submarine

    42. The Frigate was coming at us so rapidly that there was no Time to consult the other Ships regarding this Engagement

    43. The Frigate gain’d on us; we fear’d for our Lives

    44. They had begun to feel anxious at the Naval Department, on account of the lack of news from that fatal frigate, The Medusa, which was destined to cover Chaumareix with infamy and Gericault with glory

    45. The frigate of Captain Morgan was a fine Spanish man o’ war

    46. —British training ship Eurydice, a frigate, foundered near the Isle of Wight; 300 lives lost

    47. But though, to landsmen in general, the native inhabitants of the seas have ever been regarded with emotions unspeakably unsocial and repelling; though we know the sea to be an everlasting terra incognita, so that Columbus sailed over numberless unknown worlds to discover his one superficial western one; though, by vast odds, the most terrific of all mortal disasters have immemorially and indiscriminately befallen tens and hundreds of thousands of those who have gone upon the waters; though but a moment's consideration will teach, that however baby man may brag of his science and skill, and however much, in a flattering future, that science and skill may augment; yet for ever and for ever, to the crack of doom, the sea will insult and murder him, and pulverize the stateliest, stiffest frigate he can make; nevertheless, by the continual repetition of these very impressions, man has lost that sense of the full awfulness of the sea which aboriginally belongs to it

    48. And lo! close under our lee, not forty fathoms off, a gigantic Sperm Whale lay rolling in the water like the capsized hull of a frigate, his broad, glossy back, of an Ethiopian hue, glistening in the sun's rays like a mirror

    49. Where unrecorded names and navies rust, and untold hopes and anchors rot; where in her murderous hold this frigate earth is ballasted with bones of millions of the drowned; there, in that awful water-land, there was thy most familiar home

    50. Could not a single foreign frigate enter almost any of our harbors now and batter down our towns? Could not even a single gunboat sweep some of them? Mr

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