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    frustrate frases de exemplo





    1. She silently chuckled when he used his med panel to frustrate her

    2. With her mind settled on different matters, ones that shouldn’t frustrate or worry her, Lunarey felt much more relaxed

    3. I’ve emphasized over and over again for years that in order to continue getting great results, you must continuously change up at least one of the variables, whether it’s volume, intensity, load, frequency or something else, in order to avoid a plateau that will frustrate you and slow your progress

    4. forsake me not, lest I die frustrate of my hope

    5. And now, that my Lord be not defeated and frustrate of his purpose, even death is now fallen on them, and their sin has overtaken

    6. My reaction displayed my shock, only serving to frustrate the jock more

    7. 25 And the king knew in his wisdom that they did not altogether speak correctly in all these words, for this was from the Lord to frustrate the words of the wise men of Egypt, in order that Joseph might go out from the house of confinement, and in order that he should become great in Egypt

    8. Nearly every red-blooded American boy in the school had at one time or another entertained libidinous thoughts as she passed by, but either their advances were consistently ill-timed or she was determined to frustrate all advances

    9. 25 And the king knew in his wisdom that they did not altogether speak correctly in all these words for this was from the Lord to frustrate the words of the wise men of Egypt in order that Joseph might go out from the house of confinement and in order that he should become great in Egypt

    10. 34 Then said I Speak on my Lord in me; only forsake me not lest I die frustrate of my hope

    11. 11 And now that my Lord be not defeated and frustrate of his purpose even death is now fallen on them and their sin has overtaken them with which they will provoke their God to anger whensoever they shall do that which is not fit to be done: 12 For their victuals fail them and all their water is scant and they have determined to lay hands on their cattle and purposed to consume all those things that God has forbidden them to eat by his laws: 13 And are resolved to spend the firstfruits of the the tenths of wine and oil which they had sanctified and reserved for the priests that serve in Jerusalem before the face of our God; the which things it is not lawful for any of the people so much as to touch with their hands

    12. didn't frustrate him, but it did start thought processes which eventually led to a

    13. In fact, it will not solve the problem but will often frustrate you as well

    14. What’s the point of you investing in marketing that’s only going to frustrate people who never

    15. Offenders against children are likely to have menial or temporary jobs, be socially marginalized, frustrate and better related to kids than to adults

    16. Blinded by fear, we ran on the uneven and torn field and crashed behind the sandbags, stones, earth and anything we thought would frustrate a bullet

    17. on these questions can frustrate pupils and make them feel very negative about what they

    18. that he once more did her frustrate

    19. Matthew and Philip also made speeches, but nothing definite came of this discussion until Thomas, calling their attention to the fact that Jesus had counseled Lazarus against exposing himself to death, pointed out that they could do nothing to save their Master inasmuch as he refused to allow his friends to defend him, and since he persisted in refraining from the use of his divine powers to frustrate his human enemies

    20. there be such a clamor, it would only further frustrate

    21. Worrying about others or trying to bring them to your way of thinking should not haunt you or frustrate you

    22. That is, people will cause crashes, bugs, viruses and spyware that will frustrate the users

    23. Wouldn’t a phone that rang without stopping accomplish the same mission? It wouldn’t cost as much or frustrate the caller, either

    24. frustrate her because she will see an interesting part of you and will want to find out more

    25. The mailbox idea will probably frustrate postal workers who are disappointed when they can’t warm up their sandwich in your mailbox

    26. Meanwhile Mussolini's Italian captors moved him half a dozen times to foil and frustrate his German rescuers; but, security was lax and an intercepted radio message soon put the Germans on his trail

    27. He only saw it as another game or ritual that females universally play to frustrate the opposite sex

    28. That's the best way to describe it - that frustrate you moving to do what you really want to do

    29. But self-centredness will always frustrate us from advancing in the kingdom of heaven, until we actually come to the cross and say God, you gave your life for me

    30. This is enough to frustrate even the calmest person

    31. This verse serves: “they put plans to disprove this revelation and to stand in the way of declaring the truth, but I, too, plan to forestall their purpose and frustrate their schemes, for without fail, you will be supported whereas your enemies will be defeated

    32. However, I too make plans to forestall their purpose and frustrate their schemes, for you will be supported without fail, whereas your enemies will be defeated

    33. They would stop at nothing in their attempt to frustrate you, unless you succumb to their stupid demands

    34. I stared at him for a few moments, wondering if he really thought it was funny to frustrate me like this

    35. The law states that police should enter property at a “reasonable hour unless this would frustrate their search”

    36. And if the occupant of the premises is present the police must ask for permission to search the property, again “unless it would frustrate the search to do this”

    37. in check, they begin to frustrate him and rule his life

    38. So is it even possible for Self to conceive of a material or spiritual reality that is nothing? These mental conceptualisations of nothing must somewhat contradict and frustrate the idea and image we may have had about there ever being in existence ‘nothing’

    39. "Thus did he pillage me and my family, thus frustrate all my plans of

    40. With the window already wound down to the maximum, the heat was beginning to frustrate him

    41. mechanical device to frustrate the sacred ends of nature

    42. “The prioress cannot frustrate the proceedings of the court in this way!”

    43. She simply continued to be mild in her temper, inflexible in her judgment, disposed to admonish her husband, and able to frustrate him by stratagem

    44. But we must point out that even prior to the unprecedented bull market that began in 1949, there were sufficient variations in the successive market cycles to complicate and sometimes frustrate the desirable process of buying low and selling high

    45. This approach can frustrate traders waiting for the stock to arrive and park at the pivot point

    46. At first he was silent in his fighting, but as we began to master him, and the attendants were putting a strait waistcoat on him, he began to shout, 'I'll frustrate them! They shan't rob me! They shan't murder me by inches! I'll fight for my Lord and Master!' and all sorts of similar incoherent ravings

    47. You would help these men to hunt me and frustrate me in my design! You know now, and they know in part already, and will know in full before long, what it is to cross my path

    48. Had we done so, the Count must have guessed our purpose, and would doubtless have taken measures in advance to frustrate such an effort with regard to the others

    49. Also, as we are masters of Ulm, we cannot be deprived of the advantage of commanding both sides of the Danube, so that should the enemy not cross the Lech, we can cross the Danube, throw ourselves on his line of communications, recross the river lower down, and frustrate his intention should he try to direct his whole force against our faithful ally

    50. Walter gazed at the sagging bed wearily, and this gave Leota pleasure, to be able to frustrate him

    1. "We've learned a lot since then," Herndon said, looking hurt and frustrated

    2. But if you are wondering, confused and frustrated, than

    3. "Yes," she was getting frustrated with him, "I've died

    4. A few days later, Travis saw that Sarah was frustrated with something

    5. "Lord, I don't understand," he told Him, frustrated, "The waters rose higher and higher and I waited hours for you to save me but you didn't! Why?"

    6. oh, that sounds daft!' he said frustrated with his inability to explain what he means

    7. He gestures in a frustrated way

    8. He is clearly frustrated at John’s lack of progress

    9. Frustrated, I leave a message that Liz phoned and that she has a problem she wants his advice on … that should get him calling one of us

    10. place would be heaving, and worst of all, heaving with angry, frustrated, miseries

    11. She was in her early thirties and a meteoric rise to success had angered and frustrated many of her male colleagues

    12. You know how frustrated she was by the captain's security decrees

    13. He watched as they too became frustrated and started to smack me around

    14. If the kids got dense with her, Elond could get frustrated

    15. Frustrated she scowled at the ceiling

    16. Cara Kara, We have been together now for nearly three years and I am increasingly frustrated because I cannot give you tokens of my love for you to flourish in the face of everyone we know

    17. I am also frustrated by the knowledge that, even if I could present you with such tokens, you probably wouldn’t wear them … I have never met a woman who wears less jewellery or who is so difficult to buy presents for! This being the case, I am sustaining my ego by building up a little store of surprises for you – one day I shall dig them out of storage and watch as you open the various boxes

    18. frustrated in the soft

    19. He was insanely frustrated that he did not have the use of telepathic abilities

    20. She was in such a frustrated lather that her mascara had run right down her cheeks and lay in a sludgy grey puddle on the kitchen table

    21. They were tired, disappointed and frustrated

    22. resentful, frustrated and fearful

    23. frustrated and overwhelmed, as if you’re carrying the

    24. I was frustrated with Jack’s lack of improvement

    25. She was in such a frustrated lather

    26. They all went to bed frustrated

    27. Once in the office, my intention to get stuck into typing up the next section of the Bunty saga is frustrated as I have to spend most of the morning re-working the cookery item for the next edition

    28. “But I should have stopped before I got her too frustrated with tears

    29. sabuSuzanne gave Red Hawk a giggling piggy-back ride to his room, and a frustrated Cordra sat on the chair by the window

    30. She competes against your body’s signals, goes through the sexual motions, but gets no results and gets frustrated to no end

    31. He almost slams the phone down before looking at me and baring his teeth in a frustrated way

    32. darkness, he is frustrated, and has sickness and wrath

    33. He sounded frustrated enough to kill her if she did not die

    34. He was frustrated when quitting time arrived for he had not had a drink all day

    35. ’ She said, frustrated that she can’t explain more clearly

    36. Feeling slightly frustrated, he explored a couple of entrances that

    37. Frustrated, he stared around him into the darkness full of dark shadows and goodness only knew what else

    38. hall like a frustrated, petulant child

    39. Minutes later he was frustrated with boredom

    40. I guess they got frustrated

    41. Of course they got frustrated all over again that they weren’t down there with a lab

    42. However, she was never able to find someone that knew, and it frustrated her, not knowing

    43. Every time he was around her, the tears started, but she was frustrated

    44. She tried to open his pants, but became frustrated by the zipper

    45. He frustrated the devices of the

    46. I don’t know just yet, maybe it is me being angry and frustrated that is playing tricks on my mind? After all I am in a lower state of consciousness

    47. I was now feeling very angry and frustrated

    48. The more she mulled it over the more she got frustrated with him

    49. and the Advocate was becoming frustrated

    50. She felt frustrated with herself for not being able to understand it by now

    1. frustrates a customer more than an obviously canned response where their

    2. It is meant to comfort me, but it frustrates me instead

    3. spreads abroad the Earth by myself; 25 Who frustrates the tokens of the liars, and makes diviners mad; that turns wise men backward,

    4. frustrates both the Yogi and the Bhogi

    5. You should aim to understand their problems and challenges and what frustrates them so that you can tailor your Twitter marketing strategy to them

    6. “I know, and I appreciate your saying, but it still frustrates the socks off me!”

    7. Respect all Women and always remember that its because of ONE that you�re even here! So guys, taking your frustrations of being unemployed or loosing your job or whatever that frustrates you on your family or better-half will not get you anywhere but the divorce court, or jail

    8. Stress frustrates you and plants the seed of doubt in your mind

    9. should pity the fool that both frustrates and arouses pitiful compassion at the same time

    10. There are two prayers that never reach the heavens are that of the escaping slave and that of the reluctant women who frustrates her husband physically at night

    11. “They view the law as a strategy of divide and conquer on the part of slaveholders because it was meant to avoid a national vote on the question of slavery and thus frustrates the wishes of millions of abolitionists in the Northern states

    12. Their senses know this and it frustrates them that you don't know anything about being their leader

    13. not acquainted with and the lack of feeling superior frustrates their narcissism

    14. "That, brother Sancho," said the canon, "only holds good as far as the enjoyment of the revenue goes; but the lord of the seigniory must attend to the administration of justice, and here capacity and sound judgment come in, and above all a firm determination to find out the truth; for if this be wanting in the beginning, the middle and the end will always go wrong; and God as commonly aids the honest intentions of the simple as he frustrates the evil designs of the crafty

    15. In this adventure two mighty enchanters must have encountered one another, and one frustrates what the other attempts; one provided the bark for me, and the other upset me; God help us, this world is all machinations and schemes at cross purposes one with the other

    16. 21 This strategy frustrates many investors who believe that Strayer can grow at a faster pace; nevertheless, this strategy ensures the sustainability of Strayer’s growth

    1. There is nothing that is so frustrating than seeing other

    2. Perhaps his/her current wild lifestyles are disappointing, frustrating, or clearly concerning

    3. It is frustrating not knowing

    4. So Gerisse had searched her room, had he? That must have been frustrating for him

    5. The phone call to the Association office had been equally frustrating – Wiesse couldn’t do either of the days she requested

    6. I know it is frustrating, but once you can do the Headstand you will have it for life, so it is worth a little of your time and patience now, is it not ?

    7. I’d love to go and have a look at what they are selling but dare not leave the ggs … frustrating!

    8. My hands are tied at the moment; I think we’ll have to wait two years before I can get divorced which is very frustrating, but it would be a rubber stamp job then and we won’t have to do any explaining

    9. It can be frustrating to newbies and so I can only recommend it to experienced practitioners

    10. Oh, it is so frustrating … so many things I don’t know

    11. Then nothing … how frustrating! Where was the interview, Bunty? Did you get the job? I can’t see anything in the rest of December, nor in the entries for January 1963 …

    12. It was very frustrating since

    13. “It’s frustrating, knowing things and not being able to communicate them

    14. It took a frustrating year before she came to understand that she had to establish an address to talk to, she was talking to nothing, she was just noise to be rejected

    15. The most frustrating thing was that we really didn’t

    16. “Yes, no, I don’t know! It’s just rude! What if we were having a private conversation?” Ash could be so frustrating sometimes, but he was also strangely adorable

    17. The frustrating truth is that many affiliates won’t do anything

    18. It was an extremely frustrating and exasperating experience, as you can imagine, but she could find no way to avoid these habitual detours that left her totally exhausted by the time she finally slipped the key into the front door of her estranged house

    19. “The most frustrating part was that you didn’t give me a chance to explain

    20. The interruption was doubly frustrating because

    21. 'It was the city itself that was frustrating me

    22. the sequence, but with such frustrating slowness, until the last key was pressed and gp338 flowed

    23. leave stuff like this behind if they evacuated the temple?” He smiled beatifically in a frustrating

    24. It was a frustrating time for Jessie, but not unusual to have long periods of time without whale sightings for a typical whaling voyage

    25. Life in the old world was going to have been a frustrating and exasperating experience

    26. “I can see how that would be frustrating to you

    27. ‖ Many individuals susceptible to teeming influences extending beyond their capacity to assimilate what is being conveyed and in what manner and why, for that matter, entirely dependent has the public become on its media ―mouthpieces‖ commissioned to do their thinking for them in a fruitless attempt at sorting out unintelligent pieces of information that, taken collectively, are even more meaningless, thereby frustrating further efforts to attain (true) knowledge while unsettling core beliefs

    28. An attachment to any individual divested of his or her essential qualities, however problematical, is equivalent to embracing an empty suit, thereby frustrating our intended purpose inasmuch as the inseparable idea(s) forming the character of that individual of our liking and the manner such (ideas) are properly received represent the fundamental components internalized by that individual who we (ironically) find so appealing to begin with

    29. “You really can be the most frustrating man, do you know that Frank Collins? What happened?”

    30. In love with the most frustrating, infuriating, self-centred, devious man she had ever met

    31. Trying to explain things at a bellow is both frustrating and very tiring

    32. It could be frustrating, at times

    33. The moment she thought of Melchior, her body did the most frustrating things

    34. For a deaf guy, listening to two conversations at once is the most frustrating thing, and it was easy to hear impatience in his voice as he argued with someone

    35. Nothing is more frustrating for a fighter pilot than to return to base, and then to find out there’s nothing wrong with the motor

    36. It let Amonas know that not everything was amiss, that some things were still normal albeit frustrating and hard to deal with

    37. After hours of frustrating conversation, trying to design a plausible plan, the light had started to fade

    38. I used to find this so frustrating because I was speaking to the parent and not to the child

    39. This financial cycle does with that each nonprofit organization acts alone, struggling tirelessly for not frustrating the beneficiaries of its intention

    40. It was so frustrating that he could never take responsibility for anything

    41. Most of the time it is frustrating, because the typical Leftist will not get intellectual about any issue

    42. The answer was short and frustrating but taught me an important lesson: Try to understand only what your mind is able to understand

    43. It put her in contact with the mix of emotions and range of conversation of one of most fascinating and frustrating creatures on the planet—the evolving adolescent

    44. I found this rather frustrating

    45. The first half day of “hands-on testing” was frustrating for everyone concerned

    46. Therefore getting customers or clients is the most frustrating aspect in your life

    47. had ensured a frustrating and tiring venture into the deep,

    48. Both sides were succeeding only in frustrating the other

    49. It was frustrating and entirely vindictive for him to be devouring pink fairy floss in my company, but even after my repetitive droning and complaining, Akua didn’t seem to care

    50. Married life is very frustrating

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    bedevil crucify dun frustrate rag torment baffle bilk cross foil queer scotch spoil thwart bewilder confuse puzzle nonplus mystify