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    Use "galactic" em uma frase

    galactic frases de exemplo


    1. The angle of the drive sent them into the system on a spiral, a spiral that ended with them approaching a hundred degrees of angle away from the direction of Sol and forty degrees out of the galactic plane and behind the brown dwarf

    2. Almost as an afterthought Smith allocated a small portion of his dream time as the equivalent of a galactic closed circuit television system

    3. "Darryl is plotting the motions of every snowball we pass, they are all in two families, those orbiting in the galactic plane and those of the halo

    4. They were coming straight up the Orion Arm on the way home, everything, snowflakes and stars included, was orbiting the galaxy in this direction, Sol was eleven light years ahead of 61 Cygni in the galactic orbit

    5. Our planet in fact is not stationary and exclusively blessed by the Divine in contrast with all other galactic spheres—much to our unjustified belittlement of them and exaltation of ourselves! In reality, the Earth spins around like one of those toy tops and travels around like one of those toy train sets, methodically and faithfully circling that hot, glowing ball in the sky that comes and goes on a daily basis, flaring up like my allergies and hemorrhoids that are just as regular and persistent as that shining, brilliant star we call the sun

    6. It is written in an ancient galactic language

    7. He wanted a place in galactic history

    8. Now he was seeing them as they truly were: a civilisation perhaps a millennia ahead of humans, yet still flesh and blood; fearful, paranoid about their perceived threats from humanoid races displaying a potential for galactic spread

    9. How did this half-baked economic theory actually fit in with the Galactic Empire?

    10. On the galactic frontier, people would try to take his ship away from him, and he meant to prevent them from doing it

    11. On the side of the map it reads: Galactic Bulge / Center Milky Way Galaxy 28,459 light-years

    12. He zooms in on Andromeda and sees more solid lines leaving Andromeda’s Galactic Bulge center

    13. “What is the galactic bulge and where is it?” He asked with this arms folded

    14. “The galactic bulge is located in the center of our Milky Way Galaxy

    15. Every galaxy has a galactic bulge

    16. The galactic center’s sun is also shining brightly over the surface

    17. It will still take too long to travel from galaxy to galaxy without using a galactic center black hole

    18. ‘That is fine, after this we can watch the moon passing and glimpse our galactic center

    19. The moon slowly eclipses the galactic center’s light

    20. Each galaxy has two center components: a galactic bulge star the size of a billion stars and a gigantic black hole of a similar size

    21. Going into debt was out of the question, and the Galactic Princess Pageant was my only chance according to my mom, so I tried

    22. I spoke of galactic repetitions, of failure and fear

    23. And now it is year 507, and we are very much part of the galactic culture

    24. greater than the galactic halo density

    25. around Earth exceeds the galactic halo density significantly and is much higher than

    26. This is greater than the background galactic

    27. This is greater than the background galactic halo dark matter density by

    28. Frere, Ling, and Vertongen [5] have proposed that dark matter concentrations within our galactic

    29. lower on the Earth’s surface (although stil higher than the background galactic halo density) and the

    30. This is stil five orders of magnitude higher than the galactic halo density

    31. 07 x 10-28 kg cm−3 (this is slightly lower than the background galactic halo density)

    32. outside the galactic cores

    33. Inside galactic cores, however, annihilations are expected to

    34. (At galactic levels a microwave glow is predicted from the production of

    35. In the galactic halo, this (secondary) radiation would be extremely feeble due to the extremely low density

    36. the Earth [1, 2] exceeds the galactic halo density significantly

    37. of magnitude greater than the galactic halo density

    38. background galactic halo density) and the interior of the Earth

    39. In the galactic halo, this (secondary) radiation would be extremely feeble due to the

    40. the galactic centre In June, the earth moves in the same direction as the

    41. SOMEONE WITH MORE ARROGANCE than sense actually believed that the Galactic

    42. “Actually, dragons are found all over the galaxy, based on what the Galactic Garden told us

    43. They were known as the zell, and said they were members of the Galactic Garden (G

    44. They stated it was the duty of the Galactic Garden to preserve order in the galaxy, and that they would report this to their superiors

    45. The Galactic Garden spent fifteen years helping to repair the damages done to the worlds, and they placed a restriction on the moons around Big-Gassy so there wouldn’t be any more wars over them

    46. In 175, the Galactic Garden ordered representatives from each species to meet with them

    47. With maps given to them by the Galactic Garden, the races of Upsinodron had now a fair idea of the location of their star in the galaxy and those that were habited and uninhabited by sentient species

    48. It was 363 years since the Galactic Garden last came to Upsinodron

    49. It is now 373 years since the Galactic Garden visited them; 4,001,000 S

    50. This is the language that the Galactic Garden thought the inhabitants of Upsinodron as the common tongue of most of the galaxy

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