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    Use "garage" em uma frase

    garage frases de exemplo





    1. I never thought I'd get so far from that abandoned parking garage

    2. When she looked over the rail as a child, she saw the coy-dog packs tearing at the garbage the residents of her abandoned parking garage threw out

    3. Time! He’s probably scaring away the gnats around this garage, too

    4. She’d bought them at a garage sale, said they’d be sitting in them when they were old farts and had a porch

    5. Every writer needs a room of her own and I guess every band needs a garage

    6. ‘Nothing much … it’s something one of the guys at the garage wants repaired

    7. I gather that he often uses the van from the garage when the drama group needs stuff transported

    8. ‘It appears that one of Dan’s employees at the garage rang the house just after seven thirty and spoke to Joanna

    9. ‘Liz, she could have those rooms over the garage

    10. That spring we’d built a little garage in our back yard and I was

    11. I say garage, it was more a sort of lean to

    12. knocked a double garage door in the rear wall so we could bring the odd car under

    13. price asked of me by the man leaning against our old garage door

    14. ‘Just park over there by the garage, Liz … there’s plenty of room

    15. ‘The annexe is that block above the garage, Liz

    16. ‘There’s a staircase down the side of the garage there so you can come and go as you please, although there is also a connecting door inside which links to the rest of the house

    17. It’s fishy enough that the guy who swears he spoke to Joanna after Sadler had left for the rehearsal works in Sadler’s garage … then there’s the matter of the paraffin

    18. I sent a man down to his garage earlier to bring him in for questioning but he’s not there

    19. ‘I wonder what will happen to the garage business … he employs half a dozen people … and then there’s his house

    20. Leonora couldn't guess, and Ruby couldn't tell her, exactly what was in the large, oddly shaped crate, but it took four hands and two backs to maneuver it out of the truck and into the garage of the grateful recipient, who gave them each an extra cash bonus as he rubbed his hands together with unseemly delight

    21. I moan about this to Wally on Monday when I see him and he assures me that the village garage is okay, stressing that they have a good reputation and going on to mention that it’s where he takes his car

    22. For about two years now I have entered a very interesting phase of my life, since I have more and more psychic experiences; yet, I have also perceived certain paradox incidents which appear more and more frequently, surrounding me like a Sonic War: At daybreak, when I do the most important meditation exercise of the day, there is incredible mobility in the block of flats next to my house: A number of cars come and go continuously in and out of their outdoor garage, which happens to be right next to my bedroom window! Even earlier, from 4:00 to 6:00 am (no exaggeration) they race engines incessantly and/or slam car doors uncountable times! Why, indeed? Only God -or Satan- knows! The fact is that more often than not I can hardly sleep, I feel exasperated and I can't meditate properly

    23. Yet, she suggests she and I should change houses: she prefers to live in my house, on the ground floor, because it is bigger and it has a veranda; therefore, I will move into her apartment, on the second floor, which is much quieter since it is not so close to the street and the outdoor garage

    24. A little later, as we were chatting on, I complained about the awful noise made by cars at the outdoor garage below my window every night; he expressed his understanding and then he asked smiling: “Outdoor garage? What's does ''outdoor'' mean?”

    25. However, I do remember feeling grotty with stomach cramps the day I took the car down to the garage for its MOT … I check back in my diary that would be the second week of October … I should come on sometime around the second week in November

    26. On a rain spotted driveway in front of a gaping garage mouth

    27. Woven into his dream of eighty-five, he backed out of the garage

    28. Catwhiskers went out into the garage and took out the bikes

    29. Joe went into the garage and came out with the rope

    30. In the end they set it up on blocks in the garage, and removed the battery, drained it and stored it on a shelf

    31. We went to the garage and sat on wooden

    32. garage and a Shilling Shop distribution warehouse

    33. The stuff in the shed, mainly garden implements, along with some car-related bits and pieces in the garage, can stay put – the tenants might find them useful

    34. He greets me with the glad news that Karen’s just remembered that his car has to go in for its MOT before the end of the week and that he has therefore arranged with his garage to do it first thing tomorrow

    35. This means he needs to get the car to the garage tonight

    36. The closest she ever came in the past was when she was ten years old and some of the neighborhood punks locked her in one of the dusty old utility rooms in the parking garage they lived in

    37. He cried the whole time, saying he wished he had a better life to give her, a life like people had when this parking garage was built

    38. Her first pee since that garage in Reston was not going to be a pleasant one

    39. All the families that had planked in on that side of the garage shared what used to be the public facilities on that floor, and it was shear monstrosities of re-cycled plumbing that kept it going

    40. Those in the vale were superior to those in that parking garage when the parking garage was built

    41. Using her as translator, Ava went thru the whole story, the parking garage, how it was planked in, how people argued about bathroom duty, the landfill that the pistolieros busted open and how her father scavenged there

    42. As they walked to the parking garage, the thirty percent of the ads that were in English told Ava that this had become in some ways the Las Vegas of Europe

    43. pretty good idea where the garage was

    44. time a corner shop, but had been converted into a garage and

    45. garage staff, he was welcomed warmly by Edgar, who was sitting on

    46. I first grew up in an abandoned concrete parking garage that my dad had planked in,” her eyes went that far away and she stared thru his procedure schedule that was hanging on the wall opposite her

    47. His small one-car garage

    48. Tom had used his acquaintance with Edgar the garage foreman to

    49. I first grew up in an abandoned concrete parking garage that my dad had planked in

    50. We stopped at the garage door

    1. One of these was the Abraham Pharmaceutical Company who acknowledged that they leased a black Fairlane but had no idea of its location as the chauffeur garaged the vehicle and was answerable only to the owner and principal shareholder a Dr Jacob Abraham who was currently interstate and unable to be contacted

    2. The car was garaged and the supper laid out by his housekeeper eaten in the den whilst he listened to last year’s Prom concert, again

    3. He ignored the ten-year-old car he garaged there and had used for the other episodes

    4. He garaged his car and headed straight to the bathroom, he had to take a shower

    1. Don’t know any garages round here … there is one in the village, but I’m reluctant to try it in case they’re a cowboy organisation

    2. They came out to an area reminiscent of earth garages; Duncan saw several machines parked there, they resembled hovercraft

    3. Parking garages and lots spilled down the hillside away from the cliffs

    4. another which was configured as garages for wagons

    5. It seemed that most of the stables were now used as garages; at

    6. recalled, was Oliver and who was one of the staff from the garages at

    7. discussions overhead in the garages that the drivers each had

    8. remonstrating with Edgar from the garages

    9. There was enough ambient light for me to see the front of the garage"s interior and the flowerpots where I had hidden Langdon"s favourite weapon

    10. We walked up to the courts which are on top of the garages

    11. If you will consider some basic objectives, you can create a vision beyond the clutter that has littered garages during the last 100 years:

    12. I love old roomy garages or barns

    13. Behind the lodge was a series of garages

    14. of the five large garages

    15. Aside from the bobcats that came down our neighborhood chimneys, scorpions in our child’s crib, and alligators in our garages when it flooded, snakes often swam in the pool

    16. We could also see two separate garages

    17. There were two parking garages in the place

    18. It was good business for the local garages

    19. Houses certainly qualify under this definition, as do their outlying structures, such as garages and sheds

    20. Adirondack lawn furniture was hauled out of ten thousand garages to be painted

    21. Heather laughs; �Yeah I know, there's a few garages clustered together there, that's where this one came from

    22. Driving down to his lock-up garages he gets his car out and aware that he would not be able to use the van again for quite a while he locks it in the garage

    23. Approaching the lock-up garages Suzy slows down as all the garage doors are shut

    24. Knowing that Lewis has several of the garages here and aware that he may not want to see her, she stands still and listens

    25. With three garages and a swimming pool in the back this was the place I wanted to rest in

    26. courtyard to the garages and activated his LIMO, the doors

    27. there were garages, and I could smell the chlorine from the

    28. He ate his breakfast, organised his things and took the lift down eight floors into the garages

    29. � After tipping the man, Nancy went with Meg and Jennifer to park her car at the Blue Ball Yard, an old horses barn on St James�s Street that had been converted into private garages

    30. The two entrances to the underground garages were at the sides of the building and many of the guests’ Chauffeurs had parked there, respecting the Duke’s desire to avoid clutter at the front

    31. We could not get a warrant to search the garages there because all we had was the word of an anonymous tipster

    32. He had visited many garages before he step on in their garage; wherever he visited all the mechanics were gave up; declared that his Ambassador car would not be repair

    33. Buses are inspected and refueled in Department of Transportation garages

    34. It was a neighbourhood of big houses and giant driveways with two door garages

    35. build the houses, car garages, and outhouses

    36. it in her stuff stored in one of the garages back on Horseman’s

    37. constructed a darkroom for us at the back of the garages on our property

    38. Walls were built along the front of the property and new garages built

    39. garages were used to form a common lounge which served both the cottage and the

    40. With use of garages and a reasonable rental, it was perfect

    41. There are a number of lock-up garages rented out there,’ said Comben

    42. found an old receipt for rent for the two lock-up garages and decided to have a look at them

    43. Jason was installed in a flat above the garages

    44. He wandered back to the garages, busied himself

    45. made his way to the garages, keys to the BMW

    46. left for the garages, the atmosphere in the house

    47. look and headed out, through the garages, down

    48. On the streets of large cities the Methadonians sought out Virgins at train stations, bus stations, and late at night in parks and parking garages

    49. In fact, Sanford had used these rocks to build his house, garages, fence, and what appeared to be the start of a well that had gone south

    50. Mostly used to build the houses, car garages, and outhouses

    1. Delmage followed the two men through the indoor pool area to the garaging where a fleet of cars was housed, all soon to be off-loaded, discounted to selected dealers at prices where no questions were asked

    2. Over the wall there was a disused cemetery, bounded on its south side by an old mews used now for light industry and garaging

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    Sinônimos para "garage"

    garage service department