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girlhood frases de exemplo
1. That vigil had taken girlhood from her eyes, yet she kept her youth to a marvellous degree
2. Both had what was called "a disappointment" in their girlhood
3. Good things are showered down on her, presents, pettings, admiration, and all those charming things that every girl should enjoy once before her pretty girlhood has gone
4. And Charlotte was so sincere, was so honestly grieved by the hopeless dulness of the fulfilment of what had once been the blithe promise of young girlhood, that I began to feel distressed too, and cast glances of respectful sympathy at the poor lady
5. Her days at first held any number of these new sensations or rather recognitions of sensations that used in her girlhood to be a matter of course, but now were seen to be extraordinarily precious
6. Up in the garret, where Jo's unquiet wanderings ended stood four little wooden chests in a row, each marked with its owners name, and each filled with relics of the childhood and girlhood ended now for all
7. Why does he send to one who is a buonaroba, a bay where all men ride, a maid of honour with a scandalous girlhood, a lordling to woo for him? He was himself a lord of language and had made himself a coistrel gentleman and he had written Romeo and Juliet
8. Gerty MacDowell who was seated near her companions, lost in thought, gazing far away into the distance was, in very truth, as fair a specimen of winsome Irish girlhood as one could wish to see
9. Brings back her girlhood
10. Whenever possible Antonia attended her father; her recognized devotion weakened the shocking effect of her scorn for the rigid conventions regulating the life of Spanish-American girlhood
11. His mother, the daughter of the previous Duke of Traykhos, had been the first cousin of Sir Ahlvyn Gahrnet, and she’d spent much of her own girlhood in Geyra
12. It seemed such a terrible waste to spend all your little girlhood learning how two
13. had left her tired body and floated somewhere above it where there was no pain and She was seeing things with new eyes for, somewhere along the long road to Tara, she had left her girlhood behind her
14. In her small face, her eyes were too large for beauty, the dark smudges under them making them appear girlhood
15. wisdom, all loving tenderness, all understanding gone—all those things which, embodied in Ellen, had been the bulwark of her girlhood
16. She had occasionally caught glimpses of these men in girlhood, looking over hedges, or peeping through bushes, and pointing their guns, strangely accoutred, a bloodthirsty light in their eyes
17. Other remnants of girlhood lingered here and there—the dressing table with stickers on the mirror, the canopy affixed to the bed
18. Casaubon as having a mind so much above her own, that he must often be claimed by studies which she could not entirely share; moreover, after the brief narrow experience of her girlhood she was beholding Rome, the city of visible history, where the past of a whole hemisphere seems moving in funeral procession with strange ancestral images and trophies gathered from afar
19. Rosamond felt herself beginning to know a great deal of the world, especially in discovering what when she was in her unmarried girlhood had been inconceivable to her except as a dim tragedy in by-gone costumes—that women, even after marriage, might make conquests and enslave men
20. All through their girlhood she had felt that she could act on her sister by a word judiciously placed—by opening a little window for the daylight of her own understanding to enter among the strange colored lamps by which Dodo habitually saw
21. Mary, as you know, married Francis Bacon, whereupon they proceeded to torment each other for the Duration of their Lives together (since your Aunt Mary, from earliest Girlhood, lov’d nothing better than a good English Roast Beef, whereas Francis Bacon referr’d to the same as “Dead Cow” and made her quite miserable for eating his “Four-legged Friends”)
22. Cosette's childhood and girlhood, her advent in the daylight, her virginal growth towards life and light, had been sheltered by that hideous devotion
23. She spent tranquil hours as a single mother, surrounded by what remained of her girlhood memories
24. Princess Anna Chechevinski for the last time looked at the home of her girlhood, over which the St
25. Perhaps we should include the genus Girl, also, but of that we are not certain; for, not to dwell upon the fact that we have never been a girl, and are, therefore, unable to enter into the feelings of girlhood, we hold that girls are better than boys, as women are better than men, and that, consequently, they take more kindly to school life