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    give orders frases de exemplo

    give orders

    1. There he’d give orders as though I were a child who’d never left home, or he’d deliver reprimands about my marriage

    2. Boatswain"s pipe: small, shrill whistle used to give orders or calls

    3. This was one of the reasons they both could give orders without any arguing

    4. Thus, the only way was to give orders was from the headquarters

    5. “You can’t just come in here and give orders as if you were a member,” one of the

    6. Then I will be able to give orders and make things happen

    7. in, stood up and began to give orders

    8. They would appeal for help from their Provider who will give orders to drive them to Fire where they would surrender to its burning hoping to forget the unbearable spiritual pains they feel

    9. A great feeling of mercy overwhelmed his heart and became transformed into words of advice for the pasha that he should give orders to the stablemen to take care of all the animals’ food, drink, and the place for them to sleep; and to take care that these instructions were carried out

    10. We will give orders that they translate the Arabic verseswhich my uncle has

    11. I will give orders to Josefa (so)that she may have the Arabic parchment

    12. Josephus: “Now the seditious at first give orders that the dead should be buried out of the public

    13. Josephus: “Now the seditious at first give orders that the dead should be buried out of the public treasure, as not enduring the stench of their dead bodies

    14. "Say no more, Senor Don Quixote, say no more," said the duchess; "I assure you I will give orders that not even a fly, not to say a damsel, shall enter your room

    15. I shall now give orders to have all the warehouses where

    16. It is for me to give orders here, and

    17. Give orders to the coachman; and be in readiness on the stairs to conduct us to it

    18. He left the room to give orders for another notary to be sent, but Barrois, who had heard all that passed, had guessed his master's wishes, and had already gone to fetch one

    19. “And who are you, to give orders?”

    20. Then Caris turned away, breaking the spell, and began to give orders to the men

    21. The marshals were all noblemen, for they had to have the authority to give orders

    22. He could give orders like no one else, concise and incapable of misinterpretation, the Ulysses S

    23. would have liked to get home as soon as possible to give orders about getting together the mowers for next day, and to set at rest his doubts about the mowing, which greatly absorbed him

    24. As to Captain Mitchell, Nostromo, after the manner of trusted subordinates, considered him as a person fitted by education perhaps to sign papers in an office and to give orders, but otherwise of no use whatever, and something of a fool

    25. somebody to give orders and none of this torturing sense of facing problems that There was always something to eat in the army, even if it was just corn bread, always couldn’t be solved—nothing to bother about in the army except getting killed

    26. I shall give orders that he may be sent to me in the Yew-tree Walk, where I shall be taking my usual exercise

    27. Merry hurried off to give orders

    28. From all this talk he saw only one thing: that to defend Moscow was a physical impossibility in the full meaning of those words, that is to say, so utterly impossible that if any senseless commander were to give orders to fight, confusion would result but the battle would still not take place

    29. ‘Ask the countess, I don’t give orders

    30. Having reached his country house and begun to give orders about domestic arrangements,

    31. At first he watched the serfs, trying to understand their aims and what they considered good and bad, and only pretended to direct them and give orders while in reality learning from them their methods, their manner of speech, and their judgment of what was good and bad

    32. Championnet, who treated miracles brutally, rose from the pavements of Paris; he had, when a small lad, inundated the porticos of Saint-Jean de Beauvais, and of Saint-Etienne du Mont; he had addressed the shrine of Sainte-Genevieve familiarly to give orders to the phial of Saint Januarius

    33. You shall give orders that I am to be received in the little waiting-room

    34. Rochester: then she hurried out to give orders about tea, and I went upstairs to take off my things

    35. “We’re going to give orders that stick

    36. “I’m goin’ to have a hell of a time with the guys if you give orders,” London said

    37. However, she didn't see why the Red Queen should be the only one to give orders, so, as an experiment, she called out 'Waiter! Bring back the pudding!' and there it was again in a moment like a conjuring-trick

    38. Levin, on the other hand, would have liked to get home as soon as possible to give orders about getting together the mowers for next day, and to set at rest his doubts about the mowing, which greatly absorbed him

    39. “Do send for candles!” said Rakitin, with the free-and-easy air of a most intimate friend, who is privileged to give orders in the house

    40. Mitya jumped up from the table and ran into the next room to give orders, but only three girls had arrived, and Marya was not there yet

    41. The prince bestirred himself to give orders

    42. "Your Excellency, don't trouble yourself with my petulant complaint, and only give orders for my books and letters to be restored to me

    43. ANNA PÁVLOVNA [while listening to him looks at Third Peasant] Only look! Why, he has a rash on his nose—a rash! He is ill; he is a hotbed of infection!! Did I not give orders, yesterday, that they were not to be allowed into the house, and here they are again? Drive them out!

    44. Natálya Nikoláevna asked him not to catch a cold, but he said that it was all right, and continued to give orders, slamming doors, and walking, and, when it seemed that only the servants and peasants had to be attended to, he several times walked through all the rooms, leaving the drawing-room by one door, and coming in through another, as though he were looking for something else to do

    45. It's easy to lie on the oven and give orders

    46. Only look! Why, he has a rash on his nose—a rash! He is ill; he is a hotbed of infection!! Did I not give orders, yesterday, that they were not to be allowed into the house, and here they are again? Drive them out!

    47. “And I shall give orders that these measures should be revoked and the people reinstated in their homes

    48. If these men did not exist, there would not be any one to offer violence to all these enormous masses of violated people, and those who give orders would never even dare either to command or even to dream of what they now command with so much self-assurance

    49. The officer was bored; he had nothing to do, and the poor fellow was placed in a position where he felt in duty bound to give orders

    50. He was deprived of a rational human existence; he could do nothing but look on and give orders, give orders and look on, although both were works of supererogation

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