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    Use "go hunting" em uma frase

    go hunting frases de exemplo

    go hunting

    1. Gee, I wonder why I was never asked to go hunting with the fellows?

    2. She had probably lost her ability to go hunting, and,

    3. How he missed the mountains back home, especially when he and his abb would go hunting

    4. They were running out of game- he’d have to go hunting soon, but he figured that there was enough left for a stew tonight

    5. For example, the poor who has neither work nor land can go hunting to fulfill the need of his family by the returns of selling this meat

    6. I have been saying for years to watch what happens at Yellowstone …when that starts to act up it’s time to load up and go hunting

    7. He was hungry and needed to go hunting

    8. I suggest that Hartmann lays immediately to go hunting more witches

    9. “Do you guys usually go hunting this late at

    10. That night the hunter said to Sir Gawain, “Tomorrow I will go hunting in the woods, whatever I capture I will bring it home and give it to you

    11. That's just what I want to hear before I go hunting! I can't do much to steer; the water is very fast, and I've no experience of white-water

    12. He is my guide, not Bruce, and I can't go hunting without him, or go searching for wounded game, especially bears

    13. Jack and Isaac just smile calmly, and ask which I would prefer to do first: go hunting or have breakfast? What a question! Of course we must go hunting first

    14. I doubt if I'll ever be a truly dedicated archer, as I love guns too much, but it's quite possible that I will happily go hunting with a bow, if I can learn to use it properly

    15. I, as a Hungarian hunter, do not have to waste any time worrying about it, because, according to Alaskan law, all foreigners and hunters from other US states can only go hunting if accompanied by a local professional

    16. In future I must only ever go hunting with people like this!

    17. out to go hunting alone in the forest but now, with the rumour

    18. I go hunting polar furs and the seal, leaping chasms with a

    19. Without trying to reconcile the contradictions between Captain Nemo's professed horror of continents or islands and his invitation to go hunting in a forest, I was content to reply:

    20. As he was at Earlscastle, he took the opportunity to go hunting with the earl and his entourage, and he forgot

    21. We go hunting a couple of times a day, shoot a few rounds on the range, then at night trade stories and beers

    22. We go hunting a couple of times a day, shoot a few rounds on the range, then at night trade stories and beers

    23. We go hunting and hawking, we have wrestling matches and contests of horsemanship, and we play football

    24. “Part of me’s inclined to take the entire Home Squadron west, combine it with Rohsail’s force, and go hunting the Charisians on the theory that we’d have to have enough cannon to handle their ironclads

    25. She didn’t realize how embarrassing it was to go hunting with your mom

    26. Having finished his inquiries and extorted from Daniel wished to go hunting), Nicholas ordered the horses to be saddled

    27. 'Is that the way you go hunting?' said the old man

    28. Having finished his inquiries and extorted from Daniel an opinion that the hounds were fit (Daniel himself wished to go hunting), Nicholas ordered the horses to be saddled

    29. Powell resided for some time, was asked by his father, what he wanted to do when he got to be a man, and answered: "Be a minister and go hunting like Mr

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