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    Use "go towards" em uma frase

    go towards frases de exemplo

    go towards

    1. Go towards the back and you will see it

    2. People who did not vote, were to be fined one ducit to go towards council expenses, namely for the councilors themselves

    3. He sprinted as fast as his legs could go towards an opening in the side wall of the corridor where two ladders dropped down to a lower level

    4. They were the only ones they knew why; they had the knowledge, awareness of why they should go towards monotheism

    5. 14 Then Adam said to Eve, "Arise, let us go towards the eastern gate of the garden as God told us

    6. Any sale proceeds will go towards the purchase of a Private Island to keep the ramblers at bay unless they have Boats in which case they had better come armed

    7. ” He motioned to her with his hand to go towards him

    8. This is because, it can make warm and moist air go towards different parts of your place, and make your AC system work harder

    9. Every penny you spend should go towards renovations that add value to the property

    10. Money that would go towards

    11. Instead of avoiding the fear, turn 180° and go towards it

    12. Jenny became serious at once and nodded her head, pivoting on her heels to go towards one of the doors along the walls of the operations center

    13. His chief bodyguard, an ex-Spetsnaz officer, seeing him go towards the swimming pool, preceded him outside and looked around for any sign of threat

    14. “Well the police said Diane and Dana both stopped trying to go towards the motorist when they arrived

    15. Letting Terlecki and his five troopers go towards the nearby engine room, Michel went to the nearest staircase tube, entering it and then using his gravity drive unit to fly up towards the bridge level, more than 700 meters above

    16. If you attend a party, and there’s a cat present, they always tend to go towards the cat haters

    17. They take one more look at the battle situation and reluctantly go towards the cave

    18. With heads lowered we endure the rain being thrown in our faces by the wind as we go towards the shore

    19. The extra two months of planning would just have to go towards getting him a better plan: one that didn't collapse over a miserable access ban, he promised himself

    20. Let go the ego towards Self

    21. As humans, we will never fully know or understand all the complexities of the circumstances that go towards driving another’s behaviour, only the Creator can truly know all these facts, and so only the Creator can judge absolutely

    22. Badly bleeding the fallen order beast completely broke off pursuit and headed as fast as it could go towards the open mouth of the valley where the valley opened up into the arid wastelands that surrounded the Holy Mountains

    23. And however near they might go towards a perfect type in their ideal heads and figures, they never went so far as to kill the individual in the type

    24. Everyone then realized that Londa wasn't in the fire and that she had made it outside safely! Missy then told me that everyone started trying to convince Dana that Londa had made it outside safely and that Londa wasn't in the fire! They showed Dana that Londa had made it outside safely! They brought Londa right in Dana's face so that Dana could see her, but Missy told me that Dana still wasn't satisfied! Missy told me that Dana had to see all three identical triplets' faces together at the same time, to be convinced that none of them were in the fire! Missy told me that everyone in the crowd went to look for the other two triplets, but couldn't find them because there was such a big crowd of people there, that it was hard to find anybody that was missing! Everyone was so desperate and determined to find the other two triplets as Dana continued to go towards the fire! Missy told me that the people in the crowd finally found one of the other triplets and brought her over to Dana, but the third triplet was still missing somewhere in the crowd

    25. The crowd starts to go towards the little girl and approach her

    26. In the front lobby of the police station, Dana's family is still shouting all over the place! Joseph and Teresa soon show up! They and Dana's family start to hear shouting coming from the back room! They all try to go towards the back room to where Dana is, but Officer Reid stops them! Officer Kersh comes out to Dana's family

    27. The money you save can go towards a fine honeymoon and a new home

    28. The rest of the prize money can go towards the end of the year cash purse

    29. Owen was at the appointed place first and after waiting some time and seeing no sign of the boy he decided to go towards the butcher's to meet him

    30. Andrea pretended to go towards the Red Horse inn, but after leaning an instant against the door, and hearing the last sound of the cab, which was disappearing from view, he went on his road, and with a lusty stride soon traversed the space of two leagues

    31. This was as far as Charles Gould was accustomed to go towards expressing his intentions

    32. After ordering the meals for the day with his usual parsimony, the goodman, having locked the closets containing the supplies, was about to go towards the fruit-garden, when Nanon stopped him to

    33. His plan, as far as they could understand it without knowing the country, was to go towards Archet at first, but to bear right and pass it on

    34. ” The three hundred roubles, he explained, were to go towards the funeral and other expenses

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