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    gold-plated frases de exemplo


    1. He wore a flat hat with a bedazzled brim in what looked like gold-plated aluminum

    2. Collingston High, furnished with paintings and a gold-plated ceiling fan

    3. In the centre was a massive gold-plated statue of four flying lions facing outwards in each of the main wind directions

    4. He was a gold-plated, super-smooth piece of lightning

    5. “I hoped to call you dad, one day,” I say to John De Luca as we stand in one of the Union Square’s gold-plated elevators

    6. Mark wore gleaming gold-plated plate-over-mail armor with white accents and a white cape, and GrimFang hung across his back, it’s scabbard newly-white

    7. Equemev wore gold-plated shoes that covered the entire hoof, and her flowing mane and tail were festooned with diamonds, gold charms and trinkets, and tiny bows of white and gold ribbon

    8. Povon wore a dragon-sized vest of heavily gold-plated chain mail that was almost completely encrusted with diamonds of every size in swirling patterns, with inside pockets for her favorite devices of power

    9. He was careful not to buy anything that cost more than a nickel, and then he would hand over one of the gold-plated nickels

    10. The elaborate, gold-inlaid chest was identical to the descriptions read from old texts by her old rabbi in Magdala, with two gold cherubim angels on the top cover and two gold-plated carrying rods hooked along the sides

    11. Nancy, who was sliding in place the two gold-plated carrying poles in the hooks on the side of the priceless artifact, raised her voice to take the Jews out of their trance

    12. ����������� �Out of this!�� Answered Nancy, taking out her gold-plated and engraved Desert Eagle pistol, opening the chamber to show him it was not loaded and handing it to him so he could examine it

    13. Winslow eyed with interest the small but beautiful young woman, who was wearing a futuristic and colorful flying helmet with a gold-plated visor, before coming to attention and saluting on seeing her rank insignias

    14. They could now see clearly the pilot, its colorful flying helmet painted the colors of the American flag and sporting a gold-plated visor

    15. Whoever won “honorable-mentioned” would be awarded an attractive fourteen-carat gold-plated plaque that could be placed in the winning school’s trophy case

    16. ” He glanced at his gold-plated pocket-watch

    17. “Light them up please,” Alvin requested, and Big Jim followed to light the candles one by one with his gold-plated Zippo lighter

    18. These rooms have gold-plated RESERVED signs on them, and it never even crosses your mind

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