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    Use "good-looking" em uma frase

    good-looking frases de exemplo


    1. He is a nice, good-looking and sensible guy; moreover, he is quite wealthy and he has a good job in a big TV channel

    2. She had on a blue shirt that draped over her ample breasts, and white Capri pants that framed a firm good-looking ass

    3. Even wanted pictures of us – now they'll see what a good-looking couple we make

    4. ’ The good-looking lad could not have been more

    5. Here they were, two good-looking people and they couldn’t even see past their petty problems

    6. “You’re getting to be a good-looking fellow, Johnny,” she said

    7. He was surprisingly good-looking

    8. He wasn’t particularly good-looking, with a beak-like nose, thin lips and bald head but, he certainly was better company than Leon, appeared more intelligent, was tall, clean-shaven, and what hair he did have was neatly trimmed; not at all what she had expected

    9. How he could pull off being so damn good-looking with a face so scared and ruined, she couldn’t understand – but he did it well

    10. “McGill wasn’t too good-looking to begin with,” he mentioned

    11. Are all the daughters as good-looking as her?”

    12. Truman’s reaction was as strange as the new arrival’s smile: he began mumbling, ‘You stupid fuck! Asshole! Idiot’ and other expletives, staring rigidly at the good-looking, cherry man

    13. A good-looking young guy like that, with a responsible, secure and high-paying job, with his whole life in front of him

    14. This will free the consumerist society from the need of being good-looking, fit, powerful, rich, or different in order to be seen and recognized

    15. He was good-looking and very funny, plus friendly and kind to me up until recently

    16. There's plenty of good-looking lads though so we'll see

    17. Hiro was in his early twenties, good-looking and polite, fresh out of college

    18. “There's plenty of good-looking lads at the club though, isn't here? I asked him

    19. good-looking, his hair cut fashionably with a long fringe nearly covering his eyes

    20. Why had Midge, a young lady of thirty, not tied the knot with some good-looking man? Maybe we will find the answer to the question as we continue on as roommates, thought Monica

    21. tall good-looking man in his twenties or early thirties

    22. This monetary concern kept my youth fairly tame, although I attracted and was attracted to some very good-looking and active women in the two colleges I would later attend

    23. That bastard Derek sure is a good-looking son of a bitch, he thought with jealous ire

    24. “You have to be really, really, really, good-looking to be up here above everyone else

    25. hair in need of a decent haircut, but he could pass for good-looking, he decided

    26. Do you remember our neighbors the Sanchez? The lady with the most strident voice I`ve ever heard with a hilarious taste for the gray and discolored outfits whose husband likes to observe us through the fence bars in the summer evenings, thinking that we are not watching him? Well, it turns out that this odd couple has a very good-looking grandson called Joseito, Spanish diminutive of Joseph I guess, that is spending his vacation here

    27. I always felt good-looking

    28. The ‗guest‘s, as they called them, were always potentially good-looking young men about the same age as Sebastian

    29. Monique was foreign, good-looking and intelligent

    30. She had black hair and ivory skin and was considered a very good-looking woman

    31. From their point of view it was pretty unlikely; I already had a good-looking girlfriend and only a blind, half-witted spaz would be seen dead with Florence

    32.  They use good-looking actors with big houses, expensive

    33. “You know, he’s a really good-looking kid

    34. A good-looking man with electric blue eyes was squeezing his hands and talking low and urgently to him

    35. To praise her just for going out with a good-looking guy, to not see through the woman’s superficiality, they must also be superficial

    36. They do not see her; they see the status she holds from her good-looking guy

    37. No matter how good-looking he

    38. The plan to let him know that I was no longer interested in speaking about my past was simple: I was an accomplished bar-talker, and he was good-looking, with a razor sharp mind

    39. "Plus, you wouldn't want that good-looking cop to know, huh?" Gerald laughed as he struggled again to turn over

    40. The descent suddenly stopped at a floor; they swiftly composed themselves, the doors slid open, and a good-looking man of about 35 stepped in

    41. Good-looking and very suave

    42. Though he did not immediately see the man he was seeking, Wickland knew that he would probably be perched at the end of the bar buying drinks for good-looking young women as was his nature; it was a position in which Wickland had found him on numerous occasions here at the club that was a favorite of young people in search of a good time partying at a fairly reputable establishment, generally free of any disturbances

    43. one of those ruggedly-good-looking models you see in the sport’s

    44. Dave was good-looking, well spoken and impressive in the interview

    45. She was a good-looking woman, and she had a brain on her,

    46. The man who entered the room was unbelievably good-looking, even to Melissa; with all her worries and pre-occupations it took a lot for her to notice attractiveness in the opposite sex

    47. The waste of space with the pretty face? The cute little ass you just have to pass? The good-looking schmuck you don't need to fu--"

    48. All of this fashionable restaurant’s waiters were good-looking

    49. Then, after viewing the rest of the gladiators he was ready to return to his seat, saying as he shook the Euric's hand, "Good-looking group you have

    50. That good-looking hottie that teaches with him

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    lovely gorgeous pretty exquisite comely beautiful