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    grandchildren frases de exemplo


    1. The question remains--when your grandchildren seem to have developed a different system of right and wrong than those of your youth, what is the proper response? Young in every generation have necessarily to change the way of life to get over stagnation and prosper

    2. One of the greatest divisors between grandparents and grandchildren is unsolicited moral advice

    3. It is certainly difficult to remain silent when you see your grandchildren making poor decisions

    4. If your grandchildren know that you are available, then you can be assured that whenever a difficult situation arises, they won't hesitate to ask you for advice

    5. It's not a requirement to hide your disapproval in all situations--just let your grandchildren know that while you disapprove of their decision, you will always love them

    6. I think that the reason that grandchildren are great is because they come to you with their open arms and open hearts, unspoiled and innocent

    7. With grandchildren, you make time to be with them, answer their questions and just love them

    8. Grandchildren have a special place in our life, and our own children never feel jealous of the attention we give to their children

    9. It is a fine line we walk as grandparents, to love our grandchildren without interfering with their relationship with their own parents

    10. Grandchildren bond us together with our past and give us hope for the future

    11. Grandchildren provide a second chance for us to do again what we may have lacked the first time with our children

    12. We either didn't have the time or energy to SHOW the Love for our children as we can our grandchildren

    13. Living in the same town (or even same state) as your grandchildren is not always an

    14. · For younger grandchildren, buy maps of both your city and your grandchild's city

    15. Send pre-addressed, pre-stamped envelopes for grandchildren to respond

    16. Email is the best way to communicate with your older, busy grandchildren

    17. Stephen could have children if he got a move on and married a younger woman … but unless he does, Molly’s not going to have any grandchildren

    18. took no comfort then in the wonderful fact that the first of her grandchildren had

    19. and on days out with the grandchildren

    20. children and three grandchildren (with another due to arrive in August, 2000)

    21. Davis) and two sons (Kevin and Brett), Five grandchildren, (All the children and their

    22. He took no comfort then in the wonderful fact that the first of her grandchildren had called her Nana to her face before Charos stole her away from him

    23. They invited him to Sunday lunches and on days out with the grandchildren

    24. and why his grandchildren are afraid

    25. Anyone standing on the ground would have a sight to tell his or her children and grandchildren

    26. to having a brood of grandchildren around my feet

    27. Something to tell his grandchildren

    28. jumped - he’d never have any grandchildren

    29. But, the walls of the Archenon remained unmolested throughout his life, as well as the lives of his children, grandchildren and all his line until the present time

    30. But my grandchildren had the best idea they used their flat surf skimming boards and that worked a real treat

    31. the education of their grandchildren as a prize,

    32. So just enjoy the story that we’ll tell our grandchildren

    33. (namely grandchildren), depending what point in time the

    34. Soon he will have to think about retiring to a life of leisure and enjoying his spoils and grandchildren,” Zarko replied respectfully

    35. She might still be alive when the grandchildren arrived

    36. May they be blessed with many children and grandchildren as they spend the rest of their lives together in happiness

    37. She wanted to be able to be a grandparent to all her grandchildren for as long as she lived

    38. children, grandchildren, and great grandparents journeyed to Cana for the happy occasion

    39. After we greeted each other, I looked around, hoping none of the grandchildren or children would visit

    40. The spouses and grandchildren were so quiet, one hardly knew they were there

    41. After Jesus died and was resurrected, I journeyed back to Nazareth with my children and grandchildren

    42. So do the rest of my children and grandchildren

    43. The only thing that really pissed me off was that I would never grow old with Helen and that we would never have children or grandchildren my branch of the Lamb family would die with me

    44. She wanted him to find a nice girl, get married and give her some grandchildren

    45. Grandpa used his chickens as a tool, a mechanism, to raise his daughters and his grandchildren

    46. their children and grandchildren, which accounts for some of the

    47. that their children and grandchildren might spend many of them as

    48. The main and perhaps only point is that your children are still the grandchildren, nieces, nephews and cousins of their mother’s family as well as yours

    49. When he died at age ninety-three, he was blessed with five grandchildren and a great-grandchild

    50. It turned out that she spent the war in Russia where she got married and had one son and two grandchildren who live in New York

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