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    Use "grateful" em uma frase

    grateful frases de exemplo


    1. snug upon the streets, something for which David was rather grateful

    2. ‘Oh Mum … I can …’ she starts, but I press the money on her and with a sheepishly grateful smile, she takes it

    3. The job is at offices in Taunton – damn! – and the job sounds pretty lousy but beggars can’t be choosers and the underlying feeling I get from Jackie at the agency is that I should be grateful that anyone is prepared to interview someone as ancient as I am

    4. ‘I could come and have a look …’ I said slowly, grateful to her for giving me a second chance

    5. Even so he was grateful for that much

    6. I am so grateful to God for that moment, because it

    7. They were all grateful when the huge fans turned off and slowly spun down

    8. was a small gift from a grateful mother to this fine father of the race of Nosferatu

    9. And they were grateful for so much

    10. Leonora couldn't guess, and Ruby couldn't tell her, exactly what was in the large, oddly shaped crate, but it took four hands and two backs to maneuver it out of the truck and into the garage of the grateful recipient, who gave them each an extra cash bonus as he rubbed his hands together with unseemly delight

    11. He could make that person very happy and eternally grateful if only he just hurried it up

    12. I was grateful that there was no mirror

    13. As though in confirmation of his words, he makes a point of hanging around at the end of the session to clear the chairs for me – for which I am grateful

    14. He never got any feedback from the notes he sent to the Kassikan other than a formal 'thank you for bringing this to our attention, we are grateful for any knowledge

    15. It was a small gift from a grateful mother to this fine father of the race of Nosferatu

    16. ’ Kara said, grateful for this more sturdy ground

    17. At least there was nothing to link her to Joris … that’s something to be grateful for

    18. The woman was grateful, and told Son that she would help him in any

    19. The sound of the telephone ringing broke into his enquiry as to how she had slept … for which she was grateful

    20. She chuckled, the realisation that she’d be grateful for his company – for a variety of reasons - coming as something of a surprise

    21. Fred was as ever, grateful for the central heating

    22. Cosmicblasto eyes shut almost immediately, grateful for the warm

    23. For all that, she was immensely grateful for his mostly silent, supportive presence

    24. She placed it in his left hand and he was immediately grateful

    25. most grateful but wished that Joe would go with them

    26. The weather is happily dry though I am grateful for my nice warm vullejakt

    27. No-one quite knows how it works and the kahtmasters do not encourage investigation, but all the same, we are very grateful that it does work

    28. Alan was grateful for this

    29. ’ I replied, sipping my coffee, grateful for the immediate hit of caffeine

    30. Grateful for the lack of undergrowth, I run as fast as I can, the two men flanking me

    31. ’ I replied, grateful that I shall be able to put my boots on

    32. I am most grateful that you do us honor in this way

    33. ’ I replied, grateful for the offer – I am so terribly tired

    34. ’ I said, grateful for this information

    35. I've come to pray to Agia Agni and would be grateful if you'd respect my wishes

    36. And most of all, thank you for the new life you have blessed us all with; we are truly, humbly grateful

    37. As I read through my notes, yet again, the telephone on my desk rings and, almost grateful for the distraction, I pick up the receiver, not really concentrating on it

    38. I am only grateful that Alastair, being of a typical artistic temperament, is not overly bothered with practicalities and can camp here without going insane as long as the one or two things which are important to him are accommodated

    39. wonderful things in your life that you are grateful for, and give

    40. Treacle is sitting on top of my car, he stretches and yawns at me … I go over to stroke him, grateful that he is still here

    41. ‘On the contrary, Katie, I understand all too well, and I would be very grateful if you would please not take that tone of voice with me

    42. He heard the storm howling outside and was grateful they were alone for the time being

    43. That was to keep as close a watch on him as possible, he was grateful to her for doing that, hoped she hadn’t paid too high a price

    44. Needless to say he was very grateful for her thoughtfulness; something she made a point to cultivate with her soldiers

    45. whatever I believed I could do, as long as I was grateful

    46. grateful for all we have, and learning to create the life

    47. I’m grateful we have it, and as I said

    48. “We are grateful for the help and the trust you have given us Queen Naria,” he answered with a short bow

    49. be grateful that the answer is there to find, and try

    50. She was grateful that she hadn’t actually been hurt yet, Heavenly Talstan used tortures no mortal could live thru in their interrogations

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    Sinônimos para "grateful"

    grateful thankful pleasant agreeable refreshing satisfactory satisfying gratifying welcome appreciative beholden indebted obliged