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    Use "guaranteed" em uma frase

    guaranteed frases de exemplo


    1. There is a local saying “If you can see Carn Brea it’s going to rain, if you can’t, it already is” a nd, if you stand still for long enough, you wil be guaranteed to turn mouldy

    2. It was hot already, she wouldn't want anything more than this and the energy resources available on this planet guaranteed that even in lavish quarters like these, air conditioning would be nothing more than a laboratory curiosity for all time

    3. has always guaranteed the healing to His people

    4. That was guaranteed in the most basic wiring

    5. The current chip installed was sold under the tag 'Seventh Level Black Sorcerer' and was guaranteed not just to work, but to retain its competitive position for a decade

    6. A week here would be all right, any longer and their safety could not be guaranteed

    7. "Elarika purified rord, guaranteed to call any starship within seven light-years," he looked at Alan, "and wake all hostile carnivores in a twenty-mile radius," he looked at all of them

    8. He was prepared to give evidence in any trial bringing the traffickers to justice, as long as it guaranteed financial independence for Sophia

    9. is a guaranteed holiday in the first month of the year

    10. But our days on Earth are not guaranteed to last and there were some generations who lacked fulfillment of training, it has not been so with your father's ancestors

    11. The note wasn’t signed, but the seal guaranteed its

    12. way guaranteed to bring her back

    13. But even this was far from guaranteed

    14. Might only be perfected in time; yet, even this Is not guaranteed

    15. You can’t always be guaranteed with the quality of work

    16. subsequently in the form of ingots, guaranteed

    17. She in turn hoped that the same sort of guaranteed surprises of her army life would make staggered if not even far rarer appearances

    18. Keerava and Talen-Jei always loved and thanked such weather for the guaranteed business it pro-347

    19. If Mr Snickerty was known to all as 'The Adjudicator', then Mr Pinscher enjoyed equal notoriety as 'The Collector' and his appearance at the door in pursuit of arrears invariably guaranteed a satisfying quantum of deference

    20. In his mind he could see the man leap from one of the approaching mountains: that final act of madness guaranteed to ensure death

    21. ‘If you call a third of my salary guaranteed for only a year compensation, then yes

    22. It seemed that at the next global election they were now guaranteed to win their first seats

    23. Raiya’s death, however, was not guaranteed to be a swift one

    24. “The only rest you are guaranteed Pte Woods is when your toes have curled up and you are thrown with the rest of the corpses until then you will get on with the fatigues you are given and carry them out quite cheerfully”, and with this parting remark he proceeded to hand out the working parties and assignments

    25. With the threat of the Elusivers ever-present, no firewall was guaranteed to be effective against their infiltration

    26. It comes to our attention that, in a recent attempt to stem taxpayer losses for bad loans guaranteed by Fanny Mae and Freddie Mack, Senator Bob Corker (R-Tenn

    27. The man had basically guaranteed he would follow his orders if Adem was able to prove he was the Blue Water Dragon

    28. There are things that you can “say” (and/or “do”) to her that are guaranteed to make her feel good (or get her to realize that you have the potential to make her feel good (when she's with you)

    29. Before then – before what was still laughingly referred to as the war – Milo longed for the heat of summer to end; now he wasn't so sure if he actually preferred the post-GW climate to the once guaranteed autumn mildness

    30. It is guaranteed to ruin your day and make you want to shoot the next lawyer you see, (joke)

    31. He’d been told that the can’s contents were guaranteed to kill any insect within ten seconds and hoped that was true, because he knew that if any fleas got near his skin, he may as well stick his head up his ass and kiss the world goodbye

    32. This traditional blend is guaranteed to please

    33. Such isolation, combined with French demands to be bribed not to invade again, almost guaranteed Haiti would remain as poor as it is today

    34. The US-Mexico War made the Civil War far more likely since it created new states and guaranteed more bitter conflict over slavery

    35. Polk's war, begun to take territory to expand slavery, almost guaranteed its end

    36. But where Buchanan almost guaranteed a long destructive civil war, Johnson guaranteed a destructive peace, one that acquiesced to terrorism

    37. Under his proposed Share the Wealth program every family was to have a guaranteed minimum income of $5000

    38. But doing that would not have guaranteed Iraqi rebels winning

    39. Republicans, not wanting Obama to succeed anyway, concentrated on tax cuts and sabotaging unions, both guaranteed to worsen the economy

    40. In short order, an agreement was negotiated and (as he insisted) signed by a judge that guaranteed an airtight seal on her identity until one week before trial

    41. I’d get through this alive and that was guaranteed, but there was no guarantee I’d really want to in the end

    42. That was guaranteed by its height of twenty feet, its bifurcated barbed tail, the red-hot flaming hoofs instead of feet, claws as large as jet engine fan blades, and a devilish smile that said that this one knew he had a natural capacity to instill gaping awe, mind-numbing fear, and send men early to their graves

    43. She worked behind a stony-face that guaranteed her anonymity, which was a shame because she was an attractive woman

    44. His quarters at the kaserne did not have guaranteed privacy, and getting Elizabeth in and out of the post without being seen would be impossible

    45. “How did you find out about that? That was a protected secret guaranteed by a federal judge!”

    46. It’s a guaranteed percentage, maybe fifteen or twenty percent, plus all that power

    47. How can we ask children to do something that we are not prepared to do ourselves? It is almost guaranteed that if children are displaying an over fondness for sweet things one or both of the parents have that same behaviour or habit

    48. That guaranteed that North Korea would remain a country and not

    49. Every deposited amount in Bank3Sector will be transformed in public certificate or certificate of bank deposit without nominal endorsement, in other words, in guaranteed certificates for the Central Bank of the country in that the Project is implanted

    50. PART that generates guaranteed income to the

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