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    half moon frases de exemplo

    half moon

    1. ’They’ll be up on those moons before long, digging the wealth out of them, then we will have permanent half moons to look at

    2. A half moon peeked through the tree overhead splattering the table with prisms of light

    3. He shushed her quietly as he ran his thumbs over the soft half moons that were her lips

    4. It must have been one in the morning, the near half moon bright in the starlit sky

    5. So I let the half wit keep smoking his half finished square through his half opened window under the half moon while I half cared and thought for a moment on one half of my brain that it was half of his life that he was cutting in half; not mine

    6. Say, we’ll be out of fuel at Half Moon Lake in about two hours

    7. Two hours passed before the Diamond T ground to a stop outside the pumphouse at Half Moon Lake

    8. We were trying to make a fuel run to Half Moon Lake in a phase three

    9. “We made a run out to Half Moon Lake in a phase three

    10. We just fell about, laughing and Tommy pulled a rose bush out of the ground and started slashing at the other flowers and things with it, like he was sword fighting, and that was funny too and I sat on the lawn and watched the two or three half moons spinning around a fruit tree over by the wall

    11. ?" Jose stood in the half moon's light, nervous of what might transpire

    12. � The light from the half moon was enough for her to fly her Storch at its cruising speed of 85 miles per hour, but not enough for the anti-aircraft gunners now scrambling to their guns to acquire such a small, low-flying target

    13. With her uncommon eyesight and the light from an half moon, Ingrid actually felt nearly at ease, apart from the tension of expecting to meet enemy soldiers at any time

    14. With the half moon hidden by black clouds and with the persistent rain, it was impossible to see anything else than the lights of the plane in the night, which was about as dark as a oven

    15. With only a half moon to provide some illumination, Ingrid kept rolling and turning her plane in order to follow as closely as possible the terrain contours and stay under the enemy radar coverage

    16. Had he more time, he would have liked to have examined it in more detail, for he admired the rakish, half moon like wings and the tiny bubble canopy, and the apparent anti-radar surface features on the body of the vehicle

    17. Even in the poor light from a half moon, the characteristic twin tails of F-83 fighter aircraft could be seen sticking above the protective walls of the revetments, thus guiding the S

    18. The half moon

    19. ‘It’s half moon now and I would be twenty steps away,’ he crooned into her ears endearingly

    20. The old man had a big house near the Half Moon Inn and William lived with him when he was at school

    21. A crowd of young people had gathered up by the Half Moon Inn

    22. He was hoisted on their shoulders and carried to the Half Moon Inn

    23. The crowd outside the Half Moon had stopped cheering and were chattering excitedly amongst themselves

    24. They cleared the cesspools and entered Half Moon Street

    25. The sky was dark, the stars not visible above the gray clouds, which were also barely discernible in the soft, distilled light of the half moon

    26. I was just out here looking at the half moon

    27. The half moon had risen high in the sky by the time Zac reached the gates of the manor

    28. One could not walk twenty meters without coming across a half moon shaped burial site built into the earth with a high concrete backing impregnated with a plaque bearing details of the lucky soul put to rest there

    29. “Nice!” Was all he said, but I felt myself turn several shades of red in the aftermath of his comment and I was glad it was dark, except for the glimmer of the half moon

    30. beams of a half moon and the waterhole lying like a mirror on the ground girdled by frosty

    31. It was full dark by now, the half moon in the sky

    32. I looked at the caller ID and saw it was my sister, Catherine, who lives a little way down the coast in Half Moon Bay

    33. We made a pit stop in Half Moon Bay, where my sister lives with her two daughters

    34. I for one was thinking about when Joe and I got married here in Half Moon Bay not long ago

    35. LESS THAN AN HOUR LATER, Jacobi and I pulled up in front of condo 3A at the Blakesly Residential Community, down the coast in Half Moon Bay

    36. I COASTED INTO A filling station right inside the limits of Half Moon Bay

    37. It was on the outskirts of Half Moon Bay—only five or six miles from where I was standing

    38. The Watcher knew exactly who Lindsay was, what kind of work she did, and why she said she was in Half Moon Bay

    39. Three miles down the road, I turned off at Crescent Heights, an idiosyncratic collection of houses freckling the face of the hill at the tip of Half Moon Bay

    40. We would be back in the center of Half Moon Bay in ten minutes

    41. I told him that we’d canvassed the city and Half Moon Bay for weeks

    42. “So where does that go? Eighty percent of the people in Half Moon Bay are married

    43. All the dots between the Half Moon Bay murders and my John Doe hadn’t been connected yet, but I was pretty sure I was right

    44. I remembered that Bob Hinton had said that two other people had been killed in Half Moon Bay two years before: Ray and Molly Whittaker

    45. He said he understood, but how could he? I still didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life, and I had a sense that I wouldn’t know until I’d gotten to the bottom of the killings in Half Moon Bay

    46. Twenty minutes later, we entered the outskirts of Half Moon Bay

    47. Toward the end of Main, I hooked a right onto Route 92, Half Moon Bay’s umbilical cord to the rest of California

    48. He also knew nearly every person who lived in Half Moon Bay or had passed through his little gas station at the crossroads, he told us

    49. He shook my hand and said, “I hope you’ll spend all of your vacations in Half Moon Bay, Lieutenant

    50. “We have a suspect in custody, and he has confessed to the murders that have terrorized the residents of Half Moon Bay

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