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    halted frases de exemplo


    1. False teachers need to be halted in their tracks

    2. Some scientists think that should free-radical damage be halted or

    3. He halted for a moment, leaned against the wall and watched her

    4. She halted her men from the grim task they were performing and questioned the young boy

    5. There, too, will you be halted

    6. He is then halted from receiving help

    7. Red Hawk made no reply but halted his course and looked at Suzanne

    8. minority opinion and gladly halted all the festive proceedings, returning the cheer

    9. " The man appeared eager to drop Alec as he halted near the others

    10. halted as Jean raised his hand

    11. Air movement halted, sound stopped, and time stood still

    12. when the train halted, but in the interval between the second

    13. I halted when I came to a lake

    14. The bus turned left and after a short distance halted near a

    15. When even the long-toothed feline halted its hissing and DRAFT

    16. “It’s very good to see you both,” she said from her halted cart

    17. Their journey halted - he'd forgotten that there was an escalator there

    18. Mr Snickerty halted mid-step and clutched the railing

    19. The musician had temporarily halted his playing and with their eyes locked, he had extended a hand in an effort to ease away her reaction and softly hushed the girl

    20. Sammy ran to the steps and halted

    21. The car suddenly halted, nearly throwing Sebastian from his seat

    22. The caravan never halted

    23. Only people with problems halted and later rejoined the group

    24. Joseph halted the donkey, looked back and shook his head

    25. Abner halted and yelled

    26. The demons were all halted mid-step

    27. Aspen’s words halted just short of her lips, and she found the only thing she was capable of producing was tears

    28. CSM Domby stood in front of us when we halted and said

    29. I walked down General Gordon Street and turned into the gate of No 123 walking up the path I halted in front of the door and then knocked on it

    30. As the night seemed to get darker we halted in a lane a short way from the front line and I thought bloody good show just let me sit down

    31. I halted beside him and he looked up at me appealingly so I simply told him

    32. They halted for an hour or so to pay the farmers for supplies, fruit, animal stock, and barrels of their apple cider for the nobles to savour

    33. If they halted to water the horses, they may not reach the city walls before nightfall and then fall easy prey to Nightwalkers

    34. I winked at him to show that it couldn’t be helped obviously he had been ordered to do this as the squad shuffled in front of me I spat out the cigarette as they halted and turned

    35. The lift halted with an abrupt Jolt, sending a surge of adrenaline through his arms and central regions

    36. and the distortion in the field has temporarily halted their advance

    37. The Confederation had halted amidst this cloud, drifting with it, giving the tech

    38. The procession halted outside an enormous tent that used three Maranell Trees as central pillars

    39. Though even by grace of L-Seven-Six the inevitable could not be halted

    40. His peregrinations halted in front of the tray with the cup of tea on it

    41. On the top of the hill I halted and revelled in the glorious view, for the atmosphere was unusually clear, and the vast undulating sea of gloriously tinted foliage could be traced for miles

    42. My carriers were behind, having halted indefinitely for “chop,” so I went a short distance through the bush to see what the row meant

    43. The guard began to rush me, but was halted by Harold’s beefy hand thrust in his face

    44. She had only taken a few steps when Sicarius’s voice halted her

    45. In the Canosa valley, below San Juan, the American officers halted

    46. She need not have worried, for they halted and stared when they saw her and Sicarius

    47. Brock halted, cocked his head and smiled

    48. Finally, having reached the entrance to the Great Chamber, the trio halted and for the first time the two guards seemed unsure of themselves

    49. Brokin halted his column as the forward scouts returned to report

    50. As the attacking boars passed by on their way towards battle, the hidden defenders slipped quietly out of their hiding places to join with those already stalking the column from the rear, and by the time that Brokin had halted his badgers at the broken oak tree, he was already trapped between Grindel's superior forces in the sett and Cherva's boars in the rear

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