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    Use "hammer out" em uma frase

    hammer out frases de exemplo

    hammer out

    1. I had a guy in AA hammer out the dents for twenty bucks cash, and I repainted with aftermarket spray cans from Benny’s

    2. the hammer out to finish

    3. Except this time, you have to hammer out a Plot, the Elements

    4. It took them half an hour to hammer out the plan

    5. “I think he said that he would just come back here at two o’clock to talk with you and hammer out the deal

    6. The young half-dragon resolved to sit down with Nord tonight and hammer out any resentment

    7. “It is, I’ll have to hammer out a spot

    8. administration as well as from the House and the Senate and hammer out a

    9. When she was finished Cambridge, like any good listener, repeated the story's key points in order to hammer out any possible misconceptions on his part

    10. Because lips libertine and venal had murmured such words to him, he believed but little in the candour of hers; exaggerated speeches hiding mediocre affections must be discounted; as if the fullness of the soul did not sometimes overflow in the emptiest metaphors, since no one can ever give the exact measure of his needs, nor of his conceptions, nor of his sorrows; and since human speech is like a cracked tin kettle, on which we hammer out tunes to make bears dance when we long to move the stars

    11. Although the president approves and gets credit for these treaties, legions of hardworking public servants laboring under the direction of the secretary of state actually hammer out the agreements

    12. Some pocket pivots can occur as stocks that have corrected and declined a significant amount finally “hammer out” a bottom after several weeks or months of base-building along the lows of the decline

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    Sinônimos para "hammer out"

    resolve forge decide