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    Use "hangar" em uma frase

    hangar frases de exemplo




    1. The hangar they were in front of was immense but inadequate to hold the jet whose tailfin was exposed to the elements

    2. The thud of the avionics area’s doors echoed around the cavernous hangar

    3. Ome arrived at the Hangar, was heartened to see a sizeable gathering of Chosen and Elders had beat him there

    4. Ome was on the verge of directing the Elders and Chosen into defensive formations, maybe barricade themselves within the Hangar before the Dark Army found them, when suddenly a Chosen shouted out in warning

    5. He didn’t seek information, he heard the tale of the Hangar from the other survivors

    6. “It took all of us to take down but one of these, if the rest of the Elders shared a similar fate, we will be hard pressed to near the Hangar

    7. “When I spoke with the survivors, they say a single, powerful entity took the Hangar

    8. Darkness swept from the pod, spreading outward and into the Hangar

    9. “I’m going to the Hangar,” Adros said, side-stepping Brontes

    10. She held on tightly to X’ander’s hand as Adros and Brontes headed out to the Hangar

    11. X’ander wasn’t sure what became of the other groups of elves and Magi, they only found two other groups as they sought to reach the Hangar

    12. Time enough to deliver the little goddess to the Hangar

    13. Ostedes was preparing to move on, to further his power, further the chaos, when suddenly he sensed new arrivals to the Hangar – both of their minds oh so familiar

    14. They entered the Hangar

    15. On their journey to the Hangar, they shared a theory; if Adros’ staff of King’s Wood could control the Dead Tree, could its power extend to those the Dead Tree possessed as well?

    16. As Adros slowly regained his senses he looked around, realizing he was still at the Hangar, and quite alive

    17. And not much time after that, he encounter the group of elves and joined them as they sought to return to the Hangar

    18. They were chased by evil, but Jakkar knew that an even greater evil awaited them at the Hangar

    19. End over end it sailed through the Hangar

    20. Denalin touched a few of the buttons and the main viewer sprang from the morphing star field to a real-time view of their own hangar bay below

    21. It was like gathering for a lecture or a cinema; the crew huddled around the log recorder sitting out on a workbench in the hangar

    22. “Yes!”' the Elf clapped and took each of their arms in her hands as her escort and let them lead her out of the hangar

    23. “Lorien, Lúthien, you are cleared to launch,” the Elf announced to a waiting pair of crews in the hangar bay

    24. Isin confidently said, “And between the empty hangar bay and our own storage bays---off-loaded temporarily---the Huntress can accommodate over two hundred with ease

    25. There was a brief rush from the bridge as the assigned crews headed for the hangar in obedience to their Captain

    26. In the circular room below the 'Hang-out', below Hangar 42, the body of Monty lay cold and slumped upon the black carpet

    27. I especially want to check the state of those hangar doors from outside

    28. Everyone in the hangar could smell the searing heat of the plasma immediately

    29. We went into a man-door on the front of a hangar and an airman pointed the way to the stores

    30. That’s why the corporal began throwing firecrackers out of the shadows inside the hangar door

    31. One big hangar tent was reserved for this purpose

    32. Sergeant Jaeckl was yelling off of a list, work parties peeling off to their destinations, one group taking down empty hangar tents, one bunch crating the last half-dozen kites (planes,) one party loading twenty and thirty-foot crates onto the flatcars at the siding

    33. The mechanics were setting up their benches, polishing tools, and beginning to assemble planes in the big hangar tents

    34. All up and down the hangar line, men were busy with aircraft up on sawhorses

    35. I could see a whole hell of a lot better now, and turned back to release my last two bombs on the hangar and shop complex that the Huns had built into the wooded area of concern

    36. “They have seaplane tenders, with cranes and a hangar on the back,” I said

    37. As the boys spilled out and stretched the legs, Jaeckl came out of an office door on the front of a hangar

    38. Those flying on the mission retired to a hangar

    39. About six o’clock, the bunch of us rendezvoused in the empty hangar reserved for our briefings

    40. Hartle had been going non-stop since the moment he stepped into the ship back in the hangar in T

    41. “So when it came out from behind the hangar, I just knew it

    42. “Then clear the hangar

    43. hangar, which had a tiny office above it

    44. Living in the hangar, and not sleeping, gave me the

    45. I lived in that hangar for 4 months

    46. Jimmy had a hangar that was only used for storing planes because the hangar

    47. ” He hung the receiver in the slot, lifted his parka off the chair and walked out into the hangar

    48. He made a rough estimate of the distance from each to the truck fill stand and turned his steps back to the hangar

    49. ” Ken grabbed his parka and ran out to the jeep that he had parked by the hangar

    50. the rear of the hangar

    1. He said he had some personal business to deal with and took one of the Gulfstreams we have hangared in Europe

    1. There were still a couple of hangars full of stuff to put on the flatcars

    2. Gaps, pale glimmers of something…could it be the hangars? Metal roofs? Why not drop a bomb and find out? It’s too bad

    3. “You could have hangars below decks, with one of those fancy electric lifts like they use in hotels

    4. Cuxhaven, they have a lot of big airship hangars there

    5. More silently now, the ship crept ahead and he turned it carefully onto a taxiway in front of the hangars

    6. He yelled into the microphone, fooling no one but at least you could say he tried, then slammed his throttle way forwards, gave her a little up and at ‘er, and they flew through a small row of private hangars that collapsed in pathos all around them

    7. Ken stationed himself in a briefing room inside one of the large hangars and waited for the call that would begin the refueling operation

    8. Next was a much larger collection of clothing for Talia, arranged on long rows of floating hangars

    9. the freight depot where EVA suited Marines in full battle armor supervised the disarming of their captives and transfer to a series of large empty maintenance hangars

    10. Most of the action however seemed to be in the hangars area, where there was still some resistance

    11. Nancy didn’t make fun of her for that: Europa One Station was a truly big place, with all the facilities to house over a quarter of a million people, plus hangars and maintenance shops to service its astroport

    12. hangars; pure raiment that we will wear for all eternity

    13. The smaller of the large ships, along with three of the minor ships, then left the formation and flew down towards the two hangars and the parking apron that had been reserved for the expected visitors

    14. It also has hangars and launching bays for dozens of attack craft and interceptors

    15. Looking around him, he saw what appeared to be a standard military airfield, with its wide grassy surface and hangars

    16. Only the more distant ship and storage hangars were more or less intact

    17. The group of reporters and correspondents stepped out of the bus once it stopped behind one of the hangars of Clark Field

    18. However, the bombs from the following VAL dive bombers proved more accurate and destroyed or put on fire many hangars and buildings, apart from hitting one of the fuel dumps of Clark Field

    19. � The maintenance hangars were hit next, hard

    20. � There is this old biplane sitting near the maintenance hangars: do you know about it?�

    21. The four of them were back in the air operations building fifty minutes later, taking their parachute bags and taking the time to let Babette DeMoe change into a flying suit before ordering a vehicle to go to the base maintenance hangars

    22. Margaret, who was looking through the window of her seat, was able to see a row of jet fighters of various designs parked in front of a group of hangars

    23. Once their C-60A had stopped in front of one of the hangars of the Flight Test Center, Margaret thanked her two pilots and climbed down to the tarmac, where Colonel Ascani was waiting for the senators

    24. As Bateman drove, following an asphalt road leading to the personnel quarters of the base, Ingrid had her identify the building and hangars they were passing by, so that she could start familiarizing herself with her new base

    25. Apart from the aircraft hangars and of the technical depots and workshops, the majority of the buildings were single-storey prefabricated wooden structures with sloped roofs

    26. Her long range radar was damaged and down and a number of barracks and hangars had been hit

    27. ‘’He called in to ask to board with his runabout directly in our small craft hangars

    28. ‘This’ was actually a short tunnel connecting the underground hangar where their assault shuttle was with the main communications tunnel linking the various hangars of the surface terminal with the spaceport’s main underground complex

    29. Also on your ship are the 12,680 commandos of the 58th Assault Division, who are about finished loading their combat robots, heavy equipment, ammunition stocks and their 163 assault barges in your hangars

    30. The sleds were reserved for the sole use of security personnel, while the rails entered a tunnel that led to the craft and interceptors hangars complex

    31. There are three long runways, along with half a dozen large hangars and a number of other buildings

    32. Another group of raiders was going to take care of the transport and tanker aircraft parked on a more distant apron, while yet another group would scour the various aircraft hangars

    33. Those casualties included airmen as well as marines, since she had beefed up the close defenses of the aircraft revetments and hangars with ground support personnel

    34. Giving a ride to Tucker in her jeep, Ingrid let the marine senior officer guide Denise Bateman to a garage about 250 meters away, near the lineup of main aircraft hangars

    35. Following a taxiway after slowing down and leaving the main runway, Gertrude rolled towards one of the two wide parking aprons adjacent to the line of hangars and buildings of the base

    36. In order to be able to quickly develop and test that concept without having to wait for Camp Cook to be rehabilitated and enlarged, I intend to use one or more hangars at nearby Muroc AFB, our Air Force Flight Test Center, which has the added benefit of having the use of the wide landing surface provided by the Muroc dried lake

    37. Aldridge couldn’t help discreetly admire Ingrid’s profile as their car drove past a series of hangars and buildings

    38. The containers were transported to the hangars by underground railways

    39. grocery stores, hangars with about sixty exploration

    40. was in the secret hangars, I asked him a thousand

    41. - Each of these ships have in their hangars sixty ships

    42. to the main hangars of the Apollo 918

    43. held in one of the empty hangars

    44. and nothing moves anymore, the mosquitoes are waiting for the word go at the hangars

    45. There's always a fly in the ointment but I pointed vaguely in the direction of some vast metal sheds that looked like hangars

    46. Then, switching channels I said to Nanisha, "We're coming up to the hangars; come on out with your cargo ramp down and prepare for blast-off

    47. hangars on the north side of the airfield

    48. Within minutes, he confirmed the hangar"s phone number and entered it into the Echelon

    49. a row of hangars to allow an Air Canada 777 to pushback

    50. The compound’s main launch facility consisted of 33 buildings and hangars

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