"He left some notes with me that he needs, and I must have left them here
We sit there in silence for some minutes after the policemen have left the room
There's an asteroid coming that's going to leave a crater the size of Lake Entisonggas somewhere on what may be the only planet we humans have left, and you're still chasing around after that damned shuttlecraft
Never should have left
"So we'll grow more in the years we have left
"My guess, and it's only a guess, is that the Governor, the guy who died, would have left his things to Waldeis, the guy who was sick
What if we had crashed? Would they have left me to roast in the flames? I knew the answer, and this too gave me strength
He was stupid to have left it at that level after surprising the one who ran the fake female side
That snowflake would have left one of the larger of the dozens of pinholes thru the soft aluminum framework of any large structural member of the Lula
Alan knew they could track the inactive phone, but Alfred couldn't believe Alan would have left it behind
and have left her here to rot
After all, we got away as fast as it is possible to … our friends couldn’t have left before us and therefore cannot get back before us and no messenger bird could have flown in the storm you tell me we had
after we have left the room,
It had probably landed in an uninhabited area because it was the size of a building and would have left a mark
We put candles on the graves for the ones who have left the village, like Mr
Machines that should give abundance have left us in want
"It's about thirty to forty five proof depending on how much of each ingredient they have left at this time of the evening
I would have still done the same thing,” Duncan struck his chest; “I never would have left you to their mercy
"Could the Curitiba have left a decoy generating the signals you are using to track it?"
It’s on a social level that she’d be at a disadvantage because of her lack of self-confidence and obvious intelligence … her early experience could have left her with a feeling of gaucheness and, combined with the fact that she wasn’t married, it would have made socializing rather difficult for her, especially if men liked her … that wouldn’t have made her very popular with the women
“What states are the original particles in, the ones that have left this universe?” Arthur asked
it’s out of character that she should have left all her diaries and personal documents
I should have left your ass there with the freaking jade bear
Should I have made a different decision then? How would life have been if I had? I can’t see Roland living with mother all those years and I couldn’t have left her alone
“They would be back in that house, but it’s been sold twice since then, there’s nothing left of anything she might have left there
“There may be teachers that remember her, she probably has an old locker at that school, she might have left a bag with someone while she was in the city for that year
“But why would the keymaster have left without letting us out?”
‘Kev wouldn’t have taken the car, would he?’ Chrissie whispered, ‘Surely he wouldn’t have left us here without any transport, would he?’
A glance at his watch told him it was getting on for four in the afternoon … surely Ozzie and Chrissie would have left the barracks by now … he could admit that’s where they had been staying without running the risk of anyone finding them
wouldn’t have left them behind now would they?’
Just as well that he’d given Ozzie and Chrissie sufficient time to get away … with a bit of luck, they’d have left the place clean and tidy – Chrissie seemed to be particular like that
My friends would have left the place by now
Being with him that long would have left her utterly dependent on him
quite valuable and, more importantly, it’s the only thing I have left
‘But what happened?’ Kev asked, guilt gnawing at him … he should have taken her with him, he knew he shouldn’t have left her there with that bastard …
comfortable until the Knights have left, would you? It
that have left her? No, the Archdeacon said the Christian
all of them have left empty handed
I could have left at any
In the next four hours he must have left a hundred copies of that picture
"You will tell him exactly how you have left me," said he
I should never have left your prisons, not before knowing
"He shouldn't have left us, Emily
she should have left – but didn’t
I fear that we have left the door open to the devourer, and
" She must have assumed that, like normal people, they would have left the room unlocked when they left
I told her we may have left the meat in the car though all the adventures we had so she promised she would Tom to collect it and then she thanked me for the egg!
‘Straws will do if that is all that we have left to grasp at,’ said Ammon
‘Given a choice, I’m afraid I would have left,’ he
have left the village, we’ll string you up and renege on the
"What do we have left?" he asked
In each of those periods, however, there was not only much private and public profusion, many expensive and unnecessary wars, great perversion of the annual produce from maintaining productive to maintain unproductive hands; but sometimes, in the confusion of civil discord, such absolute waste and destruction of stock, as might be supposed, not only to retard, as it certainly did, the natural accumulation of riches, but to have left the country, at the end of the period, poorer than at the beginning
our admiration for the courage to have left their
What did he have left to live for now? She was his life – his everything
In those disorderly times, it might have been extremely inconvenient to have left them to seek this sort of justice from any other tribunal
If I’m not super thrilled about my probable trajectory for what remains of my life’s path, I could then spend a while reflecting on some key questions (issues) that may have a positive effect on the time I have left
I should have left Tragus’s punishment to you
I just need to unravel a couple more permutations that I'm certain they had to have undertaken to have left the Lorien where they did---which wasn't in the Illian system by the way!”
And neither of them would have left their embrace for hours, just to take it all in
I knew I shouldn't have left Joss here
I never should have left him
Examples are people who have left their physical bodies during meditation or deep slumber
"I never should have left you
Martin asked if he had any idea where he would go, if he would have left Pittsburgh
Several times the old man had said he couldn’t believe Sloan would have left him without an explanation
The young farmer wouldn’t have left Ayrim had it not been for the guards sent by the Baron to vouch for the child’s safety (and everyone in the Whispering Wind vouched for the guards), but that assurance had come, and so he was without his son that morning
She guessed the other client must have left by another exit, not wanting to encounter the other waiting, speculating on that person’s neurosis
It was restored to them by the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle; and, about this time the spirit of war and conquest seems to have taken possession of their servants in India, and never since to have left them
So great a revenue might certainly have afforded an augmentation of £680,000 in their annual payments ; and, at the same time, have left a large sinking fund, sufficient for the speedy reduction of their debt
And how many days did they have left of Earth time with no slow-down field for protection? Another question he asked of Harvo, who had analysed all the astronomical data
Usually she shelled every beach in turn but today she had concentrated solely on V and W Beaches and the incoming reinforcements which must have left them chewing sand and the shit running down their legs
He said, ‘I could have left you to your flawless tactic … and end up bitter twisted for wasting innocent lives
“You should have left me on the battlefield because I would be better off dead than blind with half a lung and half a face
My original thought had been that he would just have left me at the
“Don’t thank yon bastard he should have left me there to die instead of bringing me in and leaving me like this
If you had said, I would have left Jack and
“You should never have left me you know
So my challenge now is to find the energy and strength to do all that I want to do with the time that I have left
“You know that you didn’t have to stop with me they would have left Bert but I appreciate it and I’m sure Bert does as well
You need to put all of your effort into relishing every moment of the life you have left
We understand he may have left the country but there is no record of it
After an animated discussion as to where they might have left the car they eventually left for Alf’s, Esther was driving and and it was not unusual for her to forgot where she parked
Niagara would have left them with few clues, one way or the other
"They have left our boat
“You could have left without me
As Books had said, Mitsy would not have left a gate unlocked
‘This is all your fault, you told Boyd to work instead of going to university, he wouldn’t have left if he was at university! It’s all YOUR FAULT, YOUR FAULT!’ Mrs Langford yelled at me in an uncontrollable outrage, waving her finger at me like a wild appendage
The principal characters of our (early) youth, whether they be family, relatives or friends, especially those we have come to love dearly and who have left indelible impressions in our lives, are perceived in a wholly different manner as we grow older; where the confluence of a child‘s eyes and an adult‘s recollections seems to add ―something‖ that we might have otherwise overlooked as children but have come to appreciate (more) as adults
I would have left immediately otherwise but instead I hung around her car waiting for her to finish talking with Sian
Twice now he'd been saved by creatures that in normal circumstances would have left him well alone
You could have left on your own, free and clear
Thus says The Lord: If you would have left all your doomed houses, obeying My voice and My command to come out, you would have known why, for I had said, “The atheist shall have it far better than you, when the wrath of The Great and Dreadful God has come”
The Prime Mover may well have destroyed the Circle of Claws, but in its place, She seemed to have left him an even greater gift
"Brokin," Drac began in a grave tone, "the Council of Elders is divided on this issue and have left the final decision to me
No badger could have left the sett without his knowledge
Random shootings in suburban schools, that have left a number of children either dead or wounded, have ―triggered‖ yet another round of liberal hysteria calling for tighter gun control laws or eliminating them altogether
There was almost no way Buchanan could have left a worst situation for him
Where was his equipment? A notepad, or a set of binoculars? And where was the rest of the body? A big cat would have left the head, and probably the intestines
It would have left some big bones
It would have left the pelvis, shoulder blades, maybe a few vertebrae